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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. If you're into Sci-fi/Star Wars, from the "Web History" thread:

    Well, the past year I've been really involved with a community called the Star Wars Combine. It's sort of an MMORPG, but not really-a lot of it is text and diagram based, almost like a table RPG (but not exactly). It's set in the Star Wars universe, but it doesn't have any affiliation with LucasArts, which means that we pretty much have free reign to do whatever we want. It's a small community, only about 4000 or so. You basically can become any Star Wars race you want (I'm a Geonosian, those big bug things from Episode II) and do almost anything you want-flying around the galaxy exploring, hunting for creatures and bandits, building ships, mining, being a pirate, anything. The world is your oyster. It's not for everyone, the game's in real time, so if it says that a hyperspace trip's gonna take 3 weeks (which it sometimes does) then you will arrive there in 3 weeks. It's not really so much about the game though as it is about the community-it's VERY forum-based, both in the Combine itself, and on the websites of whichever faction you choose to join (if you join one at all). I really love it, I've made a lot of friends from all over the world there and for the most part they're a really nice group of people, not much whining about anything at all. There's also a large amount of people who go on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to talk to other people about the game, real life, and pretty much anything else, it can get really immersive, depending on how much you're willing to put into it. If my little ad/speech has interested you, check it out! Just go to swcombine.com and look at what we've got to offer. If you do decide to join, either add me on Steam or send me a message there, my ingame name's Jorus Bjorkstien. Hope to see you around the galaxy!

  2. I literally JUST got back from the movie, I read the books pretty much as they came out, so I'm not a bandwagon fan. And yes, I'm a guy. I just skim through the romance stuff. I thought it was a really well-done movie, they didn't focus TOO too much on the romantic angle, which was good (because in the books it really is quite sappy at times). The camera work was...weird. I mean, I can see where they're coming from, but at times it bordered on too shaky. I thought it stuck rather well to the book, which is always good. Katniss and Peeta were pretty decent (so was Clove too, surprisingly. I could also see her doing well as Katniss) and Woody Harrelson (or however you spell it) was fantastic. I hated Gale from the beginning. Something about him just screamed douchebag. But all in all, I thought it was a pretty solid film.

  3. So damaging yourself for a small chance to cause a little extra damage is a good strategy?

    It's not that, it's the fact that if you do get a kill with them (and I've seen it happen) legitimately, it's the most humiliating thing in the world. So it's not so much the fact that you're damaging yourself to do damage/kill, you're doing it to phychologically bitch-slap your enemies.

  4. ikr, how the hell do you equip strange electro sapper O_O I know everyones been requesting it but...P.S. They still haven't added strange disciplinary action ._.

    They added a new slot for sapper on the spy, and for the engie's PDA.I haven't seen crate 40 dropped all evening, but I've personally dropped both 41 and 42. I'm beginning to think that the S. Huntsman is gonna be as expensive, if not more, than maybe even the S. Machina D:

  5. Back on the subject of Regular Show sucking. I decided to write an example of your average Regular Show episode.Rigby and Mordecai are in a car. They're playing eye spy, and Rigby cheats to win. They yell "YEAAAUH" and "OHHHHHH" for a couple minutes. Then Skips says "You shouldn't mess with the power of eye spy." Then giant eye demons burst out of the road and starts to destroy everything. Rigby then has to admit he cheated, and the problem is instantly solved. THE END

    Exactly. And in the time it's taken for your brain cells to rot while you're watching that show, Phineas and Ferb have built an antigravity device that clones tame dinosaurs that poop ice cream, while Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenshmirtz have an intense, yet somehow hilarious fight. That's entertainment, my friends.

  6. I disagree on Regular Show. It's too formulaic, and 90% of the jokes come from stupid catchphrases like "OHHHH" or "My mom."The entire show comes off as a show for bros. You know, the backwards hat wearing tools in frats.To say MLP is the only good kid's show on TV is an ignorant statement if there ever was one. To measure TV shows purely off "being a good kid's show" is just plain dumb. Why does it matter so much if it's a kid's show? What's wrong with something being a good show?

    I completely agree about Regular show, I don't like it too much. Notice that I didn't say that people said that it was the only good kid's show on TV, I said that people said it was the only good cartoon on TV. Big difference.

  7. So for the past few days, I've been going into the more equine-related areas of TF2, and asking random bronies what makes them tick-why they watch MLP. Of course, the answers were varied, ranging from "I dunno" to "I WANNA DO RARITY LOL". However, one thing that really interested me that many people were saying was that "it's the only good cartoon on these days". Now, this kinda bugs me.I'll be the first to admit that most cartoons these days are utter shit. We live in a world where not even Spongebob can be counted on to be funny anymore, and that's saying something, especially when you compare one of his earlier episodes to a new one. However, to say that MLP is the only good cartoon is, in my opinion, unfair. Because there's one more out there that blows everything out of the water. I'm talking, of course, about Phineas and Ferb.If you've watched pretty much any episode of this, you know what it's about-2 brothers building elaborate (and awesome) contraptions, whilst their sister tries unsuccessfully to get them in trouble. While this is going on, a platypus fights a German-ish scientist. It makes sense in context. While this really doesn't seem like a winning idea for a show, I gotta say-this is one of my favorite shows ever, hands down. Is it childish? Certainly, at times. But it often strays far away from its intended audience and sometimes devotes whole episodes to older people, knowing full well that the kids won't get it. They had a whole episode that was basically a parody of 2001: A Space Odyssey, for god's sake! And I defy you to say that MLP has as many drug references, double entendres, etc as this show does.What I'm trying to say is that when bronies say that theirs is the only good cartoon on, they're completely ignoring what may be one of the greatest cartoons of all time. It's smart, it's absolutely hilarious, and let's be real-when we were the age of Phineas and Ferb, this is the stuff we wanted to do. We didn't want to ride pastel-colored ponies around a magical kingdom, we wanted to build absolutely enormous shit that was pretty much against the laws of physics! It's basically a callback to our youth. That's why I'm a P&F'er (completely just made that term up, feel free to use it) rather than a brony.EDIT: Also, this.

  8. Well, the past year I've been really involved with a community called the Star Wars Combine. It's sort of an MMORPG, but not really-a lot of it is text and diagram based, almost like a table RPG (but not exactly). It's set in the Star Wars universe, but it doesn't have any affiliation with LucasArts, which means that we pretty much have free reign to do whatever we want. It's a small community, only about 4000 or so. You basically can become any Star Wars race you want (I'm a Geonosian, those big bug things from Episode II) and do almost anything you want-flying around the galaxy exploring, hunting for creatures and bandits, building ships, mining, being a pirate, anything. The world is your oyster. It's not for everyone, the game's in real time, so if it says that a hyperspace trip's gonna take 3 weeks (which it sometimes does) then you will arrive there in 3 weeks. It's not really so much about the game though as it is about the community-it's VERY forum-based, both in the Combine itself, and on the websites of whichever faction you choose to join (if you join one at all). I really love it, I've made a lot of friends from all over the world there and for the most part they're a really nice group of people, not much whining about anything at all. There's also a large amount of people who go on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) to talk to other people about the game, real life, and pretty much anything else, it can get really immersive, depending on how much you're willing to put into it.If my little ad/speech has interested you, check it out! Just go to swcombine.com and look at what we've got to offer. If you do decide to join, either add me on Steam or send me a message there, my ingame name's Jorus Bjorkstien. Hope to see you around the galaxy!Oh, and I also frequent Cracked.com, SPUF and subSPUF. That's about it.
