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Everything posted by alexgndl

  1. alexgndl

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    So that's 3 different JonTron videos that have been posted in different contexts today...I think that's a new record.
  2. alexgndl

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    Holy crap-doesn't this mean that the Bonk Helm will be that much rarer?
  3. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Ok then, who would YOU choose from the free champ rotation? Instead of just shitposting as usual, why don't you actually do something useful around here?
  4. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    I'd say to try Ezreal if you want to go ranged, Blitzcrank if you want to try melee.
  5. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Really? Because everyone I talked to who's EVER played with/as him says the exact opposite-he's got quite a weak early game, but then is an absolute monster late game (I completely agree, too). Yeah, he takes kills away from teammates, that's the POINT of his ult. Him being banned a lot really doesn't mean he's BAD, just OP or broken. And anything's useless if they're countered, that's the point of a counter. And I actually just played a game with a Vi on my team. She was...decent. Nothing special, honestly.
  6. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Fiora's VERY good, if you play her right. My friend mains her and Orianna, and he kicks ass with both of them. Also, I'm very surprised to not see Darius on that list of best champs-not because he's the best, but because he's just broken right now. Like, seriously. Also also, ♥♥♥♥ Shaco. And how's Vi useless? General consensus seems to be that she's awesome.
  7. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Btw, Nami's kinda meh in my opinion. I got a refund on her, exchanged for Darius. I'm horrible at most supports, so that may be why. But idk, she just doesn't feel right to me. Same with Fizz. I just can't play him...
  8. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    It's not bad at all, actually. You get a free point boost until you hit level 10, and the champion prices range from anywhere from 450 points (the "recommended" ones, almost everyone has one or two of them) up to 6300, which is most of the new champions. It's pretty easy to get champions, with the boost you'll be getting about 100-200 points per game, so you could easily save up for a champ if you want. It's a pretty good system.
  9. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    So I just bought Darius, to see what all the fuss was about. I understand now. Holy SHIT, is he OP. Like at one point, I was just chaining his ults to get kills. It was insane!
  10. alexgndl

    Just Webcomics

    Mostly because I thought it would end the comic forver. Also because holy crap that is a well-written ending. Oh god yes...but seriously-see that there? It's called character development...certain writers should really learn how to use it. Also- =one of the best ships I've ever seen.
  11. alexgndl


    Apparently they released the legendaries' names on the Pokemon facebook page-the Deer is Xerneas and the Birdie is Yveltal.
  12. alexgndl

    Just Webcomics

    So I just read all of Ctrl + Alt + Del...all of it. In about a day. God DAMN.
  13. alexgndl


    Rakeraven looks good, Deersword looks like the bastard child of Keldeo and Stantler.
  14. alexgndl


    Hmm, it'll be coming out when I'm in Europe...to all you guys across the pond, think it'd be worth it for me to grab a 3ds and one of the new games while I'm over there? DS's aren't region-locked, are they?
  15. alexgndl

    Doctor Who

    Make this Star Wars VII plz.
  16. alexgndl


    Please, PLEASE tell me this has some basis in reality.
  17. alexgndl


    Im slightly sad that it's not the RSE remakes, but what I'm most disappointed about is the fact that they'll be 3ds exclusive. I know a lot of people thought that they'd stick with the ds for it…
  18. alexgndl

    Game Grumps

    Literally the best Game Grumps moment ever.
  19. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Then yes, he's exactly like that. Sorry, I've played like a game of Dota...
  20. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    ...Yes? I dunno....
  21. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Teemo's VERY trollish if you play him right. He's got a passive poison effect from his basic attacks, he's got an insanely high base move speed, and the mushrooms do a ton of damage, poison and slow you. Oh, and he cloaks passively too. There's a reason he's hated.
  22. alexgndl

    League of Legends

    Most played game in the world
  23. alexgndl

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    Wait, who's Bird Hitler again?
  24. alexgndl

    Yer 1007

    Everything. Like, I've bought enough to satisfy me for quite a while.