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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I wouldn't mind trying it out, but... Crikey, 40GBs. That's commitment for a free weekend.
  2. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    True, I found this the neatest part of the whole thing. You can't get rid of them via the market, since even at the lowest possible price, several hundred people have probably done it before you and barely anyone is buying them to begin with. Converting them to gems is a great way to clean up the inventory, no more clutter in my inventory or market page. Only so many emoticons I can handle. But yeah, already the flaws of the auction system are showing - the "monopoly men" (hoarders, traders, whatever you want to call those kind of people) are all way ahead while us poor people must sit and squander in the dirt.
  3. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Steam Holiday Auction Bidding? Oh, good. Time to not participate at all. But hey, a comic.
  4. Skye

    Payday General

    What an unusual trailer. Very much liked it, along with Clover's exquisite voice acting. And the video description confirms that it's December 16th, and that Clover is a new crew member. Doesn't say if that's also a separate skill tree, or if she is bought as part of the DLC or just released for free on the same day. hmmmmmm
  5. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    I finished Gurren Lagann. The "moon falling" arc was what made me reluctant to wrap it up, as it sort of broke away from what I enjoyed about the show, but I stomached it and eventually we got back to characters acting like themselves and giant robots fighting each other. As for the final fight with the Anti-Spirals, it was one excellent marathon of escalation, with things always getting bigger and bigger (which was awesomely inverted with the very final fight, in which Gurren Lagann actually gets smaller and smaller when they throw absolutely everything they've got.) The moonfall stuff was mostly just cynicism, while the Anti-Spiral fight was cynicism getting blown up by the power of optimism, hope, and big fucking drills. Which is what I love the show for. And then it all wraps up with a hopeful peek into the future and a very charming scene on a beach with Simon - a surprisingly nice and quiet ending, which seemed very fitting. It was like the whole show had been one long exertion, and the ending was finally a chance to take a breath and think about everything. Thumbs up. That said, I still feel the first half of the show was more complete to me - comparing the two, while the second half is by far more exciting and action-packed, the first half took its time more and knew when to breathe. For example, that whole episode when Simon is in grief is just excellent, every scene brimming with that tense atmosphere, and making it all the more awesome when he rises up again. It also had a more clear structure and the villains were more interesting and definable (although they were also big fans of having vague motivations, along with Lady What's-Her-Face from Kill la Kill... Is that their studio's signature or something? Vague villains?) The first half also had a few awkward moments (the animation downgrade in one episode, and having a beach episode) but the second half just hit me the wrong way sometimes with how out-of-character some people were and how the Anti-Spirals are barely ever explained in any decent detail or exposition (and then it turns out they're just Reapers, but dumb.) But the show, on the whole, was very enjoyable to watch and to date, I'd say it's my favorite anime (probably because it's the only one I've watched through till the end.) On a side note, I tried continuing with Kill la Kill, but as awesome as Ryuko is, I can't move past the weird concepts and the fanservice. It's probably a bit too 'kitsch' for my taste, while Gurren Lagann was bizarre but still relateable in that sort of "it's like Transformers if everyone was shouting" way. I'd say that it seems good, though, from that objective sort of mindset, like Death Note - artistically great, but not for me personally. Jabber jabber jabber, aren't I a bore. Basically, I like drills now.
  6. Skye

    TF2 general

    That's one more than I expected.
  7. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Thank ya kindly. That all sounds fair and acknowledges personal opinion. I will partake in more of the show just to see if it is the same case for me, but thank you for sharing. this is why you are secretly my favorite
  8. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm getting a lot of gibber about how it's amazing or shite, but no reasons for those accusations. Guide me, senpais. Guide me.
  9. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Watched the first episode of Kill la Kill. I liked the art style and the smooth animation with how everything is very energetic and snappy, the comedy style with short and simple gags and how everything is exaggerated to the Nth degree, and pretty much everything about Ryoko (her voice acting, her personality, her design, even her body posture is awesome.) The other characters were alright, although nobody really stood out to me besides one of the admins who reminds me of Kamina. I disliked how vague everything was (where are we? who is this lady? what just happened?), and since I'm a total prude... Yeah, that fanservice is really hard to stomach. Additional penalties for pointing out how blatant it is, and then doing it anyway. But I liked it overall. So it did something right. I guess I just can't escape the grasps of those darn drills.
  10. Skye

    Dota General

    They're killing Christmas to save 2015, so it seems. So, tragic villainy? I'm actually quite excited to see what they mean by "a major improvement to Dota 2’s engine". Is that graphical or optimization or additional features? Might be nice. Might be superfluous and boring. Who knows.
  11. Skye

