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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    they didn't update the localization files

    I'm too busy staring deeply into you signature.
  2. Just a Gigolo

    What # did you all get?

    I, for one, don't give a shit about item numbers, and will think less of an item if it has one.
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Terrible Hat Liked By Terrible People

    As we all know, BDSM masks for goths is a better choice for TF2 than an apple with an arrow through it.
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20535&searchtext=CrimeCraft+Mask+of+the+Dead The first version was shit, and this version is slightly less shitty, but still shit of course. I hope they never do another promo for TF2. Terrible Person
  5. Just a Gigolo

    Game Of Thrones

    Because that takes boats.
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Game Of Thrones

    A throne, a midget, some wolves, a lot of fucking, incest, child murder, and the Starks.
  7. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    The manga doesn't matter. We're talking about anime. If the anime has a fault, it doesn't matter if the manga doesn't, because they still screwed up in the anime. Death was kicking that guy's ass, and then he shot an attack at the people who were watching the fight. Death then jumped in front of the attack, and was out of the fight.It's like in DBZ when Piccolo jumped in front of Gohan, but doesn't have any reason behind it.
  8. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Really? He had a way to kill anyone with no one being able to trace it back to him. So what did he do? He accessed police files that made it so L would investigate police families, and create Light as his prime suspect. The show was still about a boring Mary Sue who just ended up being some stupid Yaoi-bait character. Or the "I'm a miester and a weapon at the same time, but lets never talk about it again." It's like if the X-Files finale had Mulder turn into a wolf for no reason, and they never talked about it.Or the fact the show was based around teamwork, and they decided to have only the main character being able to do anything in the end.Or the only reason Death didn't kill the bad guy, was because a bunch of trained warriors couldn't get out of the way of a slow moving blast.
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Death Note, the emo show with the dumbest "Smart guy" in television.Code Geass, the show with the annoying Mary Sue who has terrible robot fights.Soul Eater, the show that started out good, but the ending was so bad it ruined it all.
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    You mean the shows that go fucking nowhere? Like One Piece, where they're almost to the grand line, only to get thrown across the world, so Luffy can spend a fucking year trying to save his brother only for him to die right as they get him out of there.Thank Hale Bleach is cancelled.
  11. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Oh please, anime since the 00's has been nothing but "MOE KAWAII DESU."If any industry has turned to shit, it's anime.Now they're too busy trying to appeal to pedos to make good shows.
  12. Just a Gigolo

    Tribes: Acend

    Think of the time that could be spent playing a good game. Don't do it, think of the repercussions.
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Tribes: Acend

    It would be a waste of hardware space.
  14. Just a Gigolo

    Black Ops 2 trailer

    It got removed for all those gay sex scenes.
  15. Just a Gigolo

    Black Ops 2 trailer

    I knew MW was a gay game series for gay babies, and now I have proof.
  16. Just a Gigolo

    Steam site issues

    Taco burrito pinata pinata sombrero?
  17. Just a Gigolo

    Tribes: Acend

    You forgot the most important thing wrong with Tribes, Nerfed. Tribes is a a gay game for gay babies.
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Vidya Game Music

  19. Just a Gigolo

    The Replay sharing thread!

    Just edit replay's the youtube link in your tf folder to that of a video with a shit ton of views.
  20. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    She's a probending fangirl.It's obvious she just wants his dick.
  21. Just a Gigolo

    Steam site issues

    Maybe you should just learn Spanish.Why should Steam learn how to speak English?
  22. Just a Gigolo

    The Replay sharing thread!

    But I already got have Frontline Field Recorder...
  23. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Well if you're just going to say random people are Amon, I think it's Naga.
  24. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    So far there's only one fan theory about Amon that I like.When Aang died in the Avatar state, he ended the avatar cycle. Of course he later fixed that in the fight against the Firelord, so the avatar cycle could continue, and Korra was born when he died.But what if when he died the first time, a non-bending avatar was born? A avatar with all the connections to the spirit world, but none of the bending. That would explain why he is able to take bending away like Aang, since he would able to contact the spirit world and learn how. This non-bending avatar could easily grow up to be Amon.