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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Ah, so it'll get back to normal? Sweet. Wouldn't call it a huge bother, but it was a bit of a downgrade. Ah well, anime is expensive (the good stuff, at least.) Also that actual full combination into Gurren Lagann was fucking cool. Seems to be where half the budget went for that episode...
  2. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Did they change animation studios at about episode four? One to three were great, but four looks... off. Like they've cut frames and the inking is more sketchy. It's not too bad, but it's distracting me a bit. But yes, Kamina continues to keep finding new ways to be awesome.
  3. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!" Punch! "HANDS OFF MY BELOVED LITTLE BROTHER!" Kick! Perfect combustion of manly souls! Cannonball attack! also oh crap kamina's dad be dead that sucks look at me playing catch up like a pathetic little bastard
  4. Skye

    Anime General Discussion

    Another exciting installment is Skye Watches Anime and Tries to Get It Even Though He Usually Doesn't. This time, Full Metal Alchemist. Can it keep the winning streak after Turren Garren fucking whatever the one with the drills won me over last time? let'sseeeeeeeee Spoiler Not the Brotherhood one, the older one. You can congratulate or scold me for this, but ultimately I don't care. This one has an episode structure while the other was advertised as a "four-parter" so I'm taking this one. English dub (though there was the option for Japanese voice acting, I was drawing in a sketchpad at the time so I didn't want to have my eyeballs on the screen all the time.) okay so wow that opening was fucking grim. I suppose I should have checked the rating before I went in, but Netflix loves to be obtuse about that. Certainly gathered my interest at least, though it also led to some mood whiplash when it's Ed and Al are goofing around in the desert with some light comedy, just seconds after the whole opening with the lost arm and zombie mother and Ed screaming. Yeesh. Al's design is very nice. I suppose it's difficult to give a metal suit some form of expression, but the design for the helmet and even some use of body language still gives a good indicator of what the "person" is actually like. Still lost on whether he's a ghost inhabiting the suit or if he's something else, but too early to question that (and it's frankly not that important.) I thought Sir Cornello was Sir Cornetto when they said it the first time. I imagined a religious zealot who demands ice cream in tributes. I can't rate Japanese voice acting obviously, given I don't speak the language, though the English dub is, hm, not winning me over. There's something... 4Kids-ish about it. Maybe it's the translations, with Ed saying stuff like "pops" and "geez" and stuff, or maybe just the voice acting itself with the side characters (who sound flat and lifeless) but it's not getting a gold star sticker from me. For the sake of consistency, I'd kept with the dub for the rest of the episode, although I imagine that I'd go to Japanese if there was a next time. Nice bit of worldbuilding with repairing the radio through alchemy. I like settings where unusual elements are incorporated into everyday life, showing that it's not just for flashy action sequences or philosophical bollocks - it's just the norm in this world and it's used for different stuff. It also explains how the Elrics may have been traveling without jobs, as sort of journeying repairmen (though again, how they got here to the desert village isn't too important.) HEY LOOK A CHARACTER CALLED ROSE SHE IS PRETTY AND SHE IS NICE AND HERE IS SOME SWEET MUSIC AND EVERYONE HAS STOPPED TO STARE BOY I WONDER IF SHE IS A LOVE INTEREST WOULDN'T THAT BE SUPER. Good voice actress, though. Yeah, something about that "grin and point towards myself with thumb while posing and describing myself" is giving me an Ash Ketchum vibe from Ed... And not the good kind. Animation is... okay. It's got that pesky trend of using as few frames as they can for movements, but the designs are alright - Al's metal suit is pretty grand and surprisingly expressive, and Ed's outfit is making me want to cosplay. Background characters are pretty flat though, and it hasn't shown off any backgrounds or camera angles that made me go "ooooooooo" like Gurren Lagann did. who are you sexy lady in brown cloak and why do your purple eyes attract me more than rose's "You're short!" joke is getting old and it's only been used twice. Ouch. It's not "WOAH YOU HAVE BIG TITS" at least, but I'm not really finding it funny. OH BOY ROSE CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GET ALL CUDDLY WITH ED- oh, dead boyfriend well i feel like a total dickhead now (But wow, potent drama, won't lie. Good choice of the sunset for some excellent coloring, and furthermore, not only does it quickly establish Rose as a character with a clear motivation, but it also shows that Ed and Al are not one and the same - Al is hopeful while Ed is cynical, and I can guess it makes sense given the opening where Al "disappeared" while Ed presumably had the lovely fun of meeting his half-dead zombie mom. Short but powerful scene.) I love shots in anime where it's literally just a still picture of people looking excited and applause in the background. Because clapping was too difficult to animate. Okay, elephant in the room, I can already assume that people have discussed the whole "this is portraying religion as wrong or malicious" thing before me, since it's not exactly subtle or anything. So I'm not touching that divisive motherfucker with a ten-foot pole. I will note that I like that it's used as conflict in the show (where Ed doesn't believe, Rose does or at least