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Everything posted by Rammite

  1. Rammite

    Dota General

    no don't say void don't we had this one Void (After we said "Gondar will hard carry") that INSISTED on Cronosphering us. Inside Sand's Ult.
  2. Rammite

    Dota General

    Try looking up some guides for heroes you like. What we know only goes so far, and your playstyle probably isn't going to mesh with what we happen to know. And Moby, a little looking around says Manta is just fine. The Yasha is actually a good idea because more attack speed and movement speed.
  3. Rammite

    Dota General

    I read that as "I saw you with a Eul's, scepter, & some boots" and was ready to cry the whole river of tears. EDIT: It's... okay? I dunno how effective it'd be. More damage is nice I guess, but Manta does not work well with buffs. If you Rage then Manta, you'll probably dispell Rage I think maybe. If you Manta then Rage, it'll be painfully obvious which the real N'aix is.
  4. Rammite

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    "I won't pick between two dolts" BAM
  5. Rammite

    Dota General

    I'd say you're pretty in the loop with dota. You still make some newbie mistakes, but we all do. especially me in that last match with cactus oh my god that was horrible
  6. Rammite

    Dota General

    Whatever you do, do NOT let Binary be captain. He's going to give Helljumper Invoker I just know it.
  7. Rammite


    http://puu.sh/1nVxw how absurdedly fitting
  8. Rammite


    I'm so meta even this acronym
  9. Rammite

    Dota General

    New gamemode. Reverse Captain's Mode. Know what that means? The enemies pick what hero you play. and vice-versa
  10. Rammite


    Oooh. That's actually a seriously good quote and a seriously good idea. brb finding absurdedly good quotes
  11. Rammite

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Yeah, but we just BARELY survived.
  12. Rammite

    Steam.exe has stopped working

    I have a laptop - Has steam, but only like one game. If i have to reinstall EVERYTHING, it'll be like an hour at most. I'll uninstall there and see what happens.
  13. Rammite

    Dota General

    Pubs never buy True Sight. which is why Riki wins like all of his games
  14. Rammite

    Comeau is gone!~

    The only important organ systems: -PROTEIN CHUTE -BLOOD WELL -PISS INJECTION SYSTEM -THINK PAN done you're welcome we gon miss you :C
  15. Rammite

    Dota General

    double post, but if a Lina gets fed, is a Veil of Discord any good? I usually get one if my ganks have gone particularly well amd I already have my Aghanims, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go.
  16. Rammite

    Dota General

    A few months ago, one of my brother's best friends got Dota 2. We've played together a lot on League of Legends, and we all know that she's pretty darn good. Then she goes into Dota 2. Can't play Sven. Can't play Viper. Can't play Dragon Knight. Micros Meepo like a god. she later told us that she has been playing Warcraft 3 for like forever
  17. Rammite

    Dota General

    SHADOWRAZE ALL THE SENTRIES also guy this was featured video: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ydCJl7qyA1s
  18. Rammite

    Dota General

  19. Rammite

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    The only way to settle disputes
  20. Rammite

    share your worst jokes

  21. Rammite

    Dota General

    I don't play too much Dazzle, but that sounds like a pretty good build. I'd say max everything, but leave Poison Touch at 3. You really only use it for the slow/stun, and level 3 is when the stun kicks in - level 4 is purely a damage boost. As for exactly when to get the skills, that depends on the game. If you're doing great, a level 3 Poison Touch can net you and your carry a kill. If you're not doing so hot, max Shadow Wave and an early point into Shallow Grave. At Level 6, get your ultimate only if there are lodsofteamfights. If the game is relatively boring, with the only fights being small ganks and scuffles, you'd be better off with that lvl 3 Poison or maxed Wave.
  22. Rammite

    Planetside 2

    i dont play heavy at all but that sounds pretty good Perfect for sniping down those friggin bombers and Galaxies. As for the vechile crash, I have no idea :/
  23. Rammite

    So, the unboxing...

  24. Rammite

    So, the unboxing...

    Heh, I heard the aftermath of that uncrating. That one guy that uncrated 300 got so much hate. I don't even get it - the guy had money and wanted to have some fun with TF2 friends.