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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Dota General

    I dunno about the bastion announcer dude. Listening to his lines, they sound... Eh. Then again I never played bastion but I unno, I just think the Jug pack sounds better.
  2. Guy923

    The Doomsday Thread

    Maybe the apocalypse applies only to MERICUHN time.
  3. That's true. He's got you there, Rammite. Silly honkies and their rules. OT: This update looks promising actually. The comic was awesome, & the weapons look neat. I'm 98% sure it's going to be a buggy glitchfest though.
  4. "Last edited by Rammite" ADMIN ABOOSE
  5. Guy923

    The Doomsday Thread

    It's 12/21/12 in Asia. No one's dead. Well then...
  6. ...there was an update? Man, I haven't played TF2 in ages. How long has this been going for?
  7. Guy923

    The Doomsday Thread

    In case we do die, here's my hat will.
  8. Guy923


    Nope. None here, as far as I can see. Anywho, hi. I'm the resident... Resident... Uhhh... Shit, I dunno. I will enjoy your next 5 posts, before you disappear forever.
  9. Guy923

    I'm New Here

  10. Guy923

    Dota General

    WHAT IF a lone druid had two hands of midas
  11. Decrepify, Rot, & Laguna blade. Shit son, we magic damage now.
  12. Guy923

    Dota General

    3K item that's made near useless by any aoe stun, or sentry wards which are only 200 gold, if you're just using it for your ulti Shadowblade only really works if you're using it offensively, like a bounty hunter, gyro, or Kunkka defensively on heroes like sniper & Drow, or heroes with channeling spells like CM & Weech doktuh it's usually not worth it
  13. Guy923

    Dota General

    >drow's items The trench is deep with this one
  14. Guy923

    Dota General

    Finally found the right picture.
  15. Guy923


    Thing is, Diffusal+ vlads is really gonna hurt, since Diffusal just adds stats rather than attack damage, I think I'd say Diffusal for all around flexibility, or maybe just if you didn't do as well during the laning phase Also, I think the next time I random Jug I'll just buy 6 battle furies
  16. Guy923

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    Think I'll make one of these, since this one is over.
  17. Guy923


    It's okay, if you have lifesteal. It's good for almost all STR heroes. Oh yeah, Cactus, stats at 2 or 4 is usually good, with just a level of your E is good. Max cleave before warcry if you need a bit more pushing/farming power, war cry if you want some armour for your team. Also, BKB before all else on Sven. As soon a you get a BKB, you're fine. Skipping the bracer is fine if you think you don't need the HP. OH YEAH, and consider a bfury on Sven if you really want to farm. It hurts. A lot. Speaking of battle fury, battle fury Vs. Diffusal blade on Jug? I've been seeing a lot of Jugs rush Diffusal blade, it's cheaper, does slightly more damage than a bfury, burns mana, & can set up an easy kill with your blade fury. Battle fury gives you mana, & you can buy 5 of them. Real men take 6, because boots are for wimps.
  18. Guy923

    New Rebecca Black

    I'm scared because I don't know If this is sarcasm
  19. Guy923

    Dota General

    I'm just practicing my master debating skills.
  20. Guy923

    Dota General

  21. Guy923

    Dota General

    Bad player =/= bad hero. Think of all the bad invokers, meepos, & pudges out there. Doesn't make the hero bad. Are we done yet? I'm fuck awful at arguing so yeah
  22. Guy923

    Dota General

    Nah, what binary said. Wisp does some things Omni can't do, & Omni does some things wisp can't do. Wisp isnt really bad, it's just everyone who plays him has no idea what they're doing. Some people say Omni is a bad hero because he's a farm dependent support. Think about it.
  23. Guy923

    Dota General

    Omni has a lot of mana problems, even with a soul ring. Plus, soul ring = -health in exchange for a heal, something you said Omni didn't do. Granted, omni's magic immunity is useful, but it's easily countered by any purge. Regular BKB is more reliable, plus, Omni ded= not magic immune carry You don't pick wisp because of his ulti, you pick him because he's a well rounded support. Even if Wisp can't do something as well as others, he can do it. Think of it as the soldier. He can do just about everything, just that there's probably someone who does it better. Oh yeah, and wisp can tele you to the fountain if needed, then come back and die because everyone's crowded around the spot he tele'd to. I'm not sure what we're arguing anymore, Omni & Wisp are good heroes, just neithe is better than the other. Granted, one may be better than the other at some things, but not better overall. Like Wulff said. Or something. I had a reaction pic for this but I losted it.
  24. Guy923

    Dota General

    You forget that Omni has ♥♥♥♥ all mana to use on his abilities. Plus, the 320 damage is only for close range, wisp's spirits can also be used to push the creep wave, as it also does damage. Also, late game magic immunity is useful, but spells really aren't that great. M2 attacks will hurt A LOT MORE than a few disables. Late game, that is. Also, furion can't bring someone with him, & why spend the money on BoT unless you're a tinker? Also, full phys immunity for 7 seconds is pretty good. Waiting for 150 seconds to do that again however isn't. Also, Omni can't give you mana, nor can he give you absurd regen which a wisp can do with a heart/enough regen items. Lastly, Wisp can give his life away to save anyone else whenever needed, as well as plan an ambush with his relocate back. Imagine their surprise when you bring back a tidehunter with a ravage.