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Posts posted by Skye

  1. -snip la snip-


    Thank ya kindly. That all sounds fair and acknowledges personal opinion. I will partake in more of the show just to see if it is the same case for me, but thank you for sharing.


    this is why you are secretly my favorite

  2. Watched the first episode of Kill la Kill.


    I liked the art style and the smooth animation with how everything is very energetic and snappy, the comedy style with short and simple gags and how everything is exaggerated to the Nth degree, and pretty much everything about Ryoko (her voice acting, her personality, her design, even her body posture is awesome.) The other characters were alright, although nobody really stood out to me besides one of the admins who reminds me of Kamina. I disliked how vague everything was (where are we? who is this lady? what just happened?), and since I'm a total prude... Yeah, that fanservice is really hard to stomach. Additional penalties for pointing out how blatant it is, and then doing it anyway.


    But I liked it overall. So it did something right. I guess I just can't escape the grasps of those darn drills.

  3. Beyond the Summit 2's All-Star Match was absolutely amazing, probably the best All-Star there's been (over the ones from the Internationals and that Starladder one which was crap since the players gave up halfway through.) It's All Random Deathmatch, so there's lots of stuff going on and it's pretty funny and chaotic, along with some genuine "sick plays." There's one chronosphere and death ward in particular that is glorious. The only problem is there's a woman in the casting crew who is very poor at her job - either parroting the others unnecessarily, singing badly, or spouting memes (which I don't find too bad but I know some people will shout "cringeworthy" for fair reason). If you can get through it, you've got a fun game to watch.


    I'm really liking The Crew, except for two very, VERY, EXTREMELY infuriating flaws.


    1. The police are way overpowered. No mission including the police is ever fun. They can brake from 150 to 0 in a second and you can't wrestle your way out, and they can shove you very easily even if you're grinding right up next to them. The capture bar also continues to fill even if you have an opening and you are driving out. It's just bullshit.


    2. Takedown missions are absurdly hard. You need to drive perfectly or else the other car will get too far ahead of you to ever catch up. Sometimes you're actually faster than the other car and you have to slow down only just enough so that you can stay side-by-side with it. Plus they work on a health bar instead of just performing a takedown move to slow them to a halt. That's how it worked in Burnout: Paradise (and how the cops capture you) and that's how it always should be.


    Imagine my frustration when a mission throws both of these together, with the car to be taken down is a BUS with more than double the health of any other target beforehand, is nigh impossible to shove around, and has support from the bullshit cops. And then the servers go down.


    At least I got in my hour-and-a-half round trip faction mission in beforehand.




    I haven't found the police too overpowered, but the capture bar does fill up alarmingly fast in moments when it seems like it shouldn't. As for takedown missions... yeah, they suck. Those are fair points.


    Do you think that is a "get it now" or wait for seal kind of game?


    Despite the flaws, it's probably the best in the genre right now - being able to drive from San Francisco to New York at 200mph with The Glitch Mob on the radio is hard to match. If you're a fan of the genre, it's probably worth picking up. Otherwise, best to wait for a deal.


    EDIT: The "Overpower" mission has some fucking awful rubber-banding AI. I'm double the recommended level and the 1st place AI still tops my max speed, even when I'm using nitrous. And I doubt the Shelby GT is a bad car. Also irritating as it forces you to use a street spec car on a dirt track, when I have a perfectly good dirt car sitting in the garage.

  5. I really wish it was Arin who left.


    Imagine how awesome Danny and Jon would be.




    I can agree on that, I think they would have some better chemistry. The "loud and passionate vs. mild and subdued" angle would have been more pronounced.


    I guess I'm comfortable with critiquing them as presenters, not as people? Or maybe I'm just a total bitch and a hypocrite. It's probably both. I dunno.


    And yeah, they're on a cycle of three games right now so nothing major to talk about in terms of the games, that's fair.

  6. Mortal Engines is worth a look for those who are bored right now. Let me read you the first sentence of the book:

    "It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea."

    There, interest piqued. I'm not sure how "cities are now giant tanks" can be unimpressive. But I dunno, I am easily bemused by "awesome" stuff. But there's bounty hunters and airships and orbital lasers and Terminators and such. So that's my vote.


    Also got reminded of Of Mice and Men, thanks to an ad I saw today. Still makes my lip tremble when I think of it. "Tell me 'bout the wabbits, George."

  7. Should we just rename the thread "TMZ General" or something? Seems that nobody talks about the show anymore, and just about how the people involved in it are awful for some reason. I have little patience for "gossip."


    In some vain, weak-willed attempt to get this burning carriage back on track from "did you hear Arin gets off to punching kittens?", I'm glad the Grumps are doing Tropical Freeze. I found it to be a pretty fun game that many people overlooked, so it's nice that they're showing it (for all the controller-breaking difficulty it can be, but man, it's so goddamn colorful, it's lovely.)

  8. As a UK resident, I can assure you that nobody watches UK porn anyway. I doubt you'll see much "adult content" with a Yorkshire accent. That said, I have yet to see one with the best accent.


