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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    It's E3 time baby

    Nothing is ever going to top Ubisoft's presentation from last year. That announcer stole the show while simultaneously destroying it. If you saw it, you know what I mean.Also not that hyped for E3 this year. Nothing on Valve's end and most of the big names this year (DOTA 2, Elder Scrolls Online, etc) have already been announced. Still, maybe I'll be surprised.
  2. Skye

    Dota General

    Now if only you could stop trapping me in your chronospheres. :V Also I'm not usually one to join on the whole "DOTA vs. League vs. Newerth vs. whatever" debate, but I found this pretty funny.
  3. Skye

    The Binding of Isaac

    ... I fucking hate this game.
  4. Skye

    Who wants a free copy of Bastion?

    Bastion is beautiful. That's not a word I would use lightly. It really, truly is.And if my recommendation isn't enough, it's TotalBiscuit's favourite game of 2011.
  5. Skye

    Online SNES emulator

    Getting back to topic, thanks for sharing. It's limited, what with the screen size and no joystick support, but this should be a nice nostalgia trip for the weekend.
  6. Skye

    The Mets just got a no-hitter.

    So...The Mets did bad?. - .
  7. Skye

    Dota General

  8. Skye

    Dota General

    Geez that was hilarious. XDoh god, oh man, oh god, oh man, oh GOD, oh MAN, OH GO-
  9. Skye

    Dota General

    Nope. The blog still has a nice big shiny green button for beta invite sign ups if you're too selfish conservative with your cash. Works the same as always.
  10. Skye

    Dota General

    Alright, time to get some neat items. I got to have those cheap bundles, and maybe a few tags, and even some keys if I'm feeling risky. I'll just go to the checkout and- ...
  11. Skye


    I had one, if I remember correctly... It was an okay book. I was never into Goosebumps anyway. You know, being a complete coward and all. +1 macro
  12. Skye

    Dota General

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMy Paypal is empty!Oh noes!D,:
  13. Skye

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    I might never have the balls to play this, but that just shows you what a good job it does.
  14. Skye


    Me too.HALP
  15. Skye

    The Binding of Isaac

    It wasn't the interpretation that annoyed me. I get that it need to be open-ended so that everyone can draw their own, and that's fine. I, for one, thought that it was Or that he was already dead. Or something. Whatever.The point is that the interpretation angle is perfect, and it's one of the things I really like about the game, but the ending irks me in never really having... stuff.. happen. Even if it was a subtle change, like It just seems like I saw one half on an ending, not a whole one, and certainly not a definitive one that rewards those dozen playthroughs I just did.But whatever, maybe it's just too deep and artistic for me to see.PS: Don't even ask me how fit into all this.PPS: If this seems like angry ranting, it's not. It just shows the depth to the game, and I recommend the game and its DLC to anyone with the stomach for its... atmosphere.
  16. Skye


    Goddamnit do I really have to upgrade my computer for this? It looks so damn cool.Also the biggest hook for me is those physics. I foresee so much parkour...
  17. Skye

    The Binding of Isaac

    Okay, so, I beat the most final of the final bosses, And once again, the ending was annoyingly basic and pointless. It's not even that it didn't make sense, because I get that the game is about interpretation, but nothing happened. That's pretty... meh. I prefer the ending with , thank you very much.
  18. Skye

    So, Skyrim...

    I don't think this will top good ol' Mr. Sheogorath's expansion pack, but damn does this look cool.
  19. Skye

    Humble Indie Bundle V

    Hot damn that's cool. It's even a wallpaper.
  20. Skye

    Humble Indie Bundle V

    I own all of those games. That's because all of these games are amazing.I really can't recommend this enough.
  21. Skye

    Dota General

    I'm predicting the store update, as a trial run to see if their transactions system works well in the beta. We wouldn't want any nasty "transaction failed" problems in the full game.If not, then probably two heroes at once. Phantom Assassin and Chaos Knight seem to the most likely.In the meantime, start writing out your shopping list.
  22. Skye

    Dota General

  23. Skye


    I can easily roleplay as different characters than just "me with a nice hoodie". Seriously, I've been roleplay staff (and once admin) for at least three forums, I KNOW MY FUCKING STUFF. SRS BISNES (In honesty, though, if you need me to play a specific gender or role, or even multiple characters, I can go for that.)
  24. Skye


    I was about to suggest this. No, seriously, I came into this thread wanting to say this and just-Yes. Yes, we are making this happen.No idea how, we just WILL.
  25. Skye

    Indie Game Music Bundle 3

    Thank you kindly, though I already have the soundtrack, of course.Quoting so that more people can get it.