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Everything posted by alexgndl

  1. alexgndl

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    I don't care who I'm with, as long as I can be a Scoutpan...
  2. alexgndl

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    Oh god, I want to do this...Scoutpans ahoy!
  3. Just got a S. Shortstop from him, very nice guy! Thanks for the tip, Huff!
  4. alexgndl

    Holy shit these new crates are awesome

    That's nothing, I got my L. 42 Lid for a Festive Sticky Launcher :DThis is when they first came out, of course. I do kinda feel a bit bad about it though...
  5. alexgndl

    It has Happened

    As a Whovian, I'm quite used to annoying fanboys...I just see bronies as a different form of Trekkies. Or Catholics. Not necessarily a compliment there, but that's how I see them.
  6. alexgndl

    It has Happened

    Honestly, why the fuck does this matter? Personally, I don't like MLP. But I honestly don't know why people are getting so up in arms about this. If Valve had made a reference from another show, everyone would've been like "Ok, that was clever. Nice job, Valve." But no, they make one little MLP reference and half the population is going "BURN VALVE TO THE GROUND RAGE RAGE RAGE" and the bronies are all like "THIS IS THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST!" Chill the fuck out, it's a goddamned tv show.
  7. alexgndl

    This Forum Is Terrible

    How DARE you say the j-word around here?! You should be ASHAMED of yourself, sir!
  8. alexgndl

    This Forum Is Terrible

    The fuck is a sperglord?
  9. alexgndl

    This Forum Is Terrible

    Verumae! How I've missed you, my friend. I see you've lost none of your charm...
  10. alexgndl

    RTS Corner!

    Age of Mythology is literally the best thing ever. I played that thing for ages when I was a kid, loved it. TITANOMACHY was the best cheat, spawn like 6 titans and you're set for the rest of the game.I actually played it like last week, to see if I was just reminiscing fondly on it. I wasn't. It's still a genuinely great game. They honestly do not make them like this anymore...
  11. alexgndl

    'I approve'

    REP NUKE INBOUND lcI think we've found next year's April Fool's prank for SPUF...
  12. alexgndl

    'I approve'

    Wait, mods can give negative rep? So would it be possible for someone to have a negative value for rep? Also, I wonder what would happen if some mod with an especially large rep-cannon (eram, maybe?) neg-repped Silent. The universe would probably collapse or something...
  13. alexgndl

    Tribes: Acend

    Yeah, I don't think I shall be playing this anymore. It was fun while it lasted, but it's getting WAYYYY too pay-to-win to play now. And if I'm gonna be spending my moneh on games, I want it to be on something that I know I'm gonna be playing for a while. Like TF2. Or Skyrim. Or the new Civ V expansion. Anything but this game, really.
  14. alexgndl

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    So for the past few days, I've been going into the more equine-related areas of TF2, and asking random bronies what makes them tick-why they watch MLP. Of course, the answers were varied, ranging from "I dunno" to "I WANNA DO RARITY LOL". However, one thing that really interested me that many people were saying was that "it's the only good cartoon on these days". Now, this kinda bugs me.I'll be the first to admit that most cartoons these days are utter shit. We live in a world where not even Spongebob can be counted on to be funny anymore, and that's saying something, especially when you compare one of his earlier episodes to a new one. However, to say that MLP is the only good cartoon is, in my opinion, unfair. Because there's one more out there that blows everything out of the water. I'm talking, of course, about Phineas and Ferb.If you've watched pretty much any episode of this, you know what it's about-2 brothers building elaborate (and awesome) contraptions, whilst their sister tries unsuccessfully to get them in trouble. While this is going on, a platypus fights a German-ish scientist. It makes sense in context. While this really doesn't seem like a winning idea for a show, I gotta say-this is one of my favorite shows ever, hands down. Is it childish? Certainly, at times. But it often strays far away from its intended audience and sometimes devotes whole episodes to older people, knowing full well that the kids won't get it. They had a whole episode that was basically a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey, for god's sake! And I defy you to say that MLP has as many drug references, double entendres, etc as this show does.What I'm trying to say is that when bronies say that theirs is the only good cartoon on, they're completely ignoring what may be one of the greatest cartoons of all time. It's smart, it's absolutely hilarious, and let's be real-when we were the age of Phineas and Ferb, this is the stuff we wanted to do. We didn't want to ride pastel-colored ponies around a magical kingdom, we wanted to build absolutely enormous shit that was pretty much against the laws of physics! It's basically a callback to our youth. That's why I'm a P&F'er (completely just made that term up, feel free to use it) rather than a brony.EDIT: Also, this.
  15. alexgndl

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    What about Space Dinosaur Viking Ninja Sniper Jetpack Pirates IN SPACE?!?!? I believe I won.
  16. No idea, that's why I did both. See if you can tell which is which!
  17. Oh geez, here we go...My S.F. Scattergun. I got it for 6 keys, a week later it went up to a buds. I just recently got it up to 1000 kills, the first of my Stranges to do that. Cuz I'm not a strange whore like some people.My Level 69 Tosslecap. First hat drop ever, then I traded it to some guy, then I somehow managed to get it back from yet another guy (used TF2bp to find that one out)My Level 42 Lumbricious Lid. Combines two of my favorite things-Monty Python and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. So fun.My BMOC. I still wear it all the time, even though it's now May. It's just a good looking hat.A few of my stranges-S.F. Sniper (first naughty unbox), S. Gunslinger, S. Mackeral, and my beloved S. Bushwacka, which was my first unbox ever.My Shortstop. It's just a normal weapon, but it was the first thing that ever dropped for me. I still use it.My V. Professional's Panama. It's just a good looking hat, I love that thing. Possibly my favorite hat in the game.My Level 42 Towering Pillar of Hats that I crafted, I use it for the Spy now. Cuz you know, nothing says inconspicuous like that hat.My Purple (I can't remember exactly what shade) uncraftable Googly Gazer that I got in a trade. I don't know why, but I just really like that thing. It looks funny, I guess.My Jingle Belt/Bootie Time. I still use them with the Pyro/Scout, which trust me-everyone LOVES it. Not really. I recently discovered that a Bootie Pan Scout is the single most annoying thing on the planet.And finally, my 3 numbered items- #71 Pomson, #17 Third Degree, and #45 Nanobalaclava.
  18. alexgndl

    Portal 2 DLC 2

    I'm done with classes, but I have an exam and a paper next week :/
  19. alexgndl

    Music Thread

    Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Beatles are my favorites. I've also been listening to a lot of Flogging Molly lately, too. My music interests change wildly-a few weeks ago I was on a musical kick, listened to nothing but Broadway stuff for like 2 weeks. My music library's really just fucked up.
  20. alexgndl

    Theme Songs

    Yeah, I went there.
  21. alexgndl

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    By that logic, you'd think I'd be able to make World War II jokes because I'm German, Russian and Polish. But I can't.
  22. alexgndl

    Gentlemen. A new era is upon us.

    I literally just found out about this...I was watching Blazing Saddles when the update hit. I regret nothing.
  23. alexgndl

    Skyrim screenshot thread.

    Someone decided to get his head piercedLiterally the most awkward scene you can walk in on.
  24. alexgndl

    Black Ops 2 trailer
