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Mister Maf

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Everything posted by Mister Maf

  1. Is it bad that I had just generally assumed that he had already passed?Anyway... may the speaker of some of the greatest and most symbolic words sleep well.
  2. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/08/open-the-floodgates-steam-to-sell-non-gaming-software/Trufax.Valve:
  3. Mister Maf

    New update!

    March of the Flaming Heavies. :rolleyes:This update certainly came out of nowhere. I'm glad to see that all the new items have interesting effects, and hopefully they're balanced out soon. Most of them seem kind of underpowered to me, and the Pyro sign is probably the most situational weapon in the entire game (while the cleaver kind of obsoletes the Scout's wrap assassin).Personally, I think the tattoo is the coolest thing in the whole update. That, and bugged 4,000 HP sentries!Edit: Wow @ going back and reading the thread. No other comment.
  4. I had completely forgotten those even existed. I've never once enabled them a single time. Do I actually need to do this then?
  5. Mister Maf

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    My friend just gifted me this game. I have so many games I still have to play though! D:! Including Deus Ex GOTY.
  6. Mister Maf

    Congrats DCP!

    Have an unoriginal but just as sincere configuration, especially since I cannot pack in any advanced level of a second language to my head.are you going to paint it
  7. Mister Maf

    Steam Greenlight.

    Not entirely sure how I feel about this, but hey. If we can do more of Valve's work for them, maybe HL3 will come out faster. We all wish.
  8. Mister Maf

    Happy 'MERICA day everyone.

    Pizza, breadsticks, apple pie breadsicks, Twilight Zone marathon on the Scifi Channel. Is good. I'd say this more than makes up for a lack of fireworks.
  9. I have it and I hadn't noticed any of these problems. I thought tracer rounds was intentional? It's a lot of fun! Why so mad?
  10. Mister Maf

    The SPUF All-Nighter

    Because she'd be nothappy and I'd have a headache by 5 PM.
  11. Mister Maf

    The SPUF All-Nighter

    Pfft, I do an all-nighter every night.Yeah, it's 6 AM... prob'ly should go to bed before mother wakes up.
  12. Mister Maf


    SMNC is better. However, This would actually make me play it sometimes unless SMNC ever comes to Mac.
  13. Mister Maf

    I made the Gibus look good.

    Still looks terrible. I'm not even just saying that to be a trolly derp or whatever. The Gibus is unsalvageable.
  14. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/06/03/wii-u-pro-controller-announced.aspx (lolitsacloneofthexboxcontroller) (whichiamokaywith)
  15. Edit: Chapter 2 is done. Direct link to the story: http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=26913 ___ This is a story I'm writing. Yay. So I'm just basically going to post a link to the real thread, but I'll put the prologue below so you have something to get hooked on before going "meh I dont want to click a link". No, this isn't something silly or trolltastic. I hope it can hold your attention. (link: http://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=26913) If you ever post on the Uber Ent forums, I'd really appreciate it if you posted in that thread. c: If you like it, you can find the first chapter through the above link. Individuals Prologue Outside the stadium was a rowdy, shouting group numbering in the hundreds. People chanted and screamed, vying for attention. Hand-made signs poked out of the mass of people, bobbing up and down. One read, "CLONING is playing GOD!" Another, "KILLING IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT". Yet another, "Life is SACRED, not DISPOSABLE!" Onlookers gathered around, and some even joined in. Traffic down the adjacent road was markedly denser for this time of night than normal as drivers slowed to scan the spectacle as they passed. The streets would be ten times more congested when the game ended, but clearing the roads wasn't the issue. From outside, the interior of the stadium shone brilliantly. The entrances cast stark trapezoidal light beams onto the alucrete ground outside - even the light tone of alucrete, even this ground power washed every Sunday evening by an entire crew of underpaid maintenance staff, lay dark in the late Monday night compared to the beaming light emitted from the doorways. From across the city, an observer would see a glowing aura above the sporting arena bright enough by itself to block observation of the stars - of course, with the rest of the metropolis illuminated as well, it hardly mattered. The mess of people outside was silhouetted against the building and cast one massive shadow across the street. Striped across the stadium front slid a holographic news ticker: "…consuming the Achilles chemical plant in Nevada continue to burn out of control, despite the best efforts of fire crews from around the North America, from as far away as the Industrial States and British Columbia. Virginia Community Party senator Bill Richards announced his endorsement of clone civil rights today, with much vocal opposition from Communitan regulars. Indonesian rebel fighters have claimed responsibility for…" Nobody seemed to notice as the traffic slowly thinned out until there was nary a single hovercar passing by. Then, all at once, the streets and sidewalks were filled with sirens and lights. Bright white headlights and red flashers illuminated the buildings. Hoverbikes, sleek black and silver police pursuers, and heavy wheeled armored cars closed in from both directions. Enforcement officers took positions behind their vehicles as masked riot cops poured out of the armored trucks and formed a line on each end, blocking off passage with clear riot shields. Though the riot cops' faces were covered by their hard black combat masks, the faces of the enforcement officers made it plain to see that every single one of them was a clone. Covered by uniforms, each one had a serial number and barcode tattooed on their shoulder. Identical strong-boned faces with identical sharp green eyes peered down the sights of identical issued handguns. It was the opinion of the Fairville City Police Department that energized weapons didn't have the same psychological effect as the crack of a classic combustion firearm, and its enforcement officers were all excellently trained marksmen. The masked riot police, meanwhile, underwent rigorous physical training to give them power in case they needed to "defend themselves" from a mob. Their matte black armor was insulated, which served two purposes. First, it made the suits all-weather and comfortable in any temperature. Second, and more importantly, it protected them from their own electric batons. All at once, in a highly robotic manner, every riot cop took their baton from their belt and raised it in the air with their right arm, riot shield held by the left. Every baton crackled to life, humming and snapping. Low thunder rumbled from far away. A uniformed figure climbed on top of one of the armored cars. He was the one man among them with a different face. His skin tone was dark but his eyes a brilliant blue. In white light, they would seem to glow, but they were dim in the red of the police flashers. The silver badge on his chest and double-bar captain emblems on his lapels, on the other hand, shone a menacing red as he raised a microphone to his lips. Speakers on every vehicle relayed his commanding voice: "ATTENTION CITIZENS. This will be your one warning! Return to your assigned dwellings at once or you will be arrested and forcibly removed from the stadium grounds! You will be tried in a court of law for your actions! If you return home now, all charges will be dropped! THIS WILL BE YOUR ONLY CHANCE. BE WISE!" The riot police made a gap in the middle of each shield barrier. The nervous crowd that had gathered just to observe quickly made its exit, but the demonstrators stood their ground. A chant arose from their ranks. "Violence is not a sport! Violence is not a sport!" They raised their protest signs in the air. Some unwise fools raised aluminum bats and golf clubs - tokens of age-old sports that had dwindled in popularity with the rise of the one going on inside the stadium, but they were also potential weapons. This was all the excuse needed. The riot police closed their walls as the last onlookers made their fleeing escape. A purple-white flash of lightning shot through the sky with a deafening boom. On their captain's orders, the armored clones made their advance, batons buzzing and crackling as light rain drops were snapped up by the electrified rods. The maintenance staff was called to clean the blood afterwards. An excited roar erupted from inside the stadium.
  16. Mister Maf

