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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    Terrible Hat Liked By Terrible People

    It so hardcore. It go perfect with my uber 1337 snipa skillz.
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Need Dota 2 tips and stuff, pl0x.

    Baba Booey baba booey, Howard Stern's penis, Baba Booey.
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Need Dota 2 tips and stuff, pl0x.

    No, it's the game's fault.
  4. Just a Gigolo

    Need Dota 2 tips and stuff, pl0x.

    If a game can't teach you how to play it, the game fails as a game.
  5. Just a Gigolo

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Dragonite is best Pokeman.
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Incarnati0n's Big Bad Mean Balance Thread

    This ruined all of it. The rest of the ideas are pretty bad, but I'm too lazy to point them out. I'd like to also point out that your banner change would fuck over the Cow Mangler.
  7. Just a Gigolo

    Vidya Game Music

  8. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Aang is dead. The avatar cycle wouldn't of continued if he didn't die.
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Yeah... those kind of deserve infractions.
  10. Just a Gigolo


    Yes.Pikachu is so asian, he passed a math class that he wasn't even enrolled in.
  11. Just a Gigolo


    I have some guy I don't know on the internet who agrees with me. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!
  12. Just a Gigolo


    I agree with your argument.
  13. Just a Gigolo


    Wouldn't that make it a never ending fight?
  14. Just a Gigolo


    Last time I tried an online Pokemon battle, the guy had a Spiritomb that I couldn't do damage to at all.
  15. Just a Gigolo


    Fixed. I'm sorry, but it's a kid's game.It's a children's game that's built around making you waste as much time in it as possible. Plus, hacking it is sooo ♥♥♥♥ing easy with Action Replay it's funny. Why anyone would raise a Pokemon with the EV and nature, when you can just get one in a minute for free is beyond me.While we're at it, there's competitive CoD. There's even money tournaments for it too. "The very nature of CoD was competitive from the start."
  16. Just a Gigolo


    Because most players are children who will never even use the online functions to battle. Just because there is a competitive scene, doesn't mean it represents the actual game. Just imagine if the TF2 compfags got their way in TF2. Every server would be 12 slots, and you could only use 4 classes. You can beat the game with that, and that's all that matters.
  17. Just a Gigolo


    And 99.9% of the Pokemon players don't know anything about that, and will never even need to. You can beat every game with just "He's fire, shoot water." Not everyone plays Pokemon competitively. The actual game is incredibly noob friendly.
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Diablo 3

    I don't have the Diablo 3 beta.
  19. Just a Gigolo

    Diablo 3

  20. Just a Gigolo


    I'm pretty sure Activision knows its main audience is children with CoD. While they can't actively advertise to children, due to it being a M rated game, they still try. Look at the Jonah Hill MW3 ad. Haha, that's a good excuse. Two versions exist so they can sell you two copies of one game, and at least CoD hasn't sunk that low... yet. Cartridge restrictions have nothing to do with it, all that data is still there on both games. Plus, trying to get a fair trade out of anyone as a kid was like dealing with TF2 trader, but 100 times worse. Expect for graphical upgrades, nothing major has changed about Pokemon. It's still the same game it was in Red/Blue. You still do the exact same thing in every game, but there are just different Pokemon to fight (point n' shoot n' leech seed). The gameplay is still pretty much the same. Certain attacks do more damage to other Pokemon, and some do less. Sure you can say they changed *blank*, but CoD gets things changed about it too. The problem is it encourages bad business practices. You also get companies trying to mimic them instead of trying anything original.
  21. Just a Gigolo

    Diablo 3

    I got a free copy of Diablo 3 with my purchase of Tyrael’s Charger.
  22. Just a Gigolo

    Monster Hunter

    Pretty much.If there aren't elf tits to keep me interested, grinding gets boring too fast.
  23. Just a Gigolo


    Fixed I think the main difference between Pokemon and CoD, is how there isn't an anti-Pokemon circle jerk on the internet. Pokemon has been doing the same shit as CoD for years, and they get off just because they aren't owned by Activision.