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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    Brawl Busters

    I said it seemed to be a TF2 follower. I just needed to know if anyone had tried it and either agreed or disagreed. I'll give it a try some time now.
  2. The Assassin's Creed games do evolve to give some more variety and improvement to things from 2 onwards... Though whether it gets too much variety and not enough actual assassinating is debatable, especially with the tower defense and the assassin training and silly stuff like that. I'd recommend picking up 2 if it's on offer, but if it doesn't impress then leave the rest of the series alone. It's a subjective thing (as is everything in this thread.) Dead Space was not that impressive to me either. Lovely advertising and design from art and sound viewpoints, but the gameplay was pretty hollow and the major flaw was, of course, it wasn't scary. Startling, yes, but not scary. Startling is when something jumps out and attacks you. Scary is when something doesn't jump out but you think it might so you feel you have to check the airduct but what if that makes it attack you oh god what do you do aaaaaaaah ...And getting back on topic, World of Warcraft. Sorry.
  3. Skye

    Brawl Busters

    Of all the games that seem to be trying to emulate Team Fortress... I'll admit, this one doesn't look half bad.
  4. I can think of the lack of killstreaks. That's about it, both of them seem to share a dreadful community, an abundance of hackers, maps full of chokepoints, and grenade spam.Then again, I'm open-minded so maybe I'm not seeing the big picture.Besides, Modern Warfare thread. Best stick to that, I derail things often enough without even intending so. Welp.
  5. So the only reason people like Killing Floor is because they're good at it?Seems pretty hollow to me. I was on the fence but I'm siding with the haters now. NICE JOB
  6. Counter Strike. I understand that it was essential in Steam and it's the grandpa of PC FPS games, but it's aged badly. For years it has not evolved, and grandpa is now decaying in his chair, having soiled his pants and leaving a bad stink in the room. The maps are sins against the art of map design with chokepoints and camping everywhere, the grenades ruin any intelligent combat you were hoping for, and it still persists with hackers and other annoyances to this day. It's a relic and it needs to be buried. Borderlands. That art style is lovely, but I just can't appreciate it when I'm running back and forth doing pointless gathering quests in a dead wasteland. The characters are annoying, the music makes me sleepy and the gameplay is nothing special. Gamespy's forced multiplayer registration is the nail in the coffin. Knights of the Old Republic. Okay, "hate" is strong for this, more like "disappointment." This game was so legendary in all the words people poured over me on it but to me it just seems underwhelming. It's not bad, but I just find it very overrated and I barely made it two hours in before I got bored and moved to Mass Effect, which seemed twice as good and half as praised. League of Legends. The game itself is great, but I have one problem. You have to pay for characters, either by spending real money or spending dozens of games playing with heroes you don't care about, so that you can gamble and buy a character and probably find out that you don't like anyway. Fuck that. Fuck it. Fuck fuck FUCK that shit. I fucking hate it. ...FUCK.
  7. Skye

    Alliance of Valiant Arms

    Me and Guy got the achievement very legitimately. Honest. >_>
  8. I still like it more than Counter Strike. ...Wow, I actually felt the rage I caused from that. I've got a nosebleed right now.
  9. Yeah I think we need to wait and see about the categories first. Unless there's a Best Musical, in which case we re-create Winter Wrap Up. Or maybe Flim Flam Brothers. Both would work.
  10. A master of disguise must know that anonymity is power, and that there is no limit to how inconspicuous your identity can be. I am not a master of disguise.
  11. Skye

    Farcry 3 OMGOMGOMG

    Handycams, memes and Dubstep.What a shame, I was actually looking forward to this. Who knows, maybe the game itself is good, but that's going down as probably my least favourite trailer in months.
  12. Skye

    Mario Brothers!

    So I tried a demo of Super Mario Land 3D in my local store. Then I went home and downloaded the demo of Rayman Origins.Get Rayman. Please.
  13. Skye

    What happened to the Mannconomy?

    The answer is communism.
  14. Skye

    Holy pootis

    I've got a Strange Dead Ringer.
  15. Skye

    What's your best renamed item?

    But that item doesn't have anything to do with electricity. Why would you use that word? I don't see how that- OH @!#$ ME I JUST SAW YOUR NAME GODDAMNIT
  16. Skye

    Dota 2

    Welp, I traded for one anyway. DOHWELLTrying out with bots mostly for now and my God is this good. The variety of the characters, the voice acting, the character designs, just nnnfff. From the few games I've tried I'm best as pushing or ambushes. I tried a PVP game as Broodmother and came out of it without a single death, so that's good. I'm aware that you can accidentally feed the enemy team with the spiderites but there's something beautiful about the enemy pushing into your web and being unaware that you are literally right beside them. Then bam, ambush them (preferably with ultimate.)It seems that in every game I play, I'm the sneaky bastard. Hm. I guess that counts for real life as well.
  17. Melee only Heavy. The reason the Heavy is so slow is because of the weight of those enormous steel balls of his. You'll be gibbed over and over and over, but punching a spammy Soldier to death feels so good afterwards.Real men can count to 3. (And only 3, I guess, but my point still stands.)
  18. Skye

    Blizzard Is Suing Valve

    Schmitzen.I now own this word. Anyone who uses this word must defer royalties to me as my identity is often associated with this word and my image shall not be disparaged in any way.
  19. Skye

    What's your best renamed item?

    Best Christmas present ever.
  20. Skye

    Dota 2

    I did. I lied like a bitch and I think they'll see through it and keep the keys for those fancy pants pro players that do all the animation cancelling and can measure units by their sense of smell or something.So instead I got Skyrim while it was cheap and I'll hawk that for it. I'm not sure if that's 1:1 though. In case it wasn't clear, I'm the derpy one of the bunch. Anyone wants it, by the way, just say the word.Still, if they accept my survey then hey, money back.
  21. Skye

    Dota 2

    I've only recently gotten into the MOBA thing and now that I know what the hell a jungler is, I'm ready to throw money at the screen until someone has a DOTA key they'll give me. I dunno, how much do they go? £20 or something?
  22. Skye

    The best gamers

    To be honest I much prefer Extra Punctuation. It shows off Yahtzee's sexy brain cells way more.Not that I'm gay for him or anything....Anyway, Angry Joe is pretty awesome too. Check him out here.PS: I'm gay for him too.
  23. Skye


    Pick any class, jump in and learn it the old fashioned way. If someone gets mad at you, it's because they are srspants.If you want to be more boring about it, I'd recommend checking out the forums for help and advice, sticking with the straightforward pros like Assault and Gunner, and maybe finding a friend or few to come along.Also if you take my Assassin slot I will strangle you with my delicious bacon.