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Just a Gigolo

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Posts posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. I don't have a problem with no-flying to be honest. Flying was introduced as a solution to the problem that flight points were in the most fucking awful places back in Vanilla, and its just something that's been kept for this long because people are used to it. Now there's flight points everywhere you look, and you have loads of ways to travel around even without using flight points.

    To be perfectly honest I wouldn't be that bothered if they removed flying from the game entirely (so long as there was an easy way to pick up flight points for old zones). I know I'm in the minority though, loads of people were happy with it being removed and quickly changed their minds, but so far I've not encountered anything that really requires flying. The problem is that there's no reason to NOT have flying, because there's nothing to do in zones after you've finished leveling. Like seriously, how many people EVER went back to Spires of Arak after finishing it. Maybe you did Rukhmar or did Skyreach on Challange Mode, but apart from that that zones literally got no purpose in existing. They need to add reasons to actually go out into the world, and then we can see whether flying mounts are really needed.

    One thing I would like to see would be a ridiculous cost on getting flying if they decide to put it back in, like how it was (?) in Burning Crusade, or how getting an Epic Mount was in Vanilla. Make it like 50k or something, make people who want flying actually have to put something into it, as opposed to it being "OKAY LOL UR CAPPED GIVE US 5 COPPER AND U CAN FLY XD"

    ​People who don't like flying have always had the option of not flying, but they still flew because they only like the idea in principle. Flight paths "make the world seem small" just as much as flying did. Even more so, because it requires zero interaction from the player.

    A lot of people say WoD has no flying because they don't want people to see how little content there really is, and they're pretty much right. The only reason I went back to Spires (as per your example) was to find all the hidden shit and kill Rukhmar. I just sit in my garrison, unless I'm raiding or doing my crystal daily. Why even bother having archaeology anymore? It was already the grindyist profession, and without flying I'm not going to bother leaving my garrison to do it.

    The biggest problem with no flying is how horrible the zone layout is. For example, trying to get around Nagrand is a massive chore. Needing to backtrack long distances to find the start of a path to go up a mountain, or having large obstacles like canyons that require you to go all the way around them. It's obvious why they added Aviana's feather and the shredder in gorgrond.

