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Posts posted by alexgndl

  1. Well this has been an interesting discussion...I really hope raison's trolling there because goddamn, dude.  Also, slight comment on the "we're gonna become Brazil" comment you made there-isn't the current government pretty conservative?  Because I'm pretty sure they recently impeached the left-leaning president and replaced her with a really conservative government.  So wouldn't you WANT the US to be more like Brazil at this point?



    Anyways, it seems like a lot of Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and my boy Chuck Schumer, are really rallying for Keith Ellison for the new head of the DNC.  I never had heard of him, but he seems pretty legit to be honest-I think he would be a good candidate to try and pull the Democrats further left of center, which is where you could argue they're at right now.  Plus, he's a black muslim, which I'm sure will endear him to people like...well, I guess people like our buddy Raison.

  2. 1 hour ago, General DeGroot said:


    In all fairness, there's a good chance the Republicans would have thrown some serious riots if it wasn't trump.


    Right.  And the Dems were all like "Look at these people, they're destroying the very fabric of our democracy by saying that!" and then they're in a lot of cases the same people who are out protesting and rioting right now.

  3. 3 hours ago, Raison d'être said:

    These anti-Trump riots are really givin me a giggle.




    I'm sure you're truly inconveniencing the combined 73 Republicans in those cities. Hope they start loading live ammo soon, regardless.


    It's honestly ridiculous.  I mean, I get where they're coming from, and to a certain extent even agree with them.  But the hypocrisy here is just absolutely astounding.  He won.  It happened.  And now, instead of trying to figure out what went wrong and fixing it for the midterms, they're refusing to accept the results and are rioting.  Which is exactly what everyone was screaming that Trump would do if he lost.  I mean, for god's sake-who is an undecided voter now more likely to vote for, the Republican, or the dude who's likely to throw a garbage can through a window if his guy loses?  

  4. 15 hours ago, DualJay said:

    I can't find any numbers to support it. I'm not saying they're not there - I may just not be able to find them or be using the wrong terms (mostly searches along the line "race crime increase election"). Could you give me a link?



    Here's a good article I found about stuff that happened yesterday.  The stuff from the Buffalo News happened within a few miles of where I live.  I fully realize and accept that it's anecdotal evidence, but there's no way right now to get actual, concrete numbers data about this subject, since it's literally happening as you try to quantify it.

  5. So C16 spoilers have officially started.  One of the big mechanics is called "Partner".  Basically it allows you to have 2 commanders, as long as they both have Partner. Curious to see what you guys think of it.  Personally, I think it's a nifty mechanic, even if it is kind of a cop-out on WOTC's part.  We were promised 4 color commanders, but instead for the most part we're getting 2 commanders that when you put them together, make a whole 4-color commander.  That being said, I'll probably use at least one pair of them for shits and giggles.  Having multiple commanders is a cool idea, it's just...I wish they'd done it another year, not during 4-color's time to shine.  Probably gonna use this bad boy as one of the commanders, she's so fun-looking: 



    Can't decide if I wanna go Grixis or 4-color non-green for the other half.

  6. Yeah, if you start a game, definitely let me know-I'd love to do another one with you.


    EDIT: Hit me up if you see any Paizo modules/APs you might want to try, chances are pretty good that I have them.  I think I've also got Way of the Wicked, if you've ever wanted to try that.  And I have Strange Aeons, too.  I was going to run it, but I'm not sure if my schedule really will allow it at the moment.  It's a REALLY good campaign though so far, I've enjoyed reading it.

  7. Went 3-1, ended up getting 9th place out of about 40 people.  I had a pretty decent B/G aggro deck.  Gonti and Demon of Dark Schemes were just incredible in it, when I got either of them onto the field I usually won.  One game I reanimated an enemy Combustible Gearhulk with the Demon.  That was fun.  It was a super fun prerelease, I liked the set a lot.  Fabricate is an amazing ability.

  8. If it's your first time at a prerelease, I REALLY recommend you try and stick to just 2 colors as much as possible.  Find your two strongest colors (which may or may not include your promo-that's okay!) and use those to make your deck.  Only go 3-color if you absolutely have to.  Trust me-every prerelease I go to where someone sits down and goes "oh, I've got this cool 4-color deck, I just couldn't decide what to take out!", I just kind of grin a bit.  Try and stick with two colors, and your deck will be a lot better off for it.


    But really-just have fun! Prereleases are awesome.  

  9. That really sucks, man-sorry to hear that.  If its any consolation, that game with GM Shady I told you about is probably not getting off the ground.  He's responding, but seems 'meh' about the whole thing.  I give it a week before he just completely calls it quits.  And don't blame yourself for your games going inactive, Mummy's Mask book 1 was bullcrap.  If you (or anyone, really) want to do more DM'ing, hit me up-I have a TON of Adventure Path PDFs, and even more modules.
