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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I keep trying to get further into Alien: Isolation but I keep bailing out in fear. I'm ashamed of myself. It's a great game I'll only ever see the first two hours of. Bah, I hate myself.
  2. Skye

    Payday General

    Stream is now uploaded on Youtube. 1:49:15 for Ol' Hox, and 49:45 for Fem!Heister.
  3. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    No arcanas. 0/10
  4. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It's really good. Like REALLY GOOD. I slowly soldiered my way to my first encounter to the Xenomorph and then immediately closed the game and may never open it again but yes, it has excellent art style and lighting and atmosphere and everything. I think the game scares me so much because it's not just because I'm a total fucking coward although I am but it's also the fact that my "strength" is stealth. Stealth games are my bread and butter, feeling in control of the situation, outwitting opponents, and finding my own ways to defeat an obstacle. However, while the game is primarily a stealth game, it's also totally nerve-wrecking for me because I think it's the first where your opponent is on the same level as you - in fact, it's better than you. Some other games attempted that (the Hitman mission where you have to beat the other hitmen to your target or just kill them, the Dishonored mission where you have to avoid other assassins who have supernatural powers, etc.) but the Alien is on a whole other level. I'm so thrown off by playing a stealth game where I'm not "the one in charge" as it were. It's very terrifying for me, although it's also exhilarating.
  5. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I might actually maybe possibly play Alien Isolation a little. Maybe.
  6. Skye

    Dota General

    Lina's Arcana item going on sale at 45% off: £12 The tears and misery of hoarding traders: Priceless. There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Steam.
  7. Skye

    The IT thread.

    I have stared into the abyss... ...And it has stared back. On the plus side, I'm getting more familiar with C++. HA, PLUS, HA HA
  8. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    I dunno, if it ended with the first half, I would have been satisfied. True, the lack of villainous motivation was irritating, but the battle for the capital was epic in scale, the fight against the Spiral King was satisfying after all its build-up, and the final act of Simon triumphing completed what the story was to me - a strange coming-of-age story, showing Simon's transformation from a young and vulnerable boy to a confident and inspiring man (through inspiration, grief, and love.) The shot where Simon and Nia look into the sunset from atop Gurren Lagann leaves a "there's not much left, but we won" implication which would have been just fine for its curtain call. But then it... keeps going. Because... the universe hates spiral energy, because it's dangerous, even though they use lasers and build annihilation programs into the moon, because that's not spiral energy and we can't have people using it because they'll become dangerous, and may decide to kill thousands upon thousands, even though that's... what they're doing? Also some of those characters you used to love are now missing or evil, and we thought you'd like less mecha fights and more political debates. I didn't need to know that Harry Potter's kids got into the Hogwarts houses they wanted to join and go on an adventure to stop an ancient dragon from destroying Hogwarts with magic because it believes magic is evil. All I needed was "and then Harry was happy. The end." Geez.
  9. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    So, Act Two of Gurren Laggan. What with Nia becoming an evil moon AI or something, and Rossiu becoming a dick, and Gunmen being decommissioned, and Lordgenome throhing at the mouth with expositions, and the Anti-Spirals winning the award for the Most Stupidly Named Enemy Force, and the whole plot feeling like a poor man's Mass Effect and such... I'm going to get a lot of angry looks for this, but this feels like I've jumped the shark. It's like a whole different show. Sure, the faces and the voices are the same, but it's not familiar. It's... off. "Everything you just spent fifteen episodes enjoying? Let's get that out of here! We've decided to take all that fun and energy, and we've replaced it with melodrama and exposition. Enjoy!" EDIT: I don't want to watch this anymore. I'm going to pretend Episode 14 was the ending and find something else to watch. >:
  10. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    Break the Targets! Slowed Down sounds like a cool 80s rock ballad instrumental.
  11. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    Intriguing stuff, thought it was worth a share. I'd take it with a grain of salt, but I can see where it's coming from.
  12. Skye


    Not really hating on it, just asking what it offers. What's the "new content"? Nobody can give me a straight answer.
  13. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Yep, just watched it. Things happened. I approve of it. EDIT: And that's "Act One" wrapped up. Awesome finale to the whole thing, especially with the Spiral King himself being an actually intimidating and formidable foe (although I still found the character himself to be very bland and forgetable - plus when asked about why he's being such an asshole, he pulls the "it's beyond your understanding" card which I really dislike.) Simon is such a great character in a lot of ways. Looking forward to "Act Two" (which I am aware is a time skip, although not much more than that.)
  14. Skye


