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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Even the most frugal devs can afford a one time payment of 100 bucks. Aside from stopping spam and jokes, it'll also weed out those who aren't very serious about getting their game on Steam.All money also goes to charity, so I see no problem with this at all.:pinkiegasm:
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Kingdom Hearts Let's Play: Redux

    You need someone to be the "Grump" to your "Not So Grump.":pinkiegasm:
  3. Just a Gigolo

    If Atheists ruled the world

    http://www.youtube.com/user/LennartSB?feature=watchProbably one of the best Youtube channels on Youtube in the history of Youtube!:pinkiegasm:
  4. Just a Gigolo

    If Atheists ruled the world

    Yeah, kind of disappointing.A pro would have a ten page flamewar by now.:pinkiegasm:
  5. Just a Gigolo

    Game Grumps

    I hope everyone looked up "Pizza time" on Youtube.:pinkiegasm:
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Seriously, calling someone stupid for outsmarting you multiple times you doesn't say very nice things about you. Either that, or anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid, which makes everyone in this thread stupid I guess. Maybe in the future they'll have a surgery to remove fanboy goggles, but until then, enjoy living in a fantasy world.But anyways...http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c2Vb7CqTdc :pinkiegasm:
  7. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    I'll fix your post for you. :pinkiegasm:
  8. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Multipul people have already explained it to you in this thread, the only reason fanboy goggles come up, is because you're ignorant to what's in front of you. FACT: the only reason you like this is because you like Yogscast. There is nothing more to it than that really. All you've done is spout off "ADVENTURE" and pretend that makes it original. When even Dualjay agrees with me, you know you have no legs to stand on.I like Game Grumps, but if you told me they wanted money so they could make a ripoff of the Goof Troop game, but with them in it, I'd tell you that's a terrible idea.You completely ignore what others write, and do these little shit posts because you have nothing better to say. You probably aren't reading this and are going to say something about your cousin being on fire. Do you even think before you open your mouth(or type on your keyboard)? THEY'RE marketing their game, taking it to conventions, getting money from retarded morons, and trying to get it on the Steam store. Seriously, I feel like I'm boxing a four year old kid.:pinkiegasm:
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Oh yeah, all that adventure. Oh wait, THERE IS NONE!!! Maybe they should have waited until there was some adventure in it before marketing it. Though, you don't need to do anything of quality to impress fanboys, so there being no adventure in it can convince you that it has adventure.They can say all they want about adventure, but as I said earlier, Minecraft has adventure, so it doesn't stop it from being a ripoff. It just makes it a lesser version.Seriously man, stop spouting off buzz phrases that you've heard them say, it's kind of making things more pathetic.:pinkiegasm:
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Admitting it's a shitty knockoff isn't helping your case. :pinkiegasm:
  11. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Oh god, I think the fanboy goggles have melted into his eyes.He can't tell reality from real life, it's just so pathetic.:pinkiegasm:
  12. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Not every game starts out as trying to ripoff another game though.To be nice, I'll give you an exclusive look into how their first meeting went.-Yog "I want you to make Minecraft, but with us in it"-Devs "But that's not very original, and Minecraft is already popular"-Yog "But we're Youtube famous, that's like being Tom Hanks times two"-Devs "I'm not sure about this"-Yog "It'll make money won't it?"-Devs "Touche!":pinkiegasm:
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Why?People are allowed to critique it in any stage. If they didn't want us to criticize it, they shouldn't have released info about it to the public. They shouldn't of started with "Lets ripoff Minecraft" as their first goal if they didn't want us to call them on their bullshit. They shouldn't have made it control like you're in a wheelchair on an ice rink if they didn't want us to say the controls suck.You are really desperate to defend your idols of fanboy worship. I hope you enjoy "Annoying Orange: The Game.":pinkiegasm:
  14. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    No one is saying Terraria is a Minecraft ripoff, only Yogventures. Yogventures is just Minecraft with shitty jumping puzzles, terrible controls, and a dwarf based off a guy with the most annoying voice in history. Is "Megaman" a ripoff of Mario, no, of course not. Is "The Great Giana Sisters" a ripoff of Mario, yes it is. "It's just the same genre" isn't a defense, because anyone can easily see the difference between just copying and things and when things are similar in nature. If by "adventure" you mean running into some castle for no reason, then I think you need to learn what that word means, because that doesn't sound like adventure to me. "OH BOY, you gotta get keys, SO MUCH ADVENTURE UP IN HERE!!!" Minecraft has adventure anyways, just no narrative to guide you along. You're supposed to do all that shit to fight the dragon, sounds like adventure to me.Yogventures is just a souless cash-in that only got made because two people who are youtube famous have more ego than originality. There is no difference between it and that terrible Annoying Orange TV show. There is zero reasons this game should exists, expect some people wanted some easy money.:pinkiegasm:
  15. Just a Gigolo


    Tyrone can never die, because he lives on in you, me, and everyone's hearts.:pinkiegasm:
  16. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Quickly, everyone get a mask on, or you might catch it. He's already started talking about family members who don't exists to make people sympathize with him. :pinkiegasm:
  17. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    You're not alone, but terrible people usually are.Oh god, it's getting even worse. THERE ISN'T MUCH TIME NOW!!!His stupid fanboy will soon become contagious, we have to quarantine him or we might catch it.:pinkiegasm:
  18. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Somebody's backed into a corner.I think your disease has progressed to the fatal state. You already have the symptoms of ignoring logic and facts, but now you progressed to just insulting people instead of admitting that liking a copycat cash-in is a bad thing.There is no cure, there is only ending the suffering.:pinkiegasm:
  19. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Speaking of other ripoffs that need downvoting, here is a Terraria ripoff. Which doesn't have a Youtube star attached to it, so no one likes it.http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92916134They should just put The Amazing Atheist in it, that would make it a totally original game that deserves all our money.:pinkiegasm:
  20. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    It's a pretty unique genre of games, and expect for terrible jumping puzzles, I haven't seen anything to separate it from Minecraft. You say that now, but you wouldn't. No one would have. It never would have gotten the funding to even get made.It's the latest fad with indie devs, there are at least three knockoffs on Xboxlive Arcade that I can think of, and you're telling me that this one would somehow be better than all of them and stand out? Or you are blinded by your fanboy goggles, and somehow think that you could enjoy playing a knockoff over the original game that is better supported, has more players, and more content.It's a souless cash-in on two popular fads, nothing more.:pinkiegasm:
  21. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Oh yeah, that's what we need, another Minecraft ripoff, starring two twits who have no reason to have their own game, and made by a bunch of novices. That's totally worth throwing money at.If it didn't have the Yogscast guys in it, NO ONE would have donated to it on Kickstarter. They would have just said "Wow, what unoriginal shit" and ignored it. It's like if they made an Annoying Orange video game that was just a Pac Man clone or something.But sadly, your case of stupid fanboy has advanced to a stage where logic escapes you.:pinkiegasm:
  22. Just a Gigolo

    That Candle Jack is a pretty cool guy

    I hate that meme. I liked Freakazoid before it was cool.Now we have all these people running around talking about Candle Jack, and th:pinkiegasm:
  23. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Not until the day I die, or forget to do it.:pinkiegasm:
  24. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    You must of caught a bad case of stupid fanboy. It's known to screw up your judgement about whether or not something is a good idea for a game. Take two doses of logic daily, and it should clear up fast.:pinkiegasm:
  25. Just a Gigolo

    Steam Greenlight.

    Upvote this.http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92911011&searchtext=Downvote this into hell itself!!!http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92983551&searchtext=:pinkiegasm: