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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. os9gmvwuzglz.png


    Behold, blessed perfection


    EDIT: No but seriously I fucking love this card.  Menace and Deathtouch together are just mean, the other ability is awesome, 4/4 is fantastic stats, and it's a goddamn Orc Pirate Wizard.  Home goddamn run, I'm running this bastard in every black deck I can.

  2. On 8/10/2017 at 2:24 AM, A 1970 Corvette said:


    What's the spiciest target for this, I wonder? This is probably my favourite card spoiled so far; It's got flavour, ability is powerful and can lead to some wacky plays.



    Krenko.  Absolutely, without a doubt, Krenko.  Just...Krenko.

  3. Yeah, I kinda figured it'd be that.  Kinda dumb that you can't have an army of familiars, but I can see why they'd limit you to one intelligent animal at a time.


    And hit me up when War for the Crown comes out, I'm an Adventure Path subscriber and I get those PDFs for free.  Same thing with Starfinder, although you might need to pirate the core rulebook-I got the fancy collector's edition and for some reason they're not giving out the PDF with it, which is dumb.

  4. Hightower has a few very open areas where you can surprise people with a guillotine throw.  And even though it's a custom map, Highertower is VERY good for the cleaver.  If someone's on the cart, you can just throw the guillotine from 5 levels up, freefall after it, then meatshot pretty much simultaneously with the cleaver impact.  It's all but guaranteed to be an instakill.

  5. 1 minute ago, Razputin said:

    Aha you see I said reloading because I thought that if I said shooting you'd say "but maybe you have to reload" so I thoroughly memed myself there didn't I


    But as with every single Scout secondary or melee that is based on combat the problem is always that you are just better off shooting your scattergun. If you're close enough that you can actually aim the guillotine (instead of vaguely guessing where your target is going) the scattergun will already outdps it


    I'm gonna disagree with you there, Raz.  I've been playing a LOT with the guillotine lately, and I've concluded that the hitbox for it is roughly the same as the Huntsman's.  So basically as long as you chuck it in roughly the same direction as the enemy, you'll hit something.  It's fantastic for when you're closing the gap.

  6. I actually like it as a kind of control mechanism.  People in general don't like damage over time-bleed or afterburn. You set yourself up by a health kit, nail someone with the Guillotine, and chances are they'll try and grab the health kit to stop the bleed.  What a lot of people don't realize is that 1 shot from the guillotine + a meatshot (or two glancing shots) from a scattergun will leave most classes (all of the 125 HP, sometimes medics if you're lucky) to bleed out about a second after you land the shot.  Basically, if you get good at landing your cleaver shots, generally you'll be able to predict where they go afterwards and be able to get the kill fairly easily.


    Also, if you're able to use it twice in a fight, you're doing something wrong.  A one-on-one engagement shouldn't last 6 whole seconds.

  7. 1 hour ago, Razputin said:

    I'm mostly interested to see what they will do with the rest of the "final God act" cycle. The mechanic has a ton of potential


    inb4 blue gets mill


    It's probably gonna be an extra turn effect, kind of like Savor the Moment.

  8. en_Ty0uTtET4M.png


    The tokens have haste.




    No but seriously, this is a fantastic card.  I'm loving this and the Scorpion God, and I cannot wait to see the third.  These guys are what the Amonkhet gods should've been all along.  

  9. Holy shit.


    Next set is pirates vs dinosaurs


    New un-set 


    Set after Ixalan is return to Dominaria and Richard Garfield is leading the design team for the first time since OG Innistrad


    Wizards just take all my money


  10. 38 minutes ago, Rynjin said:

    In case anyone is wondering, I haven't updated Carrion Crown in a bit because the website keeps shitting out every time I try to make a post.


    Knowing Paizo, they decided to do this big website overhaul and only hired one guy with less than a year's experience in the business because he worked cheap, so this may continue for a while.


    My guess is they're finally getting around to updating the Starfinder page to enable subscriptions, and since the website is made of literal duct tape, tears and prayers, they broke everything.

  11. Started playing in a Strange Aeons campaign, and the party I'm in is the most weirdly thematic party for this campaign.


    -Bloodrager (Aberrant Bloodline)

    -Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade, going to Empiricist Investigator at level 2 for the rest of the campaign.  This is me.)


    -Mesmerist (Eyebiter)

    -Spiritualist (Fractured Mind)


    So we have 3 CHA-based classes (and me, because Empiricist is basically "Somehow the guy who dumped CHA can be the party face: the class), 2 Knowledge/skill monkeys, and only 1 full BAB'er.  This is going to be glorious.  Also possibly a TPK.
