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Posts posted by Guy923

  1. As Artour stood in the school library, the dean approached him: "Artour" He said "This is your last exam, if you fail this you're out, Babaevsky." As he turned his face slowly, with a grin as large as his GPM, he responded with such elegance:"LMFAO wHo cAREAS HAHA Xd"

  2. Okay, so I feel like i missed something important, but I can't really tell what it was.

    Anyone care to explain?

    ​magickus literally just posted a meme and kicked everyone from the steam group and said "trolled" a few times then got banned or s/t and edited his thing to a porn gif

    I think that's it?

    ​ porn gif and gore, in his defense though the porn gif was pretty decent


  3. Not really as apparently everything will be marketable later.

    ​It depends on how much effort you'll put into it, because it a certain point it'll be good because of the item sets+ immortals you'll be pulling in. Either way, I still think $10 for everything you get (and will get because there's no way we don't hit the final stretch goal) is a pretty good deal.

  4. Someone explain, is this Cameron's doing? This just happened today and I sure as hell know no one in my family has set this up.


    ​Scoots got something similar a while back ago I'm pretty sure, he said his mom/brother fixed it i think


  5. Sampled a few shows from this season with my buds yesterday:

    ​I remember saying Death Parade was good. The ending was awful. I think the show had a really good concept and gave you a lot of things to think about with the whole betting your life on a game and questioning morality and what is a life lived well and stuff...but then they just stop with that. Oh well.

    ​I feel like Death Parade was an anime that could've really benefited from an extra 13 episodes, there was a lot of room to explore the whole betting your life on a game thing+ the arbiters feelings stuff, instead we got kinda contrived ending and a few loose ends
