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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Weird builds/ideas

    Armlet Razor? Gives him way more health than a vanguard (Which sucks on ranged heroes), damage, and attack speed, more regen than a vanguard, but it costs a tad more. Could it work with an s&y or something?
  2. Guy923

    Dota General

    If you really need to practice last hitting, open up an empty map, play shadow fiend, level up nothing, and just try to get 70 last hits by 10 minutes. I've heard that by 10 minutes you should have about 50-60 last hits, so that's a good goal. That's rougly killing half of all the creeps (one wave) every minute. also how can some people see their dotabuff rating already shit I wanna know
  3. Guy923

    Dota General

    Oh man, this should be awesome to see. I hope I get in Silver.
  4. Guy923

    Dota General

    The recommendation is usually right though, or somewhat right. No idea why the bfury is core on Bounty though. I generally don't follow the recommendations for early game items though, or boot choices, cause those are usually a bit off.
  5. Guy923

    Dota General

    The general rule of thumb for radiance is if you can't get it before 25 minutes, don't get it at all. It's excellent on Lone Druid's bear, but if it's after 25 minutes or you think you won't get it in time just farm an AC or something else for your bear.
  6. Guy923

    Dota General

    Might've posted it before, but this picture always cracks me up.
  7. Guy923

    Dota General

    Tried this in a bot game today, it was okay until a stubborn centaur didn't want to get on the cliff.
  8. Guy923

    All Mid ideas

    Rubick 5v5 doesn't work, you can't steal spells you have, invoker sounds boring, magnus was okay, pudge was fun, I wanna try lifestealer.
  9. Guy923

    Dota General

    SUDDENLY RUBICK SETS http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=121074941 http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=120741671
  10. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    https://dotabuff.com/matches/102678393 Christ, that was easily one of the funnest games I've ever played. The entire thing is actually pretty fun. Game was fairly close for quite a bit, but we did pull it off. Lastly, I love solo lanes. So gud.
  11. Guy923

    Dota General

    He has a 4.5 second aeo stun with an aghs.
  12. Guy923

    Dota General

    Who's the most chance dependent hero in the game? Chaos Knight, Phantom Assassin, Ogre Magi, or...
  13. Guy923

    Dota General

    https-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLOlGkipXyU Also, team Dignitas, holy shit, skeletons everywhere. What the fuck is going on.
  14. Guy923

    Dota General

    I found outworld demoman, smasher, and his main quote was "I'll ♥♥♥♥ing ward your camps" for a while. I'll be sure to try this some day. What should I eat for the lunch break?
  15. Guy923

    Dota General

    That statement made me laugh uncontrollably for a few minutes. Thanks for that. Somewhat related.
  16. Guy923

    Senior Prom Users Forums

  17. Guy923

    The return of the TF2 Fight Club!

    Done. 3 days later.
  18. Guy923

    Dota General

    Ow, my sides. Just love these guides.
  19. Guy923

    Dota General

    Necro, blink, drums, just utility stuff. Blink/Force staff/Phase is always good to get in position for a good roar off, Necro for pushing, and the Drums for the delicous aura. Or just general support items, if no one else is gonna get a mek/pipe, ect. amidoinitrite? NOW, I have a question. Could a diffusal blade be viable on nyx assassin? I mean it gives you a nice slow, a purge, mana burn, and agi+int.
  20. Guy923

    Dota General

  21. Space jam, & some monty python movie. Some monty python was my favorite movie. (But seriously, any monty python film would be great)
  22. Guy923

    Dota General

    https://dotabuff.com/matches/99338907 we're awful fucking people
  23. Guy923

    Dota General

    God, I need to wipe my shame off somehow after that game.
  24. Guy923

    The return of the TF2 Fight Club!

    Y'can have the keys to the old group if you'd like. I cba to do anything anymore.
  25. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    >jakiro >windrunner Good job. Next time though, don't build a sange and yasha. It's not really a >good< item on most heroes, you could've gotten an assault curaiss or desolator, or MKB with that money. Well, part of one.