    That's the impression I've gotten. The only selling points I've heard thus far is "Bring Mayhem to the Moon!" (low gravity and two new weapon types), "The Rise of Handsome Jack" (the story about a character you've already met where you already know the beginning and the end) and "A New Class of Antiheroes" (four new characters, one of which I dislike more than Jar Jar Binks.) That's literally the three "bullet points" on the Store page. Every time I ask for what else it does, people just stare at me blankly, or they shout "Handsome Jack's in it!" Which, to be fair, is good because he's a fantastic character. I want to like the game - I thought Borderlands 2 was decent enough - but I'm still completely lost on why this isn't a DLC pack. Maybe the story really is just that amazing? Maybe there's secret stuff in the game that makes it worthwhile? Maybe Stephen Fry is a voice actor in it or something? Enlighten me, because I'm just confused.
  15. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Still riding the drill train, just finished episode 11. On the down side, Nia's character design is so horrendous that I actually have difficulty looking directly at it. It's like a Deviantart fancharacter that fell into a vat of liquid at the crayon factory. Also the Scorpion Lady's (Adi?) mech has eyes for breasts and a talking vagina. Oh, and the Spiral King isn't exactly the Fire Lord, and I'm not very intimidated or even interested in him (bearing in mind I'm at episode 11 thus far.) On the up side, Yoko is actually becoming three-dimensional and it's been a while since any "lol tits" jokes about her so I'm getting more interested (that scene when she resents Kamina for is very short but poignant) and Simon's transistion from a grieving mess to "himself" is amazing - I was grinning from ear to ear when he finally turns up to save Nia from Armadillo Guy and he's got one badass expression on his face. And while Nia is a visual eyesore, her voice acting - even while being in Japanese - is very pleasant to listen to, and she's a sweet character who also lends herself to some nice comedy with her naivety. "What does 'pissed off' mean?" Taking a break for now, since episode 12's synopsis is "the beach episode." God, I hate beach episodes. And the beach in general. bah humbug ...Oh, and I also watched Kaiji. Uh, season two? The one with the four hours or so of Pachinko? It was fascinating. I don't even know if it was good or bad, just the fact that I watched four hours or so of a guy playing Pachinko and it was so over-the-top that it was entrancing. Plus it had a beautifully executed ending, being this very delicate balance between cynical and optimistic. I've heard there's a season 3 of some description, but after that whole "Bog" Pachinko thing, I think I'm done. I don't have the endurance for more of that amazing/terrible pacing (delete as applicable.) EDIT: I would really love to get a reason for why the beastmen are trying to kill the humans some time soon, now that I think about it. I don't think we've had anything beyond "we think humans are dumb" thus far. Which is pretty lame.
  16. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    I did it, I managed to beat Classic on the highest intensity. "Wow! Incredible!" Never been so happy to hear those words (except maaaaaybe when I managed it for Boss Battles in Brawl.) Mii Brawler is now probably my favorite character. Real proud of that, especially after the humiliation conga I've been having as of late. Woot woot.
  17. Skye

    Dota General

    I'm hoping that something similar to the Team Builder from LoL is implemented someday. I am getting sufficiently agitated (read: "fooking pissed") by everyone thinking they're the carry. Support Kunkka may be viable, but bloody hell is it BORING.
  18. Skye


    Mega Evolutions for my old Nuzlocke bros makes my day. Can't wait for them to come back with a vengeance and several more limbs and/or colors.
  19. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    Smash 4 is great, to the point that one of my friends is wondering if there's actually anything bad about it. I found a glaring one for me - the lag online is pretty goddamn unbearable. Even 1v1 is far too noticeable, with half-a-second between inputs (which made me lose a match I really should not have.) Additionally, CPUs are Cheating Bastards in this game (it's been recorded that the CPU reacts by your input, not by what a human player would see on the screen, so they have above-human reaction speed which explains their fucking fetish for perfect shielding and "I KNEW you were going to do that!" counters.) And it's subjective, but all my friends are the ones who like to play tournaments and talk about tiers and stuff, so they're off my list because god forbid I just want to have fun. So basically, I'm playing one of the best multiplayer games of the year purely in single player (and even then, I have to shoot myself in the foot and stay at a reasonable difficulty level.) Tis not fun. Brawl's Wifi was worse, but at least its AI was more fair. Stupider, but fair. EDIT: Level 7 AI seems to be the best for me. They actually react like human beings, dodging and shielding sensibly but not so much that I might as well be playing against fucking wind.
  20. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    By a stroke of luck, it seems I missed it. And then I thought I was okay again but then they show Simon in grief and then they play the beautiful piano music from the first episode when we first met them and what is all this ice cream doing here
  21. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    *sniffle* ; - ; (Apparently that was a late-arrival spoiler I missed. Ironically, usually avoiding talk about anime made me miss this, and made the actual reveal a lot more stronger and fucking heart-wrenching. I'm going to go eat some ice cream. goddamnitnowhy)
  22. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    Went to my first Smash tournament today and got absolutely ripped to shreds. It seems that I can have fun or I can win - I cannot have both. >:
  23. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm too busy turning gay for Kamina to notice. Also Rossiu is just me, really. I like him. Going to halt my mini-marathon after the "hot spring one" because... well, it's the "hot spring one". EDIT: Yeah, this is mostly just a clip show recap. Bah. Ah well, at least it's reminding me of all the cool stuff that happened. It became a hot-blooded blur of adrenaline after a while, in the good way. that molerat dick censor is priceless DOUBLE EDIT: KAMINA JUST KILLED SOMEONE WITH A GIANT PAIR OF SUNGLASSES WHY CAN I NOT STOP WATCHING
  24. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    I usually pick random, so that's probably accurate. I'm not proud. ._.