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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. Also while we're on this topic, is it just me or are hackers somehow even more prevalent these days in pubs? Like, I came back to TF2 recently after a 2 year absence, and I swear when I join a server there's a 50% chance that there's going to be at least one person blatantly hacking.  That doesn't even count the people who have the more subtle hacks-you know, the soldier who's just a *little* too good at airshots, the sniper who  just happens to be pointing right at your head when you poke your head around the corner...those guys are even harder to find out.  

  2. 3 hours ago, Razputin said:

    I really prefer the commander prebuilds having fat Timmybait 6+ drops just so they don't continue fucking up Legacy


    It only takes one, man.  Only takes one...stupid fucking True Name Nemesis.


  3. I've been playing so many rogues/roguelike characters lately.  I've got 2 unchained rogues, a Beastmorph/Vivisectionist alchemist, and now I'm working on an Archaeologist.  I think I need help because I'm actually really starting to like Unrogues.  Somehow.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rynjin said:

    TBH, almost every class in 5e plays the same as far as class "type" goes. You have casters, and non-casters. Your melee non-casters all play about the same. Poke a man. He die. Battlemaster and Monk (Open Hand) are the only classes that can do Combat Maneuvers besides Grapple and Bull Rush (Shove), so they have the leg up. Rogue and Paladin are all about dealing damage, and Ranger is all about dealing damage worse than they do.


    Wizard and Cleric are basically identical in 5e. Sorcerer would be if it weren't the only class to get metamagic now. Warlock is a nerfed Wizard/Cleric that gets to be a neat gish with the right Pact.


    If you want to play a fun spellcaster: Play a Bard. They get 9 level casting now and you can choose to make him either Wizard+ or melee-man with the College choices.


    Huh.  When you put it like that, it really kinda turns me off from playing 5e.  I love the build complexity you can get with Pathfinder, doesn't sound like 5e is quite there yet.

  5. So I was browsing the Paizo recruitment forum, looking to see if anything good was open.  I saw an Ironfang Invasion recruitment, and decided to check it out.  The guy was talking about a custom class he was allowing one of his players to use, calling it a martial arcane caster.  Immediately, alarm bells started going off.  I checked it out.


    Guys, this thing is the most overpowered piece of crap class that I have ever seen in my life.


    Seriously, check out the link above.  I haven't altered it in any way.  Just go through it line by line.  This is how you don't design a class.


    EDIT: Looks like he made it private, but I managed to make a copy of it just in case he did just that. Check it out.

  6. I actually started playing a bit lately.  Game's pretty dead, but I managed to somehow find a decent community server.  It runs Highertower (AKA hightower with 50 levels) and grappling hooks.  It's actually a ton of fun, especially if you can hit consistently with the Direct Hit.  Matchmaking is absolute cancer now though, literally every other game I'm in has hackers.  They're so blatant about it, too.  It never used to be this bad.


    Also, the biggest surprise after coming back after a few years? I think the Gunslinger's like...actually balanced now? When the hell did that happen?

  7. 56 minutes ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    She seems to have an aversion to actual planned campaigns. The first game we ever did was Pathfinder and it started as a Runelord game GM'd by someone else, but she took over and immediately homebrewed it after the initial goblin thing got taken care of. That was also coincidentally when things got off the rails as she let our druid make magic ale out of goodberries and then sell enough of it to the town to be able to buy his own bar and then we just bought everything and had basically infinite money because we would just say "we wait for a month to get money built up" and she apparently was okay with that. At that point our group was basically just nodding along to the plot hooks she gave us because no amount of pay from questing could have swayed us from the insane money we got from her projections.


    After we fully abused the sheer amount of magic items we bought she eventually just gave up and said we're moving to 5e. Then of course as I said before she thought she'd rather give us magic items instead of levelling as often as normal and we broke that too because our entire party could fly and turn invisible. So yeah.


    Have you tried talking to her about this? Because honestly, that sounds like a huge drag.  Or try to have someone GM?  What happened to the original Runelords GM?

  8. You're not wrong at all-there's a rumor going around that stems from an ad in the new Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover.  Lots of people are saying that the next AP after Ruins of Anzlat is going to be yet another Korvosa one.  It makes sense, it's been a whole 3 APs since we've been to Cheliax or Varisia.  One of those places was overdue for a return...

  9. So Paizo had their big sale on non-mint stuff, and I got a bunch of books on the north part of the Inner Sea region.  I'm absolutely shocked that there isn't at least a campaign setting book on the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, if not a full-blown Adventure Path.  It's so goddamn cool.  It's basically a prehistoric tundra that's being simultaneously invaded by Irrisen, Belkzan and the Worldwound.  It's this ridiculously hostile place where there aren't many towns, just a crapload of nomadic tribes.  Then, up to the northeast there's these volcanic valleys where the climate's basically tropical, and there's tunnels underground where you've got this lush jungle with dinosaurs, basically right out of Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne, complete with it's own fake sun inside this gigantic underground cavern.  Hell, there's a small town called Tolguth in one of these valleys that happens to be right on the border of the Worldwound.  So not only do the inhabitants have to deal with goddamn dinosaurs, but they've also under near constant attack from fucking demons.  


    Like, seriously.  Why is this place not expanded on more? I want to make a caveman-esque campaign here.  I really do love the Golarion setting, but I hate how Paizo sets up all these amazing places with great hooks, and then just refuses to elaborate on them for years and years.

  10. Real talk though. I fucking hate this card. It's so pushed it's not even funny. I did a search for 4/3 creatures with CMC 3. There's 12 of them, and they all either have some sort of downside/bounce. This is the first ever 4/3 for 3 with an upside, and I hate that. It's just a logical continuation of wizards buffing creatures and nerfing spells because new players like big guys. Like...fuck. There's gotta be a happy medium between the two, right? Why do we have to choose between good creatures or good spells?

  11. Holy shit, that's so stupid.  Sorry to hear that, Rynjin.  I always liked lurking and watching how your campaigns went.  Didn't you just get a new guy in your Carrion Crown group, too?


    I kinda stopped with pathfinder a while back too, I just couldn't keep up with my campaigns anymore.  It sucks, I was really enjoying a few of them-one of them was the Legendary Planet AP (which I cannot recommend enough) except we were all goblins.  So...a lot of shit blew up.  It was glorious, and I really do miss that campaign.  I was playing a monkey goblin vivisectionist/beastmorph alchemist, hands down one of my favorite characters that I've ever done.  But you know...real life is a bitch and all that.


    I do have the entire Strange Aeons AP now though, which is so good. Maybe one day I'll get a group together to play it, it's seriously just amazing.  Maybe once I'm situated in an actual job and aren't living still at home.  I also got Second Darkness a few months back, I know it's kinda shitty story-wise and it's technically 3.5, but Paizo sells it for 5 bucks a book, and with the fall sale that was going on and my AP subscriber discount, it was too good of an offer to pass up. It's actually not that bad, once you convert it to Pathfinder.  Story still sucks, but it's a fairly decent dungeon crawl.
