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Everything posted by LadyBernkastel

  1. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

    I think it will work fine eventually, after a lot of practice.
  2. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

    Today I learned not to play Sm4sh and Playstation All-Stars close to the same time as each other. I kept pressing B to jump.
  3. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    Saying that the towers falling was proof that the towers were anti-woman because there were female victims.
  4. LadyBernkastel

    New Ace Attorney! Sherlock Holmes?! 8-Year Old Watson?!?!

    Where's my Dual Destinies sequel, dammit?
  5. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    For the love of god, people, this isn't about Zoe Quinn anymore. It's about the people on journalism websites doing favors for people they're close to.
  6. LadyBernkastel


  7. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Lambda and I said fuck that to SAO and watched FMA:Brotherhood again. Except season five isn't on Netflix. Wtf?
  8. LadyBernkastel


  9. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Oh no. Not Polygon. Now where will I get unbiased video game news?
  10. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

  11. I'm gonna swing from the chandelier.

    1. tsc


      No it isn't.

    2. Wulff


      It isn't?

      Guess I've got my afternoon planned out for me then.

    3. tsc


      Since we don't have any chandeliers to break on this forum, we don't care if you swing on chandeliers.

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  12. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    I'd watch it just because the aristocrat has a beautiful voice.
  13. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

  14. LadyBernkastel


    Mega Charizard X is next in line for suspect testing.
  15. LadyBernkastel


    huge image Spoiler
  16. LadyBernkastel


  17. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

    So wait. Six Mario characters confirmed. Seven assuming Dr. Mario really does make the cut. And we still don't have room for Mewtwo?
  18. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    So, is the lesson from all of this that games journalists really do get their money for nothing and their chicks for free?
  19. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    I'm not sure he isn't self-aware now.
  20. LadyBernkastel

    Zoe Quinn

    this is video games - quote of the century
  21. LadyBernkastel

    Smache Brothers

    In regards to the first three rules: What the hell is this? Work? I'd understand if the rules were things like: "You can't enter a tournament that has already started." and "Shower and wear deodorant." Everything else makes it sound like you're taking your video game club way too seriously.
  22. LadyBernkastel

    Ferguson. What?

    Completely innocent? Footage of him robbing a convenience store was found. But obviously, he didn't deserve to be shot to death for that. As for whether or not the police officer was actually being attacked by him, yes, I believe it hasn't been proven one way or the other.
  23. LadyBernkastel

    Ferguson. What?

    The police are being dicks to innocent people. Civilians are using the death of Mike Brown as ane xcuse to cause destruction and commit theft. Regardless of who ends up being right about what happened, both sides are horrible. Edit: Yeah, I worded that poorly.
  24. LadyBernkastel

    Ferguson. What?

    So in summary, everyone here is an asshole.
  25. LadyBernkastel

    Anime General Discussion

    Spoiler goml