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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    The End is Near

    http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/08/18/they-cant-get-sick-or-ask-for-vacation-chinese-restaurant-unveils-robot-waiters-and-cooks/ As greedy as people are, I don't see why they wouldn't replace every employee they can with a robot. That would cause an even worse unemployment problem than we already have. Any politician that would try to bring up legislation to stop it would get instantly shut down by all the politicians that have been paid off by the people benefiting from robot labor. Fox News would of course attack any anti-robot legislation as "big government," and trick their moronic viewers into supporting the people who gave their jobs to robots. This would lead to a society with massive unemployment and an even worse income inequality. One more thing. Spoiler
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Lizard Squad DDoS

    What ever happened to them? I assumed they all got arrested and had assburgers or something.
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Lizard Squad DDoS

    So we in for a repeat of the Lulzec guys?
  4. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    The reason people said Phil faked the hack was because they thought the site was hosted by Cloudflare, and that would have required Phil's laptop and phone to hack the site. Then it turned they just used Cloudflare for their caching.
  5. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    http://oppressionquest.com EDIT An update from her ex. The owner of Neogaf doxxing and mocking people with complaints about censorship. Spoiler And more Kotaku writers in bed with developers. Spoiler
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5-51PfwI3M&list=UUWB0dvorHvkQlgfGGJR2yxQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKmy5OKg6lo
  7. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    See the little faggot with the twitter and the ego? Spoiler Yeah buddy, he calls that a beard.
  8. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    At least enough for a McRibb and fries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiJc4rKT7KM Original was false flagged.
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    Phil Fish is always on the wrong side.
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Korra is FDR now. Also, new favorite death. Spoiler
  11. Just a Gigolo

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Holy shit that finale.
  12. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    I wish Yatzhee could break free from the Escapist. I guess he may have actually been hacked. http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/2e9cyn/phil_fish_deletes_twitter_account_after_polytron/cjxdhm5
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    I guess Guy was right. Zoe already made up that Wizardchan thing (Do they mean those kinds of wizards?) for sympathy, so this is nothing new.
  14. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    Guy just sent me this. He thinks it's a false flag, I don't think Phil would risk all his info. http://polytroncorporation.com Grab your popcorn, because major drama is about to break out. EDIT Guy wants me to add that you probably shouldn't download that link.
  15. Just a Gigolo

    Robin Williams found dead

  16. Just a Gigolo

    Zoe Quinn

    I'll repost this picture since it sums up things nicely. Spoiler
  17. Just a Gigolo

    Anime General Discussion

    Are you implying that Tetris doesn't make things 100 times better?
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Anime General Discussion

    No Trigun?
  19. Just a Gigolo

    Anime General Discussion

    Knowing how low the standard of quality anime fans have, uninspired must mean the worst thing ever.
  20. Just a Gigolo

    Ferguson. What?

    We really need to stop letting cops use lethal force. Keep lethal force for the swat teams, and arm cops with stun guns and mace.
  21. Just a Gigolo

    Smache Brothers

    This didn't take long. http://res-res-res.tumblr.com/post/95171251071/challengerapproaching-pic-of-the-day-for-august
  22. Just a Gigolo

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Why didn't you sheep?
  23. Just a Gigolo

    Ferguson. What?

    Yeah, but.. It just makes no sense. Murica.
  24. Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Iron stars hurt, a lot. And it only took Thrall and Grom the first time, he had an army.
  25. Just a Gigolo

    TIAM: General Gaming edition
