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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Dota General

    An all carry team is terrible, all of them need immense amounts of farm, and unless your team feeds harder than Nitzan always does, the all carry team is going to do horribly. Plus, your team will have no one buying support items, wards, dust, ect, and will lose the early/mid game really hard. On paper, a skill may seem pretty bad, but it can be amazing. PA is infamous for one shotting heroes with a lucky crit.
  2. Guy923

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    checkmate Anywho, welcome. Have fun.
  3. Guy923

    Dota General

    I always wondered, does that include denies?
  4. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    Being a tanky dazzle is hilarious. 2k hp, and a lot of armor because of weave.
  5. Guy923

    Dota General

    Any support with a slow, stun, or disable can gank. There. Just don't try to gank with carries, most of them need farm, rather than kills.
  6. Guy923

    What'cha been playing?

    I'm in the process of finishing bioshock (Thanks Gig), doing tf2 stuff, playing Microsoft Flight Sim with Monochrome, and more doto.
  7. Guy923

    Dota General

    Nyx is slowly crawling up there as well. Weird.
  8. Guy923

    Favorite role?

    I'm a terrible carry, but I do rather enjoy Mid Lane, Semi-carry, or hard lane solo. Sometimes hard support because I buy whatever the team needs and stick with brown boots until 40 minutes in.
  9. Guy923

    Dota General

    nuuu items The dazzle and nyx sets aren't too shabby. Nyx one looks familiar...
  10. Guy923

    Dota General

    Juggernaut. He's got the funniest lines.
  11. Guy923

    Competitive Discussion

  12. Guy923

    Competitive Discussion

    Adios, xboct.
  13. Guy923

    Rule Updates

    I'm suing for sexual harassment.
  14. Guy923

    Rule Updates

    Yeah, it would be nice if we got a general description of what counts as shitposting, or what the mods classify it as
  15. Guy923


    This is quite true.
  16. Guy923

    Competitive Discussion

    rapier on gyro confirmed for counter to 4.2 holy shit that ♥♥♥♥ing game USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA >YUROP GLORIOUS MURRICA LAND OF THE FREE MOTHER♥♥♥♥ERS how can one man have such a mustache and be so based
  17. Guy923

    we media now

    you have revealed
  18. Guy923

    Competitive Discussion

    na'vi lost to nth WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT IS GOING ON
  19. Guy923

    we media now

    back on topic
  20. Guy923

    we media now

    I'd support that, if you catch my drift.
  21. I had to make this, or else Skye would steal my waifu. So, who's your favourite hero (or heroes) and why? This guy right here. One of the first heroes I ever played, I fell in love with him immediately. I love the feeling when you force staff in, & ravage the enemy team. He's so fun to play, & challenging, which I love. Plus he can lead to some hilarious moments, like an epic super saiyan fight against storm spirit, or a slashing contest against a juggernaut. What about you guys, then?
  22. Guy923

    we media now

  23. Guy923

    Dota2Lounge.com; Gambling and you!

    Na'vi vs NTH. God I don't know. They've both been shit lately.
  24. Guy923

    Dota General

    I found out today that Rubick can steal Troll Warlord's Beserker's Rage. This makes you walk around and whack people with your staff. I approve.
  25. Guy923

    Dota General

    Man, I can't wait till Skywrath mage is out. He looks like an interesting hero, and from what i've seen through his voice lines, he seems awesome. From what I can piece together from his responses, the skywrath people died/got killed, and he was the sole survivor, and now he's trying to avenge them. He sounds kinda depressed, but to be fair, who wouldn't be after your entire race dies.