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<Witty Name>

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Everything posted by <Witty Name>

  1. <Witty Name>

    Adventures in Linux!

    Time to install VirtualBox and have a go at Linux. I still can't figure out how to do anything with my Debian box. Should probably try and hook it up the router with a network cable and see if I can install packages that way.
  2. <Witty Name>

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    We need a two-handed surgery simulator.
  3. <Witty Name>

    One for February: Skyrim

    I installed a mod that adds one unarmed damage per level. I deal roughly 120 damage per punch.
  4. <Witty Name>

    Superbowl XLVIII

    did the goalie score a slam dunk?
  5. <Witty Name>

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    Also I just pulled it off in four minutes nine seconds with 3449.64ml of blood remaining however I kind of dropped one of his lungs on the floor.
  6. <Witty Name>

    Turntable FM

    get in the room pls it's party time
  7. <Witty Name>

    in which rammite makes fan fiction

    do I perform a 360 before killing the victim?
  8. <Witty Name>

    in which rammite makes fan fiction

    can I be the butler
  9. <Witty Name>

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    10/10 I accidentally dropped the new heart on the floor and lost both of his lungs dude... DUFE hes DOING THE SURGERY??..... and there he goes GOG DANM those skills> whoa hes doing it man hes making it.......WORK oh man hes got the ~~~~~SLAM DONK~~~~~
  10. <Witty Name>

    Turntable FM

    So I finally made an account. The room will be subject to "DON'T STOP ME NOW" until someone else joins ok
  11. Apparently I am a 50 year old man because I listen to it
  12. FOX is several orders of magnitude more biased than CNN or NBC. Your best bet is to just listen to NPR, really.
  13. <Witty Name>

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    "le internet explorer"
  14. remember guys if it's not FOX news it's liberally biased
  15. binry for president he will get rid of paper money and switch to the hat standard.
  16. vermin supreme 2016, I want a pony
  17. <Witty Name>

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    SNES has more replay value though
  18. ok to be honest I think Ron Paul has a few good ideas but is way too isolationist to really handle things
  19. insane government even more insane government pick one
  20. <Witty Name>


    I stopped playing this a long while back. Has it gotten any more interesting as of late? My experience was as follows- 1) plant thumper 2) shoot a bunch of annoying critters while lagging 3) shoot big critter 4) get resources 5) repeat 50 times and then make one random piece of gear that has +3% faffing about on it
  21. Exactly. I don't like North Korea, but I like democracies. I'm still allowed to denounce North Korea even if it calls itself a democracy.
  22. You're misconstruing what I said. I don't think the second definition is representative of most feminists. That's why I said it's a lunatic fringe. The lunatic fringe isn't the majority, nor is it what I consider the majority by. It's merely a thing that exists. So no, I'm not as ignorant as you claim.
  23. depends on the definition of "feminist" if we're talking about "equal rights for men and women" people, then I'm all for them if we're talking about the "men are scum; punch men" lunatic fringe, then I'm not
  24. <Witty Name>

    my newest comic strip

    this accurately represents my Firefall experience