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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    Lemon Jelly

    What about Lemon Party?:pinkiegasm:
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Which Coast is Dominant Coast?

    East coast has New Jersey./argument:pinkiegasm:
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Killing Floor

  4. Just a Gigolo

    The subSPUF Movie Club

    It's not, it failed. No one wanted to talk about the movie, they only wanted to make everyone watch the movie they wanted.:pinkiegasm:
  5. Just a Gigolo

    The subSPUF Movie Club

    What if we picked a movie every week, watched it, and then discussed it as a group?We'd use the first half of the week to give people time to watch the film, then use the second half to discuss it and pick the next movie.We'd probably have to stick to films that are easily accessible. Stuff that's on Netfilx or Youtube, you know.:pinkiegasm:
  6. Just a Gigolo

    Zero Punctuation

    He sucks at reviewing things, but he makes it fun to watch.I would never take his opinion into consideration on buying a game or not, but I'll watch every week.:pinkiegasm:
  7. Just a Gigolo

    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    Just saw it, best 4th of July movie ever.:pinkiegasm:
  8. Just a Gigolo

    Happy 'MERICA day everyone.

  9. Just a Gigolo

    That Guy With The Glasses

    It's probably going to suck like the rest of them.Poorly written fan-service, that if it was reviewed by someone on the site, it would get destroyed. Not to mention it's the reason they're going broke.:pinkiegasm:
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Will draw for useless objects in TF2.

    Draw a Balloonicorn raping Robin Walker in the eye with his horn.:pinkiegasm:
  11. Just a Gigolo


    NEW PRONEW PRONEW PROhttp://www.uberent.com/forums/download/file.php?id=6241&mode=view:pinkiegasm:
  12. Just a Gigolo

    This video is 62.5% amazing

    He banned all those people who were just following orders, but the ring leader tells a sob story and gets off with just a kick?!Thank Hale VAC isn't that dumb.:pinkiegasm:
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Poot shoutbox here?

    Only if we could have shoutbox sex.:pinkiegasm:
  14. Just a Gigolo

    RIP Lazer Light show glitch

  15. Just a Gigolo

    Total War: Rome 2 announced

    I couldn't give less of a fuck.:pinkiegasm:
  16. Just a Gigolo


    One has to be named "Wonder Truck.":pinkiegasm:
  17. Just a Gigolo

    Stop Meeting the Heavy

    These MtH remakes are getting old.:pinkiegasm:
  18. Just a Gigolo


    Beat Conquest. I spent the first half of the game taking my time and planning every single move, but then I got bored, so I rushed to the end of the game. It was fun, but disappointing. I hated how some people had link cap with their pokemon, and there was no easy way to delete them so you could replace them with someone better. The last boss fights were really fucking gimmicky and annoying, especially the steel one. The ending was so stupid too, it's not like the game had a awesome story to begin with, but the ending pretty much killed anything good about it. :pinkiegasm:
  19. Just a Gigolo


  20. Just a Gigolo

    Games in dire need of a good remake.

    I'd love a remake of Kingdom Hearts 1, CoM, and Kingdom Hearts 2 on the PS3. Then bundle it all in a single package.They also need to remake Pokemon Yellow for the 3DS.:pinkiegasm:
  21. Just a Gigolo


    I have no music on my PC, so I've never been able to enjoy it.I do remember playing the "He Man - What's Going On" song over and over, because I was too lazy to download anything new.:pinkiegasm:
  22. I understand this is just their republican party, but they're still the majority. Read it here if you don't believe me. http://www.texasgop.org/about-the-party :pinkiegasm:
  23. Just a Gigolo


  24. Just a Gigolo

    Dota General

    http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=czvIhn2acVU :pinkiegasm:
  25. Just a Gigolo

    Time For A Texan Genocide

    Plus, you get a puppy!:pinkiegasm: