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<Witty Name>

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Everything posted by <Witty Name>

  1. from what I understand, they also require that games look just as good on the 360 as on other platforms even if other platforms can do a better job of rendering the game than the 360 can
  2. <Witty Name>

    Hey folks.

    Let's go with "Agent X" for extra mysteriousness.
  3. <Witty Name>

    Hey folks.

    Welcome to the forums! Can I pronounce it "AKJFAJFWEJEWJAJEAJKA"?
  4. A fertilizer plant in Texas caught fire last night and was rocked by a massive explosion. It seems like a 300 ton tank of ammonium nitrate went off, which is essentially a gigantic bomb. This's a massive disaster- it destroyed dozens of houses and severely damaged an apartment. This isn't too close to home for me, but it's certainly within a day or two's drive. It's quite scary. They're still trying to sort out the blast area at the moment. So far it looks like an industrial accident, but the ATF is investigating. I wouldn't be surprised if people linked it to the Boston Marathon bombings, but that's highly unlikely to be the truth.
  5. <Witty Name>

    Dota General

    Speaking of which, AM is horribly useless against bots. "Whoo, I got Manta Style! Now I can survive longer in fights and drain more man-" YOU HAVE BEEN INSTAGANKED BY THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM'S STUN STACK YOUR ILLUSIONS HAVE FULL HP
  6. <Witty Name>

    Texas Fertilizer Plant Blast

    An 8% concentration of a fuel oil is pretty bad. Cross-contamination shouldn't be happening when you're dealing with powerful oxidizers in liquid states. It could be something else, of course.
  7. <Witty Name>

    Dota General

    The only correct carry hero is lich please stop playing the game wrong
  8. <Witty Name>

    Texas Fertilizer Plant Blast

    After doing some reading it wasn't the ammonium nitrate itself that caused the explosion. The stuff is an oxidizer, not a flammable material in itself. Given the power of the blast, it was a mixture of ~8% fuel and ~92% ammonium nitrate that went off. This is a completely absurd amount, but it's possible- it's a smaller plant, so there would be less safety-checking than in larger ones. Still, accidentally filling 8% of the tank with hydrocarbons instead of ammonium nitrate is kind of a big "oops".
  9. <Witty Name>

    Subterranean Saloon

    ding ding ding we have a winner The problem with online debates is that the only people who really participate are the ones with strong opinions. You don't get many third-party people.
  10. <Witty Name>

    Terrorist attack on Boston Marathon.

    westboro baptist church you can already guess what they're saying
  11. <Witty Name>

    Terrorist attack on Boston Marathon.

    ultimately, we have to pick and choose what to be sad about otherwise we would spend 100% of our time moping about death
  12. <Witty Name>


    I need to fix my implementation of sudo on my linux box it just gives full powers to everyone whoops
  13. <Witty Name>

    Terrorist attack on Boston Marathon.

    Just heard about this a few minutes ago. It's an absolutely horrible situation. As Huff said, I'm really just growing tired of how destructive man has been to man. This is the sort of thing people struggle with day by day in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. It's disheartening and outrageous.
  14. <Witty Name>

    Decals and stuff.

    In hindsight, that image was probably too complicated for such a tiny texture. Oh well.
  15. Even North Korea's best missiles can't hit Texas. :woop:
  16. <Witty Name>

    da spidurs invad.

    spoilre: they brok up in chapeter 3 :o
  17. <Witty Name>

    da spidurs invad.

    oh boy here we go again
  18. <Witty Name>

    da spidurs invad.

    pls unplug interenet to stop internet priracy
  19. <Witty Name>

    da spidurs invad.

    step 1 writ story step 3 dont go to schol step 2 become rich n famus $$$44444
  20. <Witty Name>

    da spidurs invad.

    WITY STORY IF SCASRY on DAY spidrse INVADED the spufsubs (forum) then wity nam (thats me1) said that he didnt want to not becomine dead from deading spider dead kil was being dead kil portibmfmoermgim spuders ded THE END
  21. At this point North Korea is basically an angry child at the grocery store. China is embarrassed by him and everyone else is just covering their ears.
  22. <Witty Name>

    Dota General

    smoke ganking kills not even once
  23. <Witty Name>

    Dota General

    No cooldowns or mana costs for abilities/items
  24. <Witty Name>

    Dota General

    Why don't we just get ten Tusks, level them up to level 16 with cheats, turn on -wtf mode, and only allow them to attack with their ultimates?