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Posts posted by Guy923

  1. Watched 4 current shows last night

    Gakkou Gurashi seems good, I've read a bit of the manga (fuck u corv) and though zombies have been done to death(pun possibly intended)I think it'll probably end up being good. Shovel-chan indeed a best.

    Gangsta seems good (I'm biased af since the guy who's doing the music also did a lot of the music in samurai champloo, and I fucking loved the music in that show), but as a certain Danish man said yesterday it does seem like it's trying a bit too hard.

    Joukmachi no Dandelion seems....really unexceptional. Kinda dull so far but I'll give it the 3 episode rule.

    Lastly, Himouto Umaru-chan, my favorite out of the 4. Seems like a really charming show, I'm not a big fan of SoL shows in general but man, this one seems really interesting. Charming is actually the only word that comes to mind when I try to describe it though.

  2. I have finished love live (season one at least). Enclosed is a picture of best girl. This is a subject not up to argument, any other girls are under-qualified to be called best..


  3. Payday Reference in WoW apparently.


    for the mmorpg impaired: you get a mission to retrieve a black market create for some ogre guy and when you arrive 4 goblins from the blackfuse company named hoxton, wolf, chains, and dallas are trying to crack it open with this chat:

  4. Finally got around to finishing Part 2 of the Jojo anime and now I can't stop listening to Sono Chi No Sadame




    Or do I even want help



    ​sono chi no kioku is 100% better

    anyone who says otherwise is a shitter

  5. I had the most surreal game of Dota today. I was playing

    abaddon support

    supporting a morphling who said nothing the entire game (until the end when he said gg) and this was his item progression:

    and then Marcus (who was spectating the entire time) added him and we got this shit


    Wolf: Who is your friend
    Forget the 420 Bugatti's: The Abaddon. We were just watching his game after hearing you were farming without saying a word.
    Forget the 420 Bugatti's: I jokedly said to him 'Maybe he's saving up for a rapier first itme'
    Forget the 420 Bugatti's: It then came to a point of us trying to figure out just exactly what your game plan was.
    Wolf: Abaddon played really well
    Wolf: Apologies to him
    Wolf: He was nice too
    Forget the 420 Bugatti's: I think he found it funny in a sense. We all did, not something we're used to seeing. What caused you to do that, though? Just curious more than anything.
    Wolf: To be honest
    Wolf: Im dropping MMR
    Wolf: to be able to play with my real life friend
    Wolf: okay
    Wolf: i lied
    Wolf: Tbh im just dropping mmr
    Wolf: Its really frustrating playing 5k
    Wolf: Having people yell and complain at you
    Wolf: All the time
    Forget the 420 Bugatti's: Haha, doesn't that happen at every MMR though? I just mute people at around 4k, but I've seen it at all sorts of MMR via twitch.
    Wolf: I just want to play some simple 2 1 2 dota
    Wolf: not some dual mid strat
    Wolf: or trilane
    Wolf: Tho
    Wolf: Tell abaddon im sorry


    I miss my 25 mmr. Worst part was we were stomping up till 30 minutes even without a morphling. I guess at the end of the day I'm not too fussed about it though, it was pretty funny for a while.

  6. been going through the kara no kyokai movies

    pretty good up until 5 which was just kind of confusing and convoluted and oh god what the fuck is happening this is retarded help
