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Just a Gigolo

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Everything posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. Just a Gigolo

    Suggest a MMO

    Varian is a pimp.Or maybe it's just early beta dialogue that hasn't been added yet, so they left a placeholder.
  2. Just a Gigolo

    Suggest a MMO

    WoW is the McDonald's of MMOs. It's the most popular and to what level all other MMOs are judged. You can't go wrong with McDonald's. I guess SW:TOR is the Wendy's of MMOs. Then some MMO that isn't an RPG would be like the KFC of MMOs. This analogy sounded better in my head. I wonder what White Castle would be. F2P MMOs will just end up costing you as much as a P2P MMO. F2P makes you pay for features that usually essential to the game. They're also usually poorly developed in the end game, because their focus is to get money out of you as quickly as possible. There are also more griefers, hackers, trolls, and gold farmers too, since it is free after all. There are rarely any advanced security options like authenticators, because they don't give a shit about you. Just because TF2's F2P system works, doesn't' mean you'll be as lucky with other games. But who am I kidding? You're Brazilian. You'll just hang around yelling BR? BR? BR? So it doesn't really matter.
  3. Just a Gigolo

    Teen titans!

    Damn straight.
  4. Just a Gigolo

    Teen titans!

    I remember the Teen Titan movies on New Grounds.
  5. Just a Gigolo

    SPUF Fortress

    That's why we'd have V. Robot Vaginas.
  6. Just a Gigolo

    SPUF Fortress

    I think the currency should be robot vaginas instead of rep.
  7. Just a Gigolo


  8. Discuss. Here is a picture of a douche we could make fun of in said forum.
  9. Just a Gigolo

    Ze Hunger Games movie discussion thread

    I pick divorce.
  10. Just a Gigolo

    Ze Hunger Games movie discussion thread

    I want a divorce.I refuse to be married to someone with no taste in movies.
  11. Just a Gigolo

    The First Ever SubSPUF Raffle EVER!!! (Win An Unusual)

    Why do that when I can get it for free?
  12. Just a Gigolo

    SPUF Fortress

    You better put the robo vagina in there.
  13. Just a Gigolo

    Ze Hunger Games movie discussion thread

    I don't think you can just say all book adaptations are inferior. The Forest Gump book is no where near as good as the movie. The Dexter TV show is better than the books, but that's a TV series.It's pretty much Twilight with violence like Raison said. I think it's safe to assume anything like mainly by teenage girls is shit right off the bat. I bet the only people who defend it will also be teenage girls too.
  14. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    Bullshit, you showed me that Fluttershy Fleshlight you made. You were so proud of it too.
  15. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    It's true, Disney did hire him to replace their last CEO.
  16. Just a Gigolo

    I just made this in G-Mod

    When most people have already forgotten that game, you just have to bring it back up.Let it die, man.
  17. Just a Gigolo

    SPUF Fortress

    But where do the robot vaginas come in?
  18. Just a Gigolo

    strange mantreads

    I honestly doubt anyone would get actually care that much about getting killing by it. You get killed, re-spawn, and move on. I've never met anyone who cares about what weapon killed them. I've seen people get pissed about dominations, but that's completely different. You're just grasping at straws now.
  19. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    It was a half-assed attempt to copy Dreamworks, but ended up being just another princess movie.
  20. Just a Gigolo

    strange mantreads

    So damaging yourself for a small chance to cause a little extra damage is a good strategy?
  21. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    You see, we can agree on that.
  22. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    Fixed again.
  23. Just a Gigolo

    strange mantreads

    The Market Gardner isn't worthless, I've seen some legit uses of it.
  24. Just a Gigolo

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    Fixed that for you.