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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    Dota General

    Update is out (according to patch notes - Valve Time is in effect). I look forward to finding games with people who speak English and/or the guys who just ticked all three boxes, Team matchmaking where we can all tryhard and getdunkedhard, and new cosmetics to drain my student loan faster and faster until I am left starving, but at least with a fancy courier or five.
  2. Skye

    That Guy With The Glasses

    I do sympathise for the guys at TGWTG right now. If they didn't bring NC back, they'd never get the traffic or merit from Demo Reel alone, and the website would lose out on views. If they did bring him back, it would show that Demo Reel was not worthwhile and possibly leads to repetition or stagnation for the website. I'm glad he's back, at any rate. Good show.
  3. Skye

    Dota General

    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BChd9FUCAAAMmhB.png:large Also I got another tournament item. yaaay
  4. Skye

    Quick! Get the tinfoil out! ALL OF IT!

    I think Abrams apologised for the whole lens flare thing with Star Trek, which I actually enjoyed more than I thought I would. Well, the film, I mean, not the lens flares. Yeah, he's not the best director in the world, but I can think of some way worse directors who could be in charge of something like this. Like, uh, that guy who did Moulin Rouge. Yeah, I hate that guy.
  5. Skye


    My new rage reaction gif. The fact that I am both named Jack and happen to be an Authr makes it all the sweeter.
  6. Skye

    Dota General

    I don't care if the bad players will just tick all the boxes, I don't care if it will make my matchmaking times horrendously long, I AM JUST SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW.
  7. Skye

    Dota General

    Which is why I saved a copy, so I can paste in the previous one and then change the newest hero. I imagine it would be tricky if someone did more than just the heroes, though. Hm.
  8. Skye

    Dota General

    As far as I know, he still hits like a truck if he gets his gold and levels like any good carry who went to school. Maybe not the powerhouse of The International 2, but every hero is viable (given the right situation) and Morphling is still a tough bastard in the late game when he's dripping with Agility and splashing you to death. Also I found the file to change in-game text. I now call all the heroes by their lore name, like Lyralei and Raijin. #getonmylorelevel
  9. Skye

    Dota General

    brb changing english.txt
  10. DOTA Rule 34. Well, if the bank robber is named Corvo Attano, it would be logical to place me as the bank robber. Assassinations and farming is all I know, If not, I can be the cop who is two days from retirement.
  11. Skye

    Dota General

    Oh yeah, the DOTA 2 Marathon for Charity is up. Give that a watch and maybe a penny or two.
  12. Skye

    Dota General

    "Kay, guys, we're not playing a serious game." > Me as Juggernaut: Hand of Midas, Refresher Orb, Dagon > Another Player as Invoker: Force Staff, Aghanim's Scepter, Eul's Scepter Still a very fun game overall though. Sick pro fire laser jukes all around.
  13. Skye

    Dota General

    I don't like losing as a hard carry. It makes me feel like I didn't do anything, because I had to farm in the early game, and by the time I'm ready for battle, we've already lost a set of barracks. There's no easy answer. >: And don't tell me "go and fight earlier." Anti-Mage is squishy, okay?
  14. Skye

    Dota General

    By the by, the new chests have the Radiant and Dire HUD skins in them, which is pretty fancy.
  15. Skye

    Dota General

    It's future proofing, in case a later patch balances a hero by giving them an Aghanim upgrade. At least I think that's why. Also can we make a separate thread to gush about cosmetics? I think that's what half my posts are about. Nyehehe lone druid panda nyehehe
  16. Skye

    Dota General

    My first loss as Templar Assassin. Please, Lanaya, baby, forgive me. ; - ;
  17. Skye

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    I thoroughly approve of this update.
  18. Quick rundown on how this is simply terrible: 1. Generation "Y" is not even a thing, and if it were, it would have more than two entries. 2. Dogs do not equal personality. If they do, you can find a hell of a lot of desktop backgrounds that fulfill that quota. 3. Oregon Trail was originally released in 1971. 4. Troll dolls still exist, and should not be the subject of a lulzy "we get internet culture!" joke. 5. Even in the nineties, anyone I knew who said they were "pumpin' jams" was taken into a street and beaten to death with pool cues. 6. Pogz? Really? You couldn't get the rights to Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh cards, could you, Microsoft? 7. Assuming that they also "grew up" as a child of the nineties, this means that the people behind the latest Internet Explorer are barely in the twenties in the best case, and not even old enough to drive a car in the worst. And, of course: 8. THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH INTERNET EXPLORER. You could have put an advert for fucking shampoo at the end and it would have stayed just as effective at selling the product. Go on, name five things you know about the new Internet Explorer now. Oh yeah, nothing, except that it was possibly made by someone who wouldn't be allowed into a pub. A terrible advert.
  19. Skye


    Was not expecting this sort of fourth wall magic, that's for sure.
  20. Skye

    What'cha been playing?

    Aside from the usual DOTA and TF2, I've got back into Fallout: New Vegas, now that I have all the DLC for it. I've only gotten through Dead Money so far, which I honestly didn't like at all. I found it very tedious to play with the radio and red gas nonsense, and there was little to no exposition or even just an interesting story for it - to this day, I still have no idea what the hell Elijah was after. The characters were interesting and the atmosphere was fantastic, but otherwise I just rushed through it to get back to the Mojave. That said, I'm getting into Honest Hearts now, which I'm enjoying a lot more with more wide open vistas to explore and less fucking annoying radio bomb collar bullshit.
  21. Skye

    Dota General

    That's the tune one plays when they intend to go Blink and Slam. Make a Man Outta You is the tune one plays when they intend to farm to Level Max. I chose the one with the most factors. And also because fuck your stupid weeaboo anime bullshit, kawaii desu, uguu~~ =^w^#;; (But cheers, people who haven't seen the guide should have this on standby as well.)
  22. Skye

    Dota General

    It is recommended - nay, compulsory - to listen to this when you are playing Anti Mage. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvX2s3ZTktc *arrow hits the ground* LEVEL MAX
  23. Skye

    Dota General
