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About Nanoworlder

  • Rank
    Officially Official
  • Birthday 11/18/1991

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  1. Nanoworlder

    Nanoworlder's Scribbles

    I suppose you saw my Commander drawing. If you can even call that a drawing. '> '> Well here is a drawing from a person who sucks at drawing human figures. '> Her name is the Blademaster. The overseer of the Swordfighters of the Infinite Legion. And here is her sword. I admit I'm better at drawing inanimate objects. '>
  2. Nanoworlder

    Meet the pyro

    My sound card just had to die today.Ain't that just nice.
  3. Nanoworlder

    My draft of a post-apocalyptic game

    Ok well as long I don't do some Mad Max/Fallout desert setting unless it is set in the Middle East or Sahara desert. Final Combat is small fry now that I realized a much bigger goal in mind.All of China's game companies never did business outside of China. They have no recognition from the outside world aside for embarrassing acts of plagiarism.I hope to establish a Chinese game company worthy of the world audience's respect.
  4. Nanoworlder

    Age of Guns (枪神纪)

    Another one versus many game mode.A great AI is a work of art.Still I wonder is there any actual monetary and time benefits to just copying classes and maps?How much does the drawing board phase cost in time and money compared to actually implementing and testing the design?Do they really think it will rub off on them?
  5. Nanoworlder

    Age of Guns (枪神纪)

    http://tps.qq.com/main.shtmlhttp://tps.qq.com/act/a20120516teach/teaching.htmhttp://tps.qq.com/act/a20120516teach/mode.htmTencent is bigger than Xunlei.They own Riot Games hence they own League of Legends.
  6. Ok so the story takes place in post apocalyptic China, Guangdong to be exact. Fallout get desert wasteland, Metro gets a never ending tundra, so that leaves me with dense vegetation retaking metropolitan areas.While there will be combat, I primarily want the game to be about rebuilding civilization. I'm not sure what kind of gameplay, probably third person shooter.But if you are expecting new warlords seeking to reunify China, don't worry the state you build will be among the "candidates".
  7. Nanoworlder

    Warcraft Battlegrounds

    Nonetheless it would be entertaining if done right.Not sure if it can be done right at all.
  8. Nanoworlder

    Warcraft Battlegrounds

    Firefall is nothing like WoW.
  9. Nanoworlder

    Warcraft Battlegrounds

    In this case, one can only play the PvP maps and nothing else.There is no open persistent world, just map rotations.
  10. Nanoworlder

    Final Combat

    Should I purchase the rights to Final Combat if I had the money?If I do have the rights to the game, how do you suggest I renovate it for international release?
  11. Nanoworlder

    Warcraft Battlegrounds

    Well would you play a limited emulation using first perspective shooter controls?
  12. Nanoworlder

    Warcraft Battlegrounds

    Has anyone here played World of Warcraft?
  13. Nanoworlder

    Final Combat

    Is it like some sort of trust?I don't do trusts.But in case I need middlemen. Tell me about the ones I might need to watch out for.EDIT: Besides, I'll gladly put any products this corp makes on Steam.If I can't have China, I'll have the rest of the world.That shouldn't disqualify my dream company from being the pinnacle of innovation in the Chinese gaming industry, right?
  14. Nanoworlder

    Final Combat

    Say nanosheep how are the taxes in China?I might want start a company there.One eyed corporation in that industry of the blind and all.