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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923

    Dota General

    12/10/12 Day death prophet stole my bracer while I was stealing the aegis never forget I will never forget until I get my bracer back. I had 3 of those, for fucks sake, the whore took one then I had to sell one for a vanguard & built one into a drum. BATSKATER NEVER FORGETS.
  2. Guy923

    Dead Capitalist Style

    How does Mexico hate the US more than China? Shit.
  3. Guy923

    I think I found Stamda's youtube channel.

    This feels familiar. Is that Tyrone in the background?
  4. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    https://dotabuff.com/matches/75787492 tales from the trench shadowblade wars There were 2 gems, but they sorta got dropped & there was a back & forward and yeah
  5. Guy923

    DotA ripoff for console babbies

    You clearly have never heard of skeleton king.
  6. Guy923

    DotA ripoff for console babbies

    It just being a moba doesn't necessarily mean it's a ripoff of dota but.. this looks a bit... familiar.
  7. Guy923

    Dota General

    "What a cute tower."
  8. Guy923

    subSPUF Weekend In-House

  9. Guy923

    subSPUF Weekend In-House

  10. Guy923

    subSPUF Weekend In-House

    How about in an hour?
  11. Guy923

    Dota General

    ONE MORE TING Ezalor X Chaos Knight is the best lane. I harassed a Luna/Zeus do much they had to roam the rest of the game. & Chaos Knight is my new favourite carry, 2nd Fav Hero.
  12. Guy923

    Dota General

    >farmed ck v farmed drow >easily 1v1 drow >2 of our rax go down >ancient vulnerable >we walk down their mid >about to take their two racks >lifestealer backdoors FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  13. Guy923

    subSPUF Weekend In-House

    Sure thing, except maybe all pick this time.
  14. Guy923

    Dota General

    I can't play carries at all. ;_;
  15. Guy923

    Dota General

    Why does the spirit bear get all the items, & not lone druid? :C
  16. Guy923

    Videogame of the Decade

    I can't pick between shadow of the colossus & portal ;~;
  17. Guy923

    Dota General

    SOME GENERAL TIPS. For tinker at least. ALWAYS remember that your laser does a 100% misrate for 3 seconds, so even if you aren't gonna kill someone with the laser, just the miss is good, you can use it on an m2 carry like drow & give your team 3 seconds to do something. Side note: Laser does pure damage, so use it on that super squishy antimage if you want to. 2, in the last game you had, you got a bkb, which is certainly a questionable choice, seeing as it'd only prevent Rubick's spells back on you, a spectre dagger, & a vacuum from dark seer. It would've been much better to spend the gold on something like a eul's scepter. 3, If the other team has a lot of m2 carries, don't be afraid to pick up a ghost scepter if the enemy team's carries are shutting you down, tinker doesn't depend on his right clicks very much, so you can hypothetically speaking be in ghost mode forever, granted you can spam your nukes & rearm fast enough. Not sure if ghost scepter works on tinker, so maybe ignore this.
  18. Guy923

    Rocky Mountain Man Quest 2012

    Nailed me perfectly.
  19. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    https://dotabuff.com/matches/72724218 Easily the best game I've ever had. Shadow demon is a pretty cool guy.
  20. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

  21. Guy923

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    >level one roshans giggity
  22. Guy923

    Brace for whining.

    My hats are still uncraftable :(
  23. God Bless America. Also, while on the topic of violence in places, this happened near my neighborhood recently. Dunno what to think about it.
  24. Guy923

    Steam Analysis

    http://lambentstew.com/webblog/miniproject/steamanalysis?steamid=Guy923 >mfw 3000 hours playing vidya games what's a social life