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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. On 8/23/2018 at 2:38 AM, Idiot Cube said:

    If I'm not mistaken, Paizo.com has been under maintenance for two full days, maybe longer. What the hell are they maintaining? Aside from my growing impatience?


    I think they were just trying to fix the servers, not sure.  The Paizo website just has to be an absolute mess on the back end, apparently it hasn't been actually updated since the website first went up.

  2. Hey Rynjin, remember Jessica Price from Paizo? She just got fired from Arenanet, the guys who make Guild Wars 2, for going off on a bunch of fans/content creators. I'd completely forgotten she was from Paizo originally.


    EDIT: Also, Crystal Frasier just left Paizo today, if you hadn't seen that yet.  I know she was one of your "favorites" there.

  3. 16 hours ago, Razputin said:

    Theyre really revving up the powerlevel in this set


    I was very excited about Alpine Moon for a good two minutes before I realized it's just Sea's Claim


    We're going back to Ravnica, of course the power level for standard needs to be high.  Gotta get those weird decks like Boss-Ass Witch, Maze's End and Omnidoor Thragfire back.

  4. 2 hours ago, Huff said:

    I’d love Elswyer personally but I don’t think the world is ready for that level of mainstream furry exposure. Plus I don’t think they could do the variations in Khajit biology justice.


    I'm not a big Khajit fan (Argonians best race, fight me) but Eleswyr would be a sick setting.  Jungle setting, Aztec-like architecture, we would get to murder more Thalmor...

  5. en_CSO3KJ7ns2.png


    I'm convinced that every dinosaur was designed by a 5 year old. I'm okay with this.


    Also, here's the buy-a-box promo for Core 19:




    It didn't take long at all for Wizards to completely fuck it up and make a ridiculously good card be their exclusive promo.  Every blue deck ever in EDH wants this.

  6. Was hyped about Elder Scrolls 6, then someone pointed out that it's coming out after Skyrim in Space, which means it's almost certainly going to be next gen.  So, 3 or 4 years or so.  I just want it nowwwwww...

  7. 19 minutes ago, _Jaybee_ said:


    Didn't see him.

    Kept a few Walking Balistas and Karns at bay, though. Made a Vampire deck feel sad, too.


    Had two Blue/White Control mirror matches, wow those are shitty, lol.


    First one I got beat pretty handily by a better player, and the last match of the night we went almost the entire round before he scooped the first match, and then he conceded the second due to time. He scooped because we had both run out of removal (I left the negates out, because I wasn't sure what I was up against), he had about 10 cards left to my 20 something, but I still had my last Approach coming up.


    Using the Knights as disposable blockers to get a card advantage is a viable strat. :D Once they're out of cards its pretty much smooth sailing until the Approaches come up.


    Edit: What does non-R mean? No Red?


    Yeah, right now red-heavy decks (I've seen mostly mono-R, or red-black) are super prevalent in Standard.  Goblin Chainwhirler is basically the bane of the format right now, I believe that something like 80% of the top 32 decks in the last big standard tournament ran 4 of him.  And since you need RRR to cast Chainwhirler, you basically need to go all-in on red.

  8. The final Pathfinder 1st edition adventure path was just announced. It's called The Tyrants Grasp, looks like it's focused around the Whispering Tyrant himself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the overlying plot of Carrion Crown had a lot to do with his followers, right?


    Either way, it looks like at least part of the campaign is gonna be set in Ustalav, which is a-ok with me. I love that place. Just wish the arctic portions of Avistan had gotten fleshed out a bit more before Pathfinder died...still waiting on my Realm of the Mammoth Lords campaign setting.

  9. 4 minutes ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    Is the P/T change even in color for W?! Self-bounce is probably somewhat W but +1/-1 doesn't seem so. I guess since it's generic mana it doesn't matter.


    The other guys in the cycle have a similar ability, so I'm assuming that's why they put it in.