    Dota General

    Beyond the Summit 2's All-Star Match was absolutely amazing, probably the best All-Star there's been (over the ones from the Internationals and that Starladder one which was crap since the players gave up halfway through.) It's All Random Deathmatch, so there's lots of stuff going on and it's pretty funny and chaotic, along with some genuine "sick plays." There's one chronosphere and death ward in particular that is glorious. The only problem is there's a woman in the casting crew who is very poor at her job - either parroting the others unnecessarily, singing badly, or spouting memes (which I don't find too bad but I know some people will shout "cringeworthy" for fair reason). If you can get through it, you've got a fun game to watch.
  12. Skye


    Skarmory was on one health point and paralyzed, and still took at least twenty balls to be caught. What a persistent tart. I love her so much now.
  13. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I haven't found the police too overpowered, but the capture bar does fill up alarmingly fast in moments when it seems like it shouldn't. As for takedown missions... yeah, they suck. Those are fair points. Despite the flaws, it's probably the best in the genre right now - being able to drive from San Francisco to New York at 200mph with The Glitch Mob on the radio is hard to match. If you're a fan of the genre, it's probably worth picking up. Otherwise, best to wait for a deal. EDIT: The "Overpower" mission has some fucking awful rubber-banding AI. I'm double the recommended level and the 1st place AI still tops my max speed, even when I'm using nitrous. And I doubt the Shelby GT is a bad car. Also irritating as it forces you to use a street spec car on a dirt track, when I have a perfectly good dirt car sitting in the garage.
  14. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    or you could buy Burnout Paradise for much less Ah, so you haven't played it, gotcha.
  15. Skye

    Game Grumps

    I can agree on that, I think they would have some better chemistry. The "loud and passionate vs. mild and subdued" angle would have been more pronounced. I guess I'm comfortable with critiquing them as presenters, not as people? Or maybe I'm just a total bitch and a hypocrite. It's probably both. I dunno. And yeah, they're on a cycle of three games right now so nothing major to talk about in terms of the games, that's fair.
  16. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The Crew is out. If you like driving cars, I would recommend it. ...I feel I should have a joke or something, but I don't. Sorry.
  17. Skye

    Literature and Whatnot

    Mortal Engines is worth a look for those who are bored right now. Let me read you the first sentence of the book: "It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea." There, interest piqued. I'm not sure how "cities are now giant tanks" can be unimpressive. But I dunno, I am easily bemused by "awesome" stuff. But there's bounty hunters and airships and orbital lasers and Terminators and such. So that's my vote. Also got reminded of Of Mice and Men, thanks to an ad I saw today. Still makes my lip tremble when I think of it. "Tell me 'bout the wabbits, George."
  18. Skye

    Game Grumps

    Should we just rename the thread "TMZ General" or something? Seems that nobody talks about the show anymore, and just about how the people involved in it are awful for some reason. I have little patience for "gossip." In some vain, weak-willed attempt to get this burning carriage back on track from "did you hear Arin gets off to punching kittens?", I'm glad the Grumps are doing Tropical Freeze. I found it to be a pretty fun game that many people overlooked, so it's nice that they're showing it (for all the controller-breaking difficulty it can be, but man, it's so goddamn colorful, it's lovely.)
  19. As a UK resident, I can assure you that nobody watches UK porn anyway. I doubt you'll see much "adult content" with a Yorkshire accent. That said, I have yet to see one with the best accent. Point being, unless there's a huge underground sex slave circuit in fucking Bath, this won't be a bother. Germany is still a stone's throw away, producing all the "good stuff." If you cannot distinguish Yorkshire from Geordie, I do not blame you at all. The UK is weird. Also fuck me, the haircut in that second video is a thing of majesty.
  20. Skye


    source source source I NEED IT
  21. Skye


    After the "eating an invisible cow" X and Y battle girl, this is quite the improvement. EDIT: goodness gracious i'm coming down with a case of the vapours
  22. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    A very nice puzzle game. Love the soundtrack.
  23. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Things that apparently do not exist in the UK: Wii U Pro Controllers. Wii U Gamecube Controller Adapters. A Nintendo 3DS XL that isn't in a bundle. Decent burgers.
  24. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    It's... learning.
  25. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Standard Telltale practice is you buy the whole season, I believe. Just one episode for now. I would also say that, judging from the first episode, it's possibly the longest first episode Telltale have done thus far, so it seems like good value for money if they keep it up. Spoiler Shade introduces himself twice through them. First time, as Rhys, he appears to be a statue and then when you retrace your steps in a corridor, he's gone. After a few seconds, he pops up. That one is actually pretty good, since you have that slow realization and sort of brace yourself for it subconsciously, getting a cool thrill from it. The second time, it's when Fiona opens a vent. There's no build up and it's cheap as fuck. If this still upsets you, bear in mind that you have the option to slap the prick afterwards.