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Posts posted by Guy923

  1. ever tip your chair back a little too fall only to feel the sensation of falling and you suddenly feel your life flash before your eyes as you slowly plummet to the earth only to at the last second manage to plant your hand down and prevent the collision between your body, chair and the floor, only to realize that because you saw your life flash before your eyes you realize you haven't done anything with your life and probably won't and maybe it wouldn't have been too bad to hit the floor anyways


    i have




    i'm conflicted between giving up on ranked until next patch or keeping at it, just a few game loss streak shouldn't discourage me right? or maybe it'd be dumb to try and plow ahead if there's issue i'm having i'm not aware of

    who knows

  4. man my neighbors are fuckin rowdy

    there's two dorms connected by a bathroom with a shower and toilet and my neighbors are crazy

    they came in and asked me if i wanted to freestyle

    one of them threw a condom on my desk and told me "Just lookin out for ya bud"

    then later I hear some fuckin screaming from the shower and one of my neighbors comes in CRYING about how they were fuckin bullyin him like what the FUCK IS HAPPENING