    Individuals - a darker look at MNC's world

    Chapter 2 is donehttp://www.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=26913Starts on page 9^_^
  17. He's 100% correct and it's really pretty simple.
  18. Prets much.pc master race
  19. Before people start wailing on Macs, I'm going to put this here: At the risk of rekindling the age-old Mac vs. Windows war, there is one place that Apple computers have an upper leg, and that's in laptops. Macbooks are much more compact, heat-efficient (this is huge), and convenient for travel and general use than a Windows laptop. The taskpad is much more well-made than any taskpad I've seen on a Windows computer, and the overall production and presentation just screams "this is a quality product". In my experience, OSX works much better on the compact platform for some reason while Windows just seems to often have some performance issues (and Macs have the built-in brightness and volume adjustment from the keyboard, which is awesome for power management on a laptop). Is it expensive? Oh yeah. Is it ever going to have a graphics processor besides the one integrated into the CPU? Most likely not, at least not currently (but let's be fair - GMA 3000 handles DX9-caliber pretty well; obviously they have to use OpenGL instead). But unlike with iMac vs. Desktop, the Macbook has significant advantages that make it attractive; the extra cost actually goes towards some great things. iMac vs. Desktop isn't even a contest; there is literally no reason to buy an iMac unless you have tons of money to blow and have no space under or on your desk (two conditions which do not compliment each other - if you have money to blow, spend it on a bigger desk). Build your own computer exactly how you want with your own prideful hands for much less than an iMac and with a superior "heavyweight" operating system. If you like to play games on a computer, don't even think about not owning a Windows computer - if you just have to have a Mac, then it means you'll either need two computers or need to spend a ton of money on a noncustomizable high-end Mac and dual-boot it with Windows - and both options aren't exactly ideal for everyone. Just my two cents. I used to be a diehard Windows fan, but for not any real apparent reason. I spent four years with the old white Macbooks, and I hated it but at least got used to it. The old white Macbooks DEFINITELY had more flaws than they were worth, and I had real issues with it when I was using it. Then I spent one year with the new updated Macbook Pro after they retired the old white regular Macbook, and I really learned to like it and saw its advantages. Now I own my own as a travel computer. I'm on it right now as I'm out of town. I would never forego building my own Windows desktop to get a Mac and it takes a lot of internal convincing over the price before I consider buying a Macbook, but I really do think, having a good amount of experience with them, that Macbooks are generally better laptops as an entire package than Windows laptops. So don't judge when I say I'd like to be able to play SMNC on the go. My computer at home is a mother of a Windows 7 monster (or it was a couple years ago, now it's just really good) and I have a lot of pride in it, but I've learned to not hate just for the sake of hating. tl;dr: iMacs suck, but Macbooks have some great things going for them that make them a legitimately good product over Windows laptops at the expense of a higher price. That said... $2199 BASELINE?!
  20. Mister Maf

    Hey guys. Guys.

    I graduated and remembered this forum existed while tagging people on my friends list and came up with a "SPUF" tag. Actually, I posted like twice earlier and then forgot again. I think there was too much random Internet silliness for me to keep track of before and too much work to do, iunno.What have I missed? :)Also the board needs to be offwhite to highlight the white borders in my new signature. Thanks.
  21. Mister Maf

    Im back with a new sig

  22. Mister Maf

    Individuals - a darker look at MNC's world

    binarycodery u rep and no post
  23. Mister Maf

    What may be goodbye :c

  24. Mister Maf

    Individuals - a darker look at MNC's world

    I don't think very many TF2 fanfictions take the Dr. Seuss hat for the Soldier into account. The talking gorilla can be worked in without the space suit. Most of the characters have a zombie skin, too.Also, again, human rights theme.