wants to, and Al is simply open-minded about the possibility) and it also fleshes the characters out a little bit. And then I will move on to the next thing to talk about, because I lack the knowledge to discuss this topic on a show purely from its first episode, nor do I honestly give a shit because I want to get back to talking suits of armor and alchemy and stuff. ... Okay, the scene afterwards is Ed doing the whole "it's all bullshit, let me list the elements of the human body" thing. Again, avoiding the big awkward topic, but I'll say that Ed is being a total asshole right now, and I'm not sure that was intentional or not. I mean, sure, Cornello is obviously evil, but Ed doesn't know that and he really has no reason to be tormenting Rose like this other than "for the lulz." Or because he thinks it's right? They're not giving me the right cues to tell - just the fact that he's kind of stalking her and his casual body language and expressions suggest that he's all relaxed and enjoying himself when he takes her dreams and snaps them in half. At least Al sort of confirms that he's meant to be interpreted as too cynical and sort of harsh right now, but it's not softening the blow for me that much. I just want him to shut up and leave Rose alone. *sigh* I miss Kamina... Rose gets some points for having a realistic reaction to meeting someone without a head. I was expecting the usual "huh, okay" reaction that anime characters give to unusual stuff, but Rose reacts like most human beings would. I like it. No, but really, her voice actress is great. She's carrying the rest of the so-so actors. So yeah, Cornello is kind of a massive tool for manipulating Rose and lying to the town and ordering assassinations, no doubting that. But, as he says when he faces off with Ed and Al, he is helping the town, and taking the stone from him would probably cause a lot of harm to the place. Still, he's a douchebag, so I'll chalk that up to three-dimensional villainy and call it a plus (or at least accept that Ed is the lesser of two evils here.) "You can't draw transmutation circles in soft sand!" uh have you ever been to the beach because i drew lots of pictures in the sand so what the fuck are you talking about (Does he mean he'll just shift the sands again if he tries? Whatever.) Is combining animals really the most "depraved" alchemy around? Maybe I'm just heartless, but I think of a lot of twisted shit you could do with alchemy. "Putting a lion and a crocodile together" wasn't even on my top ten. Combat is pretty good, though not spectacular. Points for cool designs again (that spear looks fancy) and nice sound effects, though deductions for speed lines and some lazy animation (aaaaaah theyre zooming in on the perfectly-still chimeras face it really looks like its coming right at me aaaaaaah) Okay, that reveal of the metal arm where he kicks the chimera in the face? Pretty damn cool. oh hi sins what are you doing in this scene oh you had nothing to do with it okay see you later i guess That title drop was pretty lame. And cliffhanger, followed by annoying pop sequence. Meh. TL,DR: It was... alright. I was expecting a bit more, though I suppose being around a decade old will show wrinkles. The designs are cool, the "world of alchemy"setting has some nice potential and is explored subtly rather than being thrown in your face, and exposition is handled well as the backstories or motivations of characters are shown through multiple ways or just given the right amount of focus without taking too much. What it lacked in comedy, it made up for with brief but strong drama, and the fighting was simple but still entertaining. It's also good at keeping focus, showing snippets like the introduction with Ed and Al doing their "mother revival" and showing Rose at her boyfriend's grave, which gets the necessary information across while also moving the plot and leaving more questions to be answered in the future. However, the show doesn't hook me for a few reasons. With the exception of Rose and arguably Al, the voice acting is pretty mediocre, the animation is noticeably flat and pretty damn lazy at some points where they decide one frame is enough, but perhaps most importantly, I don't like the characters. Ironically, I initially liked Ed and disliked Rose, but then Rose is given a backstory that explains her faithful personality and what her motivations are, while Ed gradually becomes... well, a bit of a dickhead. His motivations seem selfish, his cynicism gets on my nerves, and the way he seems to take a delight in upsetting Rose is uncomfortable for me - even if it's just one scene and not core to his character, it made me a lot less sympathetic to him. Maybe Brotherhood presents them better, or maybe watching it in Japanese is better, or maybe the second episode is better, but for now, I'm not that motivated to keep watching. So it's a three-star for me. That's my two cents, at least. On the plus side, it means I'll probably try more Garren Lagann again.
  5. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    I found a handy infographic that explains my feelings right now.
  6. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    I wub you.
  7. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    I'm actually having trouble thinking of characters I don't like in this game. Even the ones I was never partial to, like Zelda or Diddy Kong, are still as strong as they used to be (if not better) and it just boils down to a personal dislike. From an objective standpoint, I think it's probably the best roster thus far. I have about a dozen favorite characters right now and I'm sure that whole list will change to another dozen by the end of the week as I try other characters more (like Mii Brawler, who I did not expect to be so goddamn amazing.)
  8. Skye