    Point being, unless there's a huge underground sex slave circuit in fucking Bath, this won't be a bother. Germany is still a stone's throw away, producing all the "good stuff."


    If you cannot distinguish Yorkshire from Geordie, I do not blame you at all. The UK is weird.


    Also fuck me, the haircut in that second video is a thing of majesty.

  9. By purchasing the TFTB, is it the entire thing or just one episode?


    also what are the jumpscares i don't enjoy jumpscares


    Standard Telltale practice is you buy the whole season, I believe. Just one episode for now. I would also say that, judging from the first episode, it's possibly the longest first episode Telltale have done thus far, so it seems like good value for money if they keep it up.


    Shade introduces himself twice through them. First time, as Rhys, he appears to be a statue and then when you retrace your steps in a corridor, he's gone. After a few seconds, he pops up. That one is actually pretty good, since you have that slow realization and sort of brace yourself for it subconsciously, getting a cool thrill from it. The second time, it's when Fiona opens a vent. There's no build up and it's cheap as fuck.


    If this still upsets you, bear in mind that you have the option to slap the prick afterwards.

  10. Played through the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands. I'd recommend it - it's all the cool stuff that you know from Borderlands, but with Telltale in the writing chair instead of Gearbox so it's even better. It feels like a cool space western, and there's plenty of snark. It gives me a Firefly kind of vibe. To wit the best parts:


    • The villain (or one of them - it's Pandora, after all) is voiced by Joe from Family Guy, which is always a laugh as he speaks about doing evil in that slow calm drawling voice.
    • The main characters are interesting, and both are my favorite kind of hero - the one that has to talk their way out of things rather than shoot. A welcome change of pace on Pandora.
    • There are two jump scares. One is done really well, as you're given sufficient warning and I braced myself for it, and the anticipation was a thrill so it paid off. The other was cheap and pissed me off.
    • The story is told in-media-res, which is an interesting decision since the story is based on choices. It pays off as the two main characters are retelling the story (as you play it) and sometimes, they embellish the story in a really funny scene. For example, one of them claims that they met a "diplomatic solution" and it cuts to them and some others being incredibly polite and drinking tea together, speaking in cliche period drama "mm, yes, quite" talk. The other one interjects and immediately shoots them down to say what really happened, which involved less tea and more threatening-to-throw-people-out-of-a-moving-car. It's pretty hilarious.
    • The writing has a few references, but none are as glaring as when Gearbox does it. It's usually just a quote from something, that actually does fit with the situation (like when a Loader Bot believes it may need to sacrifice itself for Rhys, it gives a thumbs up ala Terminator 2.)
    • The first episode has a sufficient amount of action, mystery, and comedy. It's a pretty perfect blend, especially for a first episode. It's refreshing to have Telltale tackle comedy more, since The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us were both excellent, but very much on the drama side of things.


    Spoilery talk:

    Zer0 is a fucking badass throughout the whole thing, as he should be. I like how he barely seems to regard you and everyone else as worth his time, and is always more concerned about killing the bandit leader. It gives this nice feeling of being a NPC in a game, where the main character has bigger fish to fry than you (which fits the nice theme the game seems to be striving for.)


    Save your bullet. You are given two opportunities in the story to shoot someone, and both times, the outcome will not be changed. Telltale are very good at what they do, but fuck me, they really just cannot let go of their "but it happens anyway" moments. I hate the illusion of choice where there is none - if he will somehow magically survive a fucking gunshot, then don't give me the option to waste valuable ammo. That's bollocks.


    Handsome Jack is still alive as a virtual AI... ghost... thing. I love Handsome Jack - easily one of my favorite villains - but I have the feeling they're starting to milk it. It's like the Joker in Batman, or Ganon in Zelda - they tend to hijack the story from other villains because they're popular, but the reason those villains aren't popular is because they keep getting hijacked all the time. I hope Vasquez stays the focus of the story as the antagonist, rather than have Handsome Jack swoop in and steal his thunder.


    No Claptrap yet. Thank fuckity god.


    Edit: Finished it, revamped my thoughts.

  11. Day 3 is out.


    I think it's a nice idea, but executed very poorly. The arcana is a pay wall, the specificity of "one certain hero must kill one certain hero and then win" is poor, and I can bet that the rewards will basically be what the drop system used to be, as opposed to Diretide (which, say what you want about its gameplay, at least had the decency to fucking shower you in loot every game, regardless of whether you won or lost, in addition to the usual drops.)


    I'll still rock the Arcana for the event if anyone wants to join me for the loot.


    At any rate, it can't be worse than the Greeviling. *shudder*


    EDIT: Also geez, that weapon evolution is pretty bloody steep. Apparently, to get the arcana as flashy as possible, I need to win at least 34 games during the event. Christ.

  12. Why is everyone speaking robot in here? >:


    Styx is good. Presentation is bland - it looks and sounds like a game from ten years ago - but my god, the level design, the level design, the level design. The verticality, the varying obstacles, the spacing, the lighting, aaaaaaargh so good for a stealth game.
