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Everything posted by Rynjin

  1. Rynjin

    Let's reminisce about old RPGs, shall we?

    Yeah, that was the one problem I had with KH2. 80% of the game was WAY easy, even on the hardest difficulty. But what kept me hooked on it were the BOSS FIGHTS. They were so fun I have a separate save before a lot of them. Mostly the Organization fights. They were extremely difficult, to me anyway, but managed to be fun too. As for the story, I always interpreted Ansem as being not so much a good guy but a Lawful Evil type character. All he did was for his own motives, and he messed up a LOT of people's lives along the way. The problem I had with KH2 though was how Sora went from being a fairly intelligent young lad to being mildly RETARDED in the sequel. I mean, my god, did sleeping for 2 years kill all of his brain cells or something? ...Can we get some other people in here or should I rename this thread to "Ryn and Bernkastel pick apart the Kingdom Hearts series"?
  2. Rynjin

    Let's reminisce about old RPGs, shall we?

    Loved the first one, loved the second one. CoM was very meh, but you were kind of left out in 2 if you didn't play it, I haven't played Birth By Sleep, and I haven't finished 358/2 Days (though it is surprisingly fun for a DS game).
  3. Rynjin

    We need post ratings, like facepunch.

    Hey, I'm pretty sure THIS forum doesn't have that option. And to be fair it's a pretty obscure function on SPUF proper too.
  4. Rynjin

    Vidya Game Music

    ^ Oh, we're dipping into boss fight music now?Let's see what I can rustle up.Kingdom Hearts 1&2 final boss themes: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=varKYwKqkr4&feature=related http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNFVJQO66Qk&feature=related Final Fantasy X, the last GOOD boss fight:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGIswJBe9PU A couple of character themes. Two that are very beautiful/kinda sad (I like the sappy music, so sue me), and one that's just badass:
  5. Rynjin

    Vidya Game Music

    ^ Oooh. I had completely forgotten about that song. That had to be the most epic part of that episode. Vortigaunts are BADASSES.ALSO:Kick it old school with Final Fantasy Legend 2 (Sa Ga 2): http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C6E7QZBvZw&feature=related Not sure if it holds up without context but it plays when The other music in this series is pretty amazing too, but this one just hit me the hardest. Check out the related videos on that one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C6E7QZBvZw&feature=related
  6. Rynjin


    Typhlosion, Second (fourth if you count Heart Gold/Soul Silver), Favorite Gym Leader would have to be Sabrina, most annoying tactic? Piling on status effects for a whole match. Most time: 0. I had other games to play.
  7. New Vegas was more fun GAMEPLAY wise, but it just wasn't as cool or immersive as Fallout 3. Fucking Obsidian.
  8. Rynjin

    Vidya Game Music

    1. HOLY SHIT! Somebody besides me actually played Zombies Ate My Neighbors?2. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAnIB_Y7suM http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHOkZzyuUOc&feature=related http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC2KnVg8zSA&feature=related Yes, I DO like Kingdom Hearts. A lot.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmzZrj-cLSc Dragon Age:Origins Main Screen Music:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lIf62kbo-ERPGs just have the best music. And anything Valve related is a given so I won't post them.
  9. I would love to do this. Either No Relaxe as a movie, Octoheavy Battle Royale part deux, or Dr. Enforcicle's Last Stand ("I was there at the beginning, now I am here to see the end")
  10. Rynjin

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    The CoD series is one that I've never been interested in buying, that's all. I'll borrow them from friends, but after about a week of the same thing over and over I get tired of it. This is my experience from MW2 anyway. Everyone seemed to use the EXACT SAME LOADOUT. Battlefield is like that to an extent, but the maps are big enough that I can get away with running around with C4 the whole game and ninja planting it at people's feet.So I buy those instead :)
  11. Rynjin

    Most anticipated games of 2012

  12. Rynjin

    This tops anything I've ever seen in BF3

    Holy shit mang.Here I was all proud of my 1337 C4'ing people while parachuting and stuff skillz, and then you show me THIS. I feel so ashamed.
  13. Rynjin

    Most anticipated games of 2012

    Oh shit! I forgot Borderlands 2.If I get half as much mileage out of that game as the first one it will be WELL worth teh emones.
  14. Rynjin

    Who here DOESN'T have a button bound to explode/kill

    ^ A fellow console migrant, eh? Weeeeelcoooome.
  15. Rynjin

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    Then your reaction:
  16. Rynjin

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    OIC. Thank ye kindly for clearin' that up.*Has a sad as he realizes he can't drop rep bombs here*Take...1.Edit: Nevermind, take none. I can't even rep spitball on this forum yet :sigh:
  17. Rynjin

    Have we actually banned anyone...yet?

    Hey. I have a Spiderman thing too.I've gotten many a SPUF thread on the right track with well placed Spiderman pictures in pony threads.
  18. Rynjin

    Should we get more admins?

    I volunteer if we ever need another. I practically live on my computer anyway.
  19. Rynjin

    Most anticipated games of 2012

    Diablo 3. Even though I didn't play the other two, it still looks good.Bioshock InfiniteSkyrim DLC...That's about it, I guess.
  20. Dead Space. I never understood why everyone was so enamored with that game. It's fun at times, but it gets too predictable after a while. I think the last time I died in Dead Space was the first time you fight the swarm of face gnawing thong monsters.
  21. Rynjin

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    From my personal cache of Spiderman pictures. Off topic, why the hell won't my profile pic show up?:(