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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    Anime General Discussion

    Thank you.
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Anime General Discussion

  3. Just a Gigolo

    World of Warcraft

    My guild had a stupid loot rule that made me lose a 40ilvl upgrade to a pug hunter, so I pulled a "Screw you guys, I'm going home" and gquit. Now to find a new guild.
  4. Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Voyager did the impossible, they made the Borg, the biggest baddies in all of science fiction, look like a bunch of wimps. Seeing 15 Borg cubes get destroyed by bad cgi aliens is pretty hard to believe.
  5. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-30710883 I think it's time to bring back Draw Muhammed Day.
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Muslims Kill 12 in Attack on French Newspaper

  7. Just a Gigolo

    TF2 general

    It was easy to kill heavies as pyro before they fucked with the axtinguisher.
  8. Just a Gigolo

    World of Warcraft

    [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Muslims Kill 12 in Attack on French Newspaper

    I am a dick to all religions, but there aren't enough Christians or Jews out there killing people in the name of their god for me to call them on that. Maybe if the IRA was still relevant I could.
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Muslims Kill 12 in Attack on French Newspaper

  11. Just a Gigolo

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    You bastards.
  12. Just a Gigolo

    World of Warcraft

    I hate the new mount rares in WoD. So far I have all of them, but Path and Nakk. I've camped Nakk for hours on five occasions now, only to have him not spawn in the time window he's supposed to. I almost got Path, but some dick burned him before the group could get there. They really need to give them a couple billion health, lower the spawn timers, and fix the phasing problems.
  13. Just a Gigolo

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  14. Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I finished watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It was actually better than Next Generation was. TNG took a couple seasons to get good, where DS9 was good from the start. The constant setting also helped with building a long running story rather than "go random place and thing happens" that TNG always did. It also had Quark, and Quark is the best Star Trek character ever... after Barclay and O'Brien. I started watching Voyager, and boy is it bad so far. None of the characters are likable besides the doctor hologram, and it also has a character that is more annoying that JarJar Binks. Spoiler
  15. Just a Gigolo

    Should James Bond be Black?

    The world treats a black man differently than a white one, so even if he acts the same, people won't treat him the same.
  16. Just got back from doing my patriotic duty by seeing the Interview. For a 10pm showing, the theater was packed, and the crowd really enjoyed themselves. It also has puppies and asian titties, so you can't go wrong.
  17. http://deadline.com/2014/12/sony-scraps-the-interview-1201328639/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka3nKBR2mIU
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Not everything has to be the Burger King Kid's Club.
  19. Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I got the Heroes of the Storm beta randomly a couple of days ago. Don't know if I care enough about it to play it, but I guess I'm guilted into not wasting it, since others don't have it.
  20. Just a Gigolo

    World of Warcraft

    I want this to be a mount.