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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. So yesterday, when I was on a crappy surfing server, I was playing spy for the entire round, and I did pretty good-34 kills, 16 deaths, 3 dominations. That's pretty awesome for me, because I generally suck at spy. Anyways, I was looking at the screenshot I'd taken from the scoreboard at the end of the round, and under "healing" it said that I'd done 20 points of that. Even though I'd done spy the entire round. How's that possible? How does one heal someone else as a spy?

  2. Ok, so you know how at the beginning of this thread I was strongly on Achillles's side about this? Well, I'll be honest...as time's gone by and I've learned more about it, I've been starting to think that this was kinda shit. Now I'm utterly convinced. It's weird though-just as the Kony stuff dies down, this happens. Coincidence?

  3. Crap. I'm really stingy about my hats and the only hat I want to go bye-bye is uncraftable.And I don't want to use the "Oh, I don't really like Spy anyway" excuse.

    See, I'm kinda the opposite-if I'm really super attached to a hat, I'll wear it all the time. I've got one, MAYBE two hat/misc loadouts per class, that's it. That kinda explains why I still wear a BMOC, Jingle Belt and Bootie Time in the middle of march...

  4. "Hey, with the relatively small number of people here, I might actually have a shot at winning this one!"

    And the very second I complete this thought, the announcement pops up to everyone in the Steam group

    But kudos to you for raffling off your hat, Gig.

    Yeah, the same thing pretty much happened to me...doesn't matter, I still entered. Had a spare heavy hat that I didn't wan, so what the hell? YOLO

  5. Ok, so when I first started playing TF2, one of the first servers I joined was one by Intox. I really liked them, the people there were amicable enough. They had good normal servers, an actual prophunt server that had actual people on it (sometimes), a really good VSH server, and best of all, 2 awesome surf servers. I loved it, for probably 2 or 3 months, I never left an Intox server. Then I discovered girls and...whoops, wrong story. Then I just sorta...moved on, I guess. Probably around 4-5 months ago, I just stopped playing on those servers.Today, I was feeling nostalgic (and the SPUF server was down and all of my normal servers were filled) so I went onto one of the surfing servers for some fun. Good lord, has it changed...I played through one map, which is about 25 minutes. Couldn't take any more. The place is infested with Uberbronies (not the kind like Silent and Huff and them, I'm talking about people who refuse to kill fellow bronies and who legit break down in tears if they do) and furries who micspam stories about Sonic the Hedgehog killing Tails and then doing...unspeakable acts to him. (And you do NOT want to hear the Adventure Time story...:ugh:) And then there was this one guy who would text rage about spies whenever he was killed by one. Which is normal, but it didn't help at all. I saw a few people get kicked by admins/donators because they dominated them too many times, and worse yet, it was one of the admins who was crying about killing bronies.So I come to you, my friends in SubSPUF, to ask you this question-what the HELL happened to Intox? They used to be such a great organization, and now they're pretty much utter crap. Or have they always been shit, and I just never realized it?

  6. 0100011001110101011000110110101100100000011101000110100001101001011100110010000001110011011010000110100101110100001011000010000001001001001001110110110100100000011001110110111101101001011011100110011100100000011010000110111101101101011001010010111000100000010000010110110001110011011011110010110000100000011101110110000101101100011100100111010101110011011001010111001100101110
