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Everything posted by Rynjin

  1. Rynjin


    As much as I hate dubstep in general, some of this is tolerable, and not bad in general.A lot of it isn't though, and it causes me physical pain.Same with anything by MGMT. Causes my ears to feel like drills are being put in them.
  2. Rynjin

    Kony 2012

    It's a bit more complicated than that.They don't just want to take him down, they want other countries to INVADE. Other countries whose armies have reputations almost as bad as the guy they're trying to bring down.That, plus the fact that ~75-80% of the money you give them does NOT go to the charity they front? I'm a bit skeptical about donating to these people. They may be on the level about it this time, but once you've killed your credibility like that...There's no denying that he's a raping, murdering sack of shit who's more than a little crazy, but I don't think either this organization or the way they're GOING ABOUT IT is the right way to take him out.
  3. Rynjin

    What are you know for?

    I now know you for having some sweet music in your micspam.
  4. Rynjin

    What are you know for?

    Oh pish posh. Glad I'm known for something sophisticated.
  5. Rynjin

    SPUF Highlander Thread

    I blame myself :(I didn't get hardly any important stabs that game. I really feel like I got you guys fucked over on E too for not getting the Demoman first.
  6. Rynjin

    Should we...

    We haven't banned him already?Also, pony stable idea is BRILLIANT. Just make it auto-redirect him there every time he logs on for a week.
  7. Rynjin

    If This Is True...

    Please sir, teach me this sorcery. Because neither of my HDMI cables fit in any of the slots on my laptop.Macbook Pro.
  8. Rynjin

    What's after Bag O Dirt?

    Nice. I like it.
  9. ♥♥♥♥ing Yu Yu Hakusho is still one of the best fight animes out there.Anyone who says otherwise can take a "SPIRIT GUUUUUUUN" up the ass. This would have been me, but thankfully I never had to turn in an application since I was invited to join the school. Or, I didn't have to turn them in until the school year was ready to start.
  10. I have a severe addiction to wakefulness.Some would call this insomnia, but that would imply that I am incapable of stopping being awake.I CAN QUIT WHEN I WANT TO DAMMIT!
  11. Rynjin

    If This Is True...

    I don't have a 32" computer screen though.
  12. Rynjin

    If This Is True...

    I want this, kind of.Maybe it would be compatible with off-brand console controllers.
  13. Rynjin

    Batty's Hate thread

    THAT SPYCICLE AIN'T GONNA SAVE YA. Freddie Mercury was a great man. HE DIED AND YOU DON'T LIKE HIM. FOR SHAME. Out of curiosity, do you like the Pianist?
  14. Rynjin

    What's after Bag O Dirt?

    As long as I get one that says "Master of Disguise" or "Identity Theft", I'm good.
  15. Rynjin

    Batty's Hate thread

    PRECISELY.I can deal with vegetarians, but a QUEEN HATER?NO DICE.
  16. Rynjin

    I want to make this in Hammer

    Oh.That'll do it then. I did very well on my pure magic character.
  17. Rynjin

    I want to make this in Hammer

    Well, it's not so much that it gets old, more that punching Elder Dragons in the face is like hitting Cthulhu with a flyswatter.
  18. Rynjin

    I want to make this in Hammer

    So...Khajiit Heavy Armor specialist?It's fun for a while, but have fun after level 40 :ugh:
  19. Rynjin

    Hot Pocket Discussion.

    Last night I ate porkchops with spinach rolled up inside them, and the night before that I had chicken with asparagus stuffed inside.DEM'S GOOD EATS MANG.
  20. Rynjin

    The Adventures of Saxton Hale!

    Imposhibibble!There is no WAY some mere American knocked out SAXTOOOOOOON HAAAAAAAALE!!!
  21. Rynjin

    Hot Pocket Discussion.

  22. Rynjin

    We Have A Very Serious Issue On Our Hands

    Eeeexcellent. DOWN WITH THE IMPOSTOR!
  23. Rynjin


    I've never actually played Minecraft. How much is it now? And would it work for Mac?Edit: Gaaah. Tyrone's sig was in my face when I hit post.
  24. Rynjin

    Hot Pocket Discussion.

    Maybe they only sell those in Buffalo, because I'VE never seen them.
  25. Rynjin

    Hot Pocket Discussion.

    Everything you need to know about Hot Pockets.