    Smache Brothers

    HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD Spoiler This game kicks ass.
  9. Skye

    The IT thread.

    Lua and C++ are not being friendly with me. C# was easy to figure out and cool and we had a drink or two and it wasn't anything significant but I enjoyed our time together. Lua and C++ are playing hard to get and talking about serious commitment and I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
  10. Skye

    The IT thread.

    I got on the C++ ride. I immediately want to get off the C++ ride. I miss the C# ball pit.
  11. Skye

    Payday General

    Wot He Thought was pretty spot-on. Also don't forget the music. Nobody can forget the music.
  12. Skye

    Fallout series

    And so I met a man at the Divide. End of the road. Spoiler Lonesome Road was a nightmare... but a good nightmare. If that makes sense. The atmosphere is breathtaking, giving probably the most apocalyptic and empty (yet dangerous and treacherous) setting in Fallout thus far (even more so than the Sierra Madre of Dead Money, which was probably my favorite thing about that DLC.) The weapons and armor were all valuable and intriguing, and there was something poetic about reaching Level 50 and finishing the story in the Riot Gear of the front cover. There were ups and downs on what I liked to call "Ulysses' Wild Ride". Highlights include freaking the fuck out and going Aliens with a heavy flamer when I first encountered the Tunnelers, taking down a whole group of Marked Men with a barrage of Red Glare missiles, sprinting past several Deathclaws and escaping by the skin of my teeth, and going absolutely insane with a chainsaw on the elevator ride. The final encounter was fitting of my character - I talked, instead of fighting. ED-E's sacrifice was very saddening, and the final slideshow was a nice epilogue to my Courier. Donald is now officially retired, watching over New Vegas with a Nuka-Cola Victory in one hand and A Light Shining in Darkness in the other. The end. ...Now for a new character.
  13. Skye

    Fallout series

    Only into the first hour of New World Blues and it blows both the previous DLCs out of the water and into the goddamn stratosphere. Everyone in the Think Tank is unique and hilarious, the writing and mood is witty and fun (as opposed to Dead Money's miserable ghost story setting and Honest Heart's... you know, even after completing it, I still don't really know what that was about...) and all the toys I've gotten thus far are already spectacular (like the "dog gun" which is kind of sad but mostly awesome.) Also it makes me want to marry a suit. Seriously, it's monochrome, it's stealthy, and it's a cute AI. i wub it
  14. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I MARRIED THE WRONG GIRL OH NO DAMN IT I MUST TRAVEL TO THE PAST AND WARN MYSELF OF THE HORRIBLE LUCINA-LESS FUTURE AHEAD OF ME SO THAT IT MAY BE AVERTED I didn't realize you could marry her, since I figured her father would be slightly pissed off about that Bollocks
  15. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I think Fire Emblem : Awakening is warming me up to the idea of polygamy because I want to marry literally everybody.
  16. Skye

