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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo


    Why do the paticipant medals always look the best?:pinkiegasm:
  2. Just a Gigolo


    I conquer.:pinkiegasm:
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Custom skin dump!

    I love potato skins.:pinkiegasm:
  4. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElfzaOBQRM8 Now stop showing those ♥♥♥♥ing ads for her shitty movies all the time. Extra racism from a different movie. :pinkiegasm:
  5. Just a Gigolo

    League of Legends

    I have made my decision about this game.*clears throat*It's a gay game for gay babies.That is all.:pinkiegasm:
  6. Just a Gigolo

    SPUF Memes

    The way something becomes a "meme" is through overuse. A joke is not funny for the 100th time, so that's why memes aren't funny by design.With some memes, like "Arrow to the knee," it becomes so unfunny and overused so fast, you can't even tell if it was funny at one point. That's the curse of the internet.Then unfunny people flock to said memes in an attempt to be "cool" like everyone else. Look how many kids run around servers as a Demopan these days. Have they actually seen the original TF2 thread that spawned Demopan? Probably not, but you'll find them running around seeking attention.:pinkiegasm:
  7. Just a Gigolo


    Attention Toonami Faithful: We heard you. On 05.26.12 — [adult swim] (@adultswim) I cried a manly tear.:pinkiegasm:
  8. Just a Gigolo

    "Argyle Sweater" mentioned Paula Dean today

    That explains everything.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBJZwYpHUBo :pinkiegasm:
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Stock Melees

    Which is why you should give the bonesaw the heal taunt, so it would be like the bat/mackerel.It would also fix its balance issues with the Solomon Vow.:pinkiegasm:
  10. Just a Gigolo

    "Argyle Sweater" mentioned Paula Dean today

    That scum hole is an insult to oppressive third-world nations.:pinkiegasm:
  11. Just a Gigolo

    Stock Melees

    Simple logic escapes you. :pinkiegasm:
  12. Just a Gigolo

    Stock Melees

    It still has an ability that the bonesaw doesn't, so it's an upgrade.Just when I thought you could get any worse...If you want to save the bonesaw, just give it the amputator's taunt, and then the amputator would just be a set skin like the holy mackerel.:pinkiegasm:
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Best Card Game Ever?

    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1189988320/tentacle-bento-by-soda-pop-miniaturesIt's a tentacle rape card game. How can it get any better than this?Ironically, my attention to this fine product was from one of many of Kotaku's feminazi articles complaining about the game. If it wasn't for people who don't understand humor and freedom of speech, I would of never known I could of gave these people money.:pinkiegasm:
  14. Just a Gigolo

    Best Card Game Ever?

    Well it's funding has been suspended.Hypocritical of them, seeing as how things like "Kitten in a blender," Leisure Suit Larry," and "Smut King" got funded.I guess sometimes political correctness and Feminazi bitching is more important than freedom of speech, humor, and having a fun time.:pinkiegasm:
  15. Just a Gigolo

    Best Card Game Ever?

    Well if you back them you get the game for free, and some extra swag too. They do the payment with Amazon, so it's really easy. :pinkiegasm:
  16. Just a Gigolo

    Second Annual Saxxy Award Submission!?

    What if we acted out the execution scene from Boondock Saints?
  17. Just a Gigolo

    Guys, use goggles on the main page...

    But I'm like Wombat, I believe everything I read, even if it's really stupid.:pinkiegasm:
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Lurkers go away

    http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqDBB0no6dQ&ob=av2e :pinkiegasm:
  19. Just a Gigolo

    Lurkers go away

    Low blow, dude. Low blow. :pinkiegasm:
  20. Just a Gigolo


    Because candiru.:pinkiegasm:
  21. Just a Gigolo


    There is a fish called the candiru that will swim up your penis and eject barbs in your shaft to drink your blood.Thankfully, it's only in South America.:pinkiegasm:
  22. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Wallet Cards

    I have a credit card, so no. It's funny though, Gamestop has their own digital download service, but they're selling Steam cards. It's like if Wallmart sold Target gift cards. I remember a while back when the Gamestop clerk asked me if I wanted to pre-order Saints Row 3, and I said I already did on Steam, he got pissed at me. Oh how the times have changed.:pinkiegasm:
  23. Just a Gigolo


    We still have an IRC?:pinkiegasm:
  24. Just a Gigolo

    Game Of Thrones

    This will make the last episode less depressing. Best mother's day episode EVER!!! :pinkiegasm:
  25. Just a Gigolo


    I've now figured out a 100% accurate way of telling if your team is going to win.Do they have more skins than your team? If yes, you lose. If no, you win.Note, free skins don't count. They have to be store bought.EDITIs it bad I want to play this more than I do TF2?:pinkiegasm: