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Posts posted by Teddster

  1. Rynjin, TBH I orginally had that scene meant for you but changed it to DualJay and forgot to change it again.Smash is a Mod and I put him because he's the mod that gave me my first infraction.Bernk, Budd, Comeau, Kayohgee, you'll all be put in eventually.*Meanwhile at the last chapter*

  2. (The thread was Witty's idea, the idea itself was mine)Basically, we get 4 SPUFers, go into L4D2, start up a Versus match. All the SPUFers go to the same team, whether it be Survivors of Infected or what. Then we make the game public, wait for 4 more people to join, and see how well us SPUFers do against the randoms.9:24 PM - <Witty Name>: so basically9:24 PM - <Witty Name>: SPUF dies a lotwhaddya think

  3. Chapter 4

    Ted had no idea where he was.

    The last thing he remembered was being in BurtonJ’s office. Now he was in what seemed to be a decent replica of 2Fort. He was currently in the BLU Team’s spawn, in the Scout’s attire.

    The door was open and a single paper taped to the wall near it. He walked over to it.

    BLU | RED



    He didn’t have time to think about it, as he was promptly blown into half a dozen pieces by a rocket launcher.


    And to Ted’s surprised, he reappeared in the second BLU Spawn.

    Cell was sitting on a bench a few inches from him, Spy attire with a knife in his hands. Ted finally noticed the bat he had strapped to his belt on his side.

    “You have any idea where the hell we are?” Ted asked.

    “From what I could gather from the guy who dragged me here,” Cell said, “we’re in a form of virtual reality that replicates all of the games we SPUFers play.”

    “And Hertz is here how?”

    “No idea.”

    “Hellooooo, you two,” Hertz called from somewhere around the BLU Battlements. “If you two don’t come out, I’ll just camp your spawn.”

    Ted was about to reply, when a speaker system warned them.

    “Two new players have joined the game! Player Doopliss, joining BLU, and Player Enig, joining RED!”


    DualJay raised his pistol and fired at the SPUF Moderator, Smash, who jumped behind a tree. They were both in a firefight in the forest after Rynjin had witnessed Smash leading a small patrol of Trolls to attack a group of SPUFers. The Trolls had fled when Rynjin had first opened fire, but Smash kept on, ready to kill Dual. Luckily for Dual, Smash only had a Ban Hammer, which would barely affect him.

    Smash jumped out from behind the tree, hoping to surprise Dual, but DualJay had been watching, and fired his gun. Smash stumbled back as two bullets hit him, then collapsed.

    The Moderators had been abusing their Banning Abilities recently, Dual thought. He needed to talk with Ian.


  4. Chapter 3They brought Skye to SPUFVille.When Cactus ran in carrying Skye, he was barely breathing. He was horribly pale, muttering to himself randomly, and had thrown his scarf on sometime along the way. (That scarf was currently on Corvette’s neck. Scarf stealing bastard.)Both of them sat around in a small waiting room while Huff worked to rid the poison from Skye’s body.“So if he dies do you think they’ll let me keep the scarf?” Corvette was asking when Huff came out.“He’s dead,” he said.“Yes, I CAN keep the scarf!” Corvette said. “Oh and uh, dang, Skye’s dead.”“I’m still alive you asshole, and I want my scarf back,” Skye yelled from the other room.“Dammit Huff."*****Cell sat back in his chair, watching the SPUFNews.“…and Binarycoder burned down Rammite’s house when he tried practicing his cooking again. In other news, a small trash bin was found in a small ditch. Scientists say it had a small fire but burned out immediately after it was thrown.”He didn’t see the Lurker slowly sneaking up behind him. The Lurker raised his club and swung it down quickly, knocking Cell on the head. Cell slumped down and the Lurker motioned for another person to walk in.“Target One down,” the Lurker said into his earpiece. “He has been replaced. I will work on the other Targets soon.”Too short :C

  5. Well be smart about it.Head to the town, ask if the Doc can fix him, saying he's poisoned.If the Doc says no, move on.

    Let me put it like this and destroy all realism that can be used:If you head to the town, he wont have enough time to get to SPUFVille, and he'll die.If you head to SPUFVille, he may die on the way but they surely have the cure.It's one or the other

  6. Chapter 2Skye inched forward slowly, holding his custom gun made to work and looks just like the Ambassador. He adjusted his scarf, glancing at Corvette who was 10 feet away to the right, gripping his Kunai. To his left, also around 10 feet away, Cactus crept forward, holding a pistol.They were sneaking in a large forest, and they came into a small clearing, with about a dozen Trolls wandering around. 2 of them sat next to each other on laptops. In the middle of the clearing, 3 figures in pure black robes sat around a body, chanting to themselves.“Guess the rumors were true,” Skye mumbled to himself. They were sent here on a rumor that a group of Necromancers were trying to revive Eram.Skye lowered his Ambassador, aiming at the nearest Troll’s head, and whispered into his earpiece -“Now.”He fired, and the Troll dropped instantly as he ran out of the trees, Corvette and Cactus following as they fired. One of the Trolls dropped his laptop, and the other threw it at Cactus, who ducked out of the way.Skye shot 2 more Trolls, and due to their weak bodies from trolling on the Internet, they fell instantly. Skye then raised his Ambassador and fired at one of the Necromancers, who stopped his chanting and stumbled. Skye fired again before he could look up and the Necromancer dropped to the ground.He turned and shot the second Necromancer, causing him to drop instantly, as the third fled into the forest.He didn’t see the Lurker hiding in the trees, and he didn’t see him as he raised his crossbow and fired at Skye. The bolt hit Skye in the shoulder, causing him to stumble and drop his gun. Thankfully it wasn’t a killing blow.The Lurker fled into the forest, not wanting to risk himself after his failed shot.Unfortunately for Skye, the shot didn’t fail.*****They were an hour walk away from SPUFVille when Skye toppled to the ground.Corvette kept on walking before Cactus stopped them, and they both ran over to Skye.“The hell happened?” Corvette asked.“That crossbow bolt must’ve been poisoned,” Cactus mumbled. “Quick, we’ve got to get him to SPUFVille. It should be about an hour away.”“But there’s another small town about half an hour away,” Corvette said.“But they may not be able to help him.”“Yes, but he may die on the way to SPUFVille.”Corvette pointed forward and stated, “You guys choose what we do!”“What are you doing..?” Cactus asked.So yes. You choose Skye's fate :D Do you want to risk the hour long journey to SPUFVille, they surely have the cure but he may die on the way. Or head to the small town 30 minutes away - he most likely wont die but they may not have the cure. Poor Skye.

  7. So just for clarification and so people quit asking. Who all is alive and who all ees ded?

    Gold, Raison, Silent, are all dead. Anyone under Facade's imployment, including Facade, remain dead. Everyone else is alive. Demospam is in a coma