    Dota General

    Ah, I get you now. I can see why you'd dislike it. I've been having more luck than normal in games that don't have Keeper of the Light in them since I'm the guy who doesn't give up until the ancient is finally knocked down, so I'm all for comeback mechanics. But it probably means I'm getting comebacks I didn't really deserve? Tricky stuff, balance. Also I finally won a game as Keeper of the Light, after an hour-long ranked game. Shit got tense. So glad I don't have to play that beardy bastard for a while now. Onto Beastmaster...
  17. Skye

    Dota General

    I can't trust a man who uses the phrase "fucking retarded" without irony. Sorry. You might as well have just typed "WORST PATCH EVER" and made a vlog about it where you spill Cheetos on yourself mid-sentence. In other news, five consecutive losses as Keeper of the Light. Onwards to attempt number six. Maybe this time, someone won't pick Riki or Nyx or Spirit Breaker or basically any hero in the game. EDIT: Never mind, went Random Draft and chose Enigma instead. Feels nice to win again. My Enigma winrate is now 80% of about 35 games played. I really hope he gets an Arcana or at least some item set soon (although the Geodesic Eidolons are still cute as hell.)
  18. Skye

    Is TF2 P2W?

    I agree that by definition, it is pay-to-win since you can just buy weapons instead of waiting on the drop system (which relies on luck) or the crafting system (which relies on investing time.) However, as people have noted, it's very low on the Pay-to-win scale - while the drop system and crafting system are longer than just buying the weapons directly, it doesn't take that long (especially if you want something specific, where crafting can help you reach it quickly instead of waiting on a lucky drop) and in addition, trading really helps to mitigate the issue regarding weapons, since most of them are dirt cheap. Hopefully, unique quality (yellow) weapons will be marketable soon, instead of just strange and genuine, and that will eliminate the current problem with the Mann Co Store being overpriced.
  19. Skye

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Just did Chapter 9 of Fire Emblem: Awakening. (In other words, I am slightly upset.) ...Fun chapter though, all things aside.
  20. Skye

    Dota General

    Fourth consecutive loss as Keeper of the Light. Can we reach five losses with what is swiftly becoming my least favorite hero in the game? Only time and the mercy of solo queue will tell.
  21. Skye

    Animation General

    Yeah, I'd recommend Gravity Falls quite highly. Characters are memorable and relatable, the plots are usually ridiculous and hilarious (such as tiny ball-people controlling the local golf course and engaging in a endless war over which of the 18 holes is the best one) and it balances light-hearted fun with drama and horror very well (although sometimes it goes a bit too much to one side - Boss Mabel and Boyz Crazy were pretty goofy, and Into the Bunker and Soos and the Real Girl were uncomfortably dark, but that's just me.) It's also a step in the right direction for the Disney Channel, which has lost its focus a lot over recent years, focusing more on "TOTALLY RAD!" cartoons or just preteen-centric live shows. So Gravity Falls is a nice change of pace from the norm, surprisingly deep and dramatic at times, and manages to sort of capture that childlike spirit of imagining a simple scenario has this wild adventure or mystery behind it, like "what if these wax figures could move and talk?" or "what if this video game character was alive?" Neat stuff. That's my views, at least, if they're worth much.
  22. Skye

    Dota General

    I know it's probably unwise of me to just say "I don't like [x]" but... man, I don't think I've ever laughed at a single Nerf Now DOTA comic. Like, any of them. At all. I mean, Jesus, even Ctrl+Alt+Del got one or two giggles now and then, but every time I visit the website, I leave with the same frown as the punchline is "HA, THIS GAME SURE IS BAD SOMETIMES, RIGHT GUYS?!" I miss those Team Fortress 2 story arcs. Those were lovely.
  23. Skye

    Payday General

    The Train Job is nowhere near as fun as it sounded.
  24. Skye

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Just saw the episode myself. Excellent stuff, mixing the humor, the cheerfulness, and of course the underlying sinister tone together. And every bit of animation on Giffany is great.
  25. Skye

    Dota General

    Day 32 Keeper of the Light continues to plague my All Hero Challenge. Five games, five losses. Most of which are entirely out of my control as Brewmaster forgets what a Blink Dagger is. I must stay strong for mother. I will write again soon, comrades.