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Just a Gigolo

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Posts posted by Just a Gigolo

  1. I support them taking the flag out of the capital in South Carolina, but people have gone overboard.

    First you have Wal-Mart, Amazon, and Ebay refusing to sell anything with the flag on it. Then Apple started taking Civil War games off the app store, and Amazon stopped selling a Civil War board game because they had the flag in it.

    If someone wants to be white trash and own a Confederate flag, it's their right.


  2. If you're a tank or a healer then yes, iirc dungeons are only slower when you hit MoP

    ​That exp for completion thing they added to dungeons since WoD has made dungeons a lot easier to level with.

    While leveling, you should always want to hit any dungeon you can do quests in, except for Vanilla dungeons, since most of those are garbage.

