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Posts posted by Nanoworlder

  1. I suppose you saw my Commander drawing. If you can even call that a drawing. '> '> Well here is a drawing from a person who sucks at drawing human figures. '> Her name is the Blademaster. The overseer of the Swordfighters of the Infinite Legion. And here is her sword. I admit I'm better at drawing inanimate objects. '>

  2. Ok well as long I don't do some Mad Max/Fallout desert setting unless it is set in the Middle East or Sahara desert.

    Somehow I think the whole thing will turn out to be a very elaborate metaphor which basically means "Final Combat sucks". Which it does, so more power to you, Nanoworlder.

    Final Combat is small fry now that I realized a much bigger goal in mind.All of China's game companies never did business outside of China. They have no recognition from the outside world aside for embarrassing acts of plagiarism.I hope to establish a Chinese game company worthy of the world audience's respect.

  3. Another one versus many game mode.A great AI is a work of art.Still I wonder is there any actual monetary and time benefits to just copying classes and maps?How much does the drawing board phase cost in time and money compared to actually implementing and testing the design?Do they really think it will rub off on them?

  4. Ok so the story takes place in post apocalyptic China, Guangdong to be exact. Fallout get desert wasteland, Metro gets a never ending tundra, so that leaves me with dense vegetation retaking metropolitan areas.While there will be combat, I primarily want the game to be about rebuilding civilization. I'm not sure what kind of gameplay, probably third person shooter.But if you are expecting new warlords seeking to reunify China, don't worry the state you build will be among the "candidates".

  5. Good luck with that. People in China get around through connections and networking.If you have neither you will not survive, or get very far.

    Is it like some sort of trust?I don't do trusts.But in case I need middlemen. Tell me about the ones I might need to watch out for.EDIT: Besides, I'll gladly put any products this corp makes on Steam.If I can't have China, I'll have the rest of the world.That shouldn't disqualify my dream company from being the pinnacle of innovation in the Chinese gaming industry, right?

  6. Another idea for a videogame.You know my idea about a first person superheroes PvE shooter? You also know about the Commander character?Well I've decided perhaps the Commander should only lightly reference TF2 (and Final Combat). That is there are two of them. One wears a red suit and the other wears a blue suit. They love to fight each other and hate it when a bunch of superheroes try to stop them from fighting. Also their "civilian" form is that of a rifleman and their army consists of an infinite number of them as all riflemen under their banner are mere extensions of their will and power.So the two come from a parallel universe and they bring with them their own team of supers (and their respective fodder). Their orders are to conquer this universe; the universe where the superheroes reside. Then fight each other over whether the red or blue pencilpushers should manage this universe.Unfortunately they have to deal with other groups wanting to rule the universe as well (and of course the superheroes). Groups like Nazi remnants, legions of Hell, aliens invaders, magical kingdoms (Eastern flavored and Western flavored), the undead horde, time traveling robot warlords.Oh right the genre. It is an RTS. May consider transgaming to tie in with the superhero PvE shooter.

  7. So, this is SPUFpowered's official Final Combat thread.And I see it's run by Nanoworlder. You seem to have a serious grudge against Final Combat. Most people are just extremely annoyed by it.

    I was born in China.Every time some idiotic Chinese company copies a product's design instead of building from the principles, I want to punch out all the teeth of the executives that approved of such a business path.But a less criminal decision for me would be to start a company in China (as in HQ in China) to compete against the copycats.A videogame company, of course. If Xunlei is an example of the dredge of the Chinese videogame industry, then I shall be the pinnacle!