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Everything posted by Guy923

  1. Guy923


    no fak u netsan
  2. Guy923

    Added a new forum theme

  3. I need people for mann up mode! COME ON LADIES.
  4. RIP man. You were a hero. He's up in the stars now, watching us.
  5. Guy923

    Super SPUF Fighter

    Since when?
  6. Guy923

    Super SPUF Fighter

    Terrifying? I found it absolutely fucking hilarious. I've never seen Silent angry before, and oh my goodness the first time I do... pftahahhahahah. Amazing.
  7. Guy923


    You bastard, stop forcing me into things I'll enjoy >:CAboot to watch episode 2, onwards.
  8. Guy923

    Japanese shows!

    ALSO THIS. Sorry about the thread necroes, but I've been bored lately and I've started watching more stuff. So far, a few episodes of panty and stocking. So far so good, like Huff said, the visual style stuff is pretty amazing. Also this is correct.
  9. Guy923


    ALRIGHT. Huff forced me to start watching it, and I did watch episode 1.Needless to say, when I pretty much shat bricks and got the urge to watch the rest of the series.
  10. Guy923

    SPUF fun for people with trade bans!

    Okay I have to try this. I HAVE TO TRY THIS.
  11. Guy923

    Normal server?

    Announced it. Let's see here.
  12. Guy923

    Normal server?

    We COULD organize teams and just password the servers on Saturdays or something. Dibs on soldier.
  13. Guy923

    Should we get a normal server?

    We're forgetting one thing. Servers cost lodsemone, and aren't free. 3 Servers would put too much of a strain on Ian's wallet. I would recommend we open up a SPUF donation box, if we even want to think about a 2nd server.
  14. Guy923

    It's here

    HE'S GOT A POINT. A good point. Stop signing and get out there, and make tons of puns and references in tech support threads!
  15. Guy923

    fresh from /tv/

    Thank god Gigolo gave me this, I don't know where I'd be without it.
  16. Guy923

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    No money, can't trade. Wa wa wawawaaaaaa.
  17. Guy923


    http://www.billboard.com/news/insane-clown-posse-to-sue-fbi-a-juggalo-1007803952.story#/news/insane-clown-posse-to-sue-fbi-a-juggalo-1007803952.storySorta kinda related. Sorta. <pootgamzeereactionpichere>
  18. Guy923

    Do you wear glasses?

  19. Guy923

    Do you wear glasses?

    We need to make a glasses club for people with glasses.Doop can be our leader, as he is nearly blind.