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Posts posted by Guy923

  1. The Joceline is an upgrade of sorts to the Mosconi (Double barreled shotgun), it deals the same damage but has a mod that increases max ammo, so you can use 000 Buckshot and keep the same amount of ammo as the Mosconi. High damage, low ammo pool, frequent reloads.

    The most balanced is the Reinfeld and the Raven, although the Reinfeld wins due a bigger ammo pool.

    I really dont like the automatic/semi-auto shotguns, so I cant say their good points.

    People usually go with the Loco, since its basically a Reinfeld as a secondary, or the Judge since its a Mosconi of sorts as secondary.

    ​i disagree, i think the raven is better than the reinfeld if you slap a long barrel on it and buckshot

    i believe (though i may be wrong since i haven't played this game in centuries) that pushes it to one shot tans and the total capacity is nuts

  2. Note: this does not apply with HE Rounds, with HE you want max accuracy

    side note: HE rounds have infinite range

    side side note: you actually want lowish accuracy on shotguns, 4-8 is the best place to have non flechette/he/slug shotties

  3. Rynjin, I know you are someone who loves stealth, so let me just tell you this.

    Stealth in Payday is dumb compared to stealth in any other game. Rather than getting in and out like a fuckin ghost with no one seeing you, it's more like getting in and out without raising any alarms, Bank heists usually go like this: Kill the 4 guards (mandatory(camera guy first if possible)), get all the civilians down by YELLING AT THEM VERY LOUDLY AND NOT STEALTHILY AT ALL, and then you either kill everyone or tie everyone down or just yell at everyone forever.

    I'd say shadow raid is the only proper stealth heist, where you really could get in and out with barely anyone noticing,but with the way stealth is designed in this game, where your only options are to hide behind shit and hope you don't get spotted or shoot a guy and bag him and hope his corpse doesn't get spotted it's kinda not really stealth in the traditional sense

    That being said, I haven't stealthed any of the newer content so who the fuck knows if they've improved at all

  4. Medivh as mage huh? I can't say I'm surprised, though I was kinda expecting Khadgar (that woulda been way cooler as well)


    Warlock: Wilfred Fizzlebang, Master Summoner

    Rogue: Garona Halforcen

    Priest: Sen'jin

    Shaman: Farseer Nobundo

    Druid: Hamuul Runetotem


    ​no way Paladin isn't Liadrin, Garona will probably be the rogue (considering there's like 3 famous rogues in warcraft), I think Tyrande will probably be the next Priest, and for warlocks it'd be cool to have one of the eredar guys or cho'gall but i doubt that'll happen


  5. yeah, fuck ross

    starting from 90 and not 1 is pretty hard enough

    what the fuck kind of instructions is "middle mouse button, you hit that shit and you make them shut the fuck and you interrupt them"

  6. I like Barry and Danny the most, shame Danny fucked off and got replaced by Cox. Watching them trying to do a dungeon was pretty amusing. And the way Cox was like "everything we did was fine it's just hard"

    side note


  7. Can people actually name more than one song Armstrong has done?


    ​La vie en rose, what a wonderful world, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing, when the saints go marching in, and just a gigolo (funny enough) off the top of my head

  8. 6:52 PM - touch my beanus: want a sneak peek at what i've been up 2???
    6:52 PM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: sure
    6:53 PM - touch my beanus: http://i.gyazo.com/feb4e16ad35457ff764cc50a713aed87.png
    6:53 PM - touch my beanus: idk if it'll work y'know man
    6:54 PM - touch my beanus: loic is easily blocked
    6:54 PM - touch my beanus: but still worth a shot i guess
    6:54 PM - Puff the Magic H Bomb: reach for the stars dude
    6:54 PM - touch my beanus: alright i'll try!!!
    6:54 PM - touch my beanus: lemme know if u struggle getting on http://www.memepowered.com
    6:56 PM - touch my beanus: nvm it doesnt work


    this is memeing on a new level
