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<Witty Name>

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Everything posted by <Witty Name>

  1. <Witty Name>

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    oh yeah? well youre banned 6EVER gg
  2. <Witty Name>

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    Can I gatecrash everything and play against random people? I'm still decent at chess after a few years.
  3. <Witty Name>

    Gawker Sites and the /r/Creepshots Drama

    if we tried to implement something like that, we'd probably wind up making looking at people a crime due to a technicality inserted into the bill at the last second
  4. <Witty Name>

    Gawker Sites and the /r/Creepshots Drama

    So basically this is a fight between idiots and idiots.
  5. <Witty Name>

    Fork Lifts Are Freakin' Scary

    /removes glasses my god
  6. <Witty Name>

    PETA's poképarody

    Not pictured: the panel where they get smashed by a collapsing bridge
  7. <Witty Name>

    Planetside 2

    goml scrubs join the wity nam empire fourth faction we're making this happen
  8. <Witty Name>


    I didn't know stupidity of this degree was permissible under United States law.
  9. uhhh no that's more conspiracy-theorist than believing the Moon landings were faked.
  10. Convert two gallons to teaspoons. Don't look anything up or use a calculator. Now convert twenty-five liters to milliliters. Again, don't look anything up or use a calculator. Now tell me which is more complicated: 2 gallons * 4 quarts/gallon * 2 pints/quart * 2 cups/pint * 16 tablespoons/cup * 3 teaspoons/cup OR 25 liters * 1000 milliliters/liter
  11. you mean our Americeptionalism
  12. Next thing you know they'll be allowing pizza pants.
  13. <Witty Name>

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    ^ actual quote from debate
  14. <Witty Name>

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Didn't Romney argue more with the moderator than with Obama?
  15. <Witty Name>

    Finished your backlog yet?

    I still need to play most of the games from the fifth Humble Indie Bundle.
  16. <Witty Name>

    Vidya confessions

    I've never played a Legend of Zelda game for any reasonable span of time. bro fist etc
  17. <Witty Name>

    share your worst jokes

    Two guys walk into a bar.They will go on to live brief, meaningless lives in the finite yet inescapable train of agony that is the existence of the poor man, falling forever into the void seven years later in an alcoholic stupor under a cloudy night sky.Here's the punchline: One of them had a hat
  18. <Witty Name>

    share your worst jokes

    This is so bad. 10/10 please continue
  19. <Witty Name>

    2012 Steam Workshop Halloween Stuff

    The Heart BreakerNOW
  20. <Witty Name>

    share your worst jokes

    What did Hellfire do to Silent?Nothing because he had no liver.