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Everything posted by Rammite

  1. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    12. I played a single mission and wimped and turned the reinforcement rate to Reduced. It's just not fair how frequent enemies spawn, and how they can literally spawn behind you.
  2. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    Double post, but this really does merit its own post.http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2234964Cybermancy-SPUF has a really nice guide for understanding crap.
  3. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    I do well with:Medium Armor (I'm slow as ♥♥♥♥, though, since I'm packing so much heat)KA Assault Rifle (as a sniper rifle that can go automatic if shit hits the fan)HS SMG (As a backup if I'm caught reloading)Craptons of grenadesMedkitMy brother saw this, promptly bought it, we ran through some of the campaign together. It is really ♥♥♥♥ing awesome, since enemies are crawling everywhere and if one person needs to stop and do something, the other needs to be on the lookout because there WILL be an incoming grenade.
  4. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    I KNOW THAT FEEL BRO*hugs*I got her good ending the first time around, but I thought it was the bad ending. I thought for sure any moment, Lilly would just up and leave, and when she actually left, i cryed evry tim :c
  5. Rammite

    Dota General

    I CALL VENO.Unfortunately, starting tomorrow, I will have rare access to internet. I should really make a thread for that, I've been meaning to do so for some time.
  6. Rammite

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

    If it goes on sale, it will be $2.49I have $2.51We should play together :v
  7. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

  8. Rammite

    Dota General

    What do you like about Templar? Burst damage? Invisibility? Obscene damage because she's a carry?
  9. Rammite

    Who Wants Some Free Games?

    Holy ♥♥♥♥, I know it's the Summer Seal and all, but how much money are you sitting on? Thanks!
  10. Rammite


    Speed read! Speed read like you've never speed read before!That's maybe an hour if you really go at it I guess.
  11. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    Anyone that has yet to play it, Dual isn't exaggerating when he says the game is hard.And by hard, we don't mean "The enemies will shoot your foot and you die".We mean "I think the enemy can see through walls because they are always shooting me help me oh god", with a bit of "What the fuck does this button do and where is my health bar."
  12. Rammite

    Dota General

    I think you're the first honest-to-goodness convert we've had since we started teaching subSPUF.Most of them lose thier first match and ragequit out of frustration.But it was a pleasure playing with you!EDIT: In our latest match, where I was Necrolyte and Facade was Alchemist, I ended up stealing a good amount of his kills mid-game :cMy probably with Necro's ult is that a guaranteed kill is around the half-health point. That means after the 1-second delay between stun and kill, some ogre druggie might lop off the rest of that health and claim his rightful kill, only for my ult to steal it.And if I use my ult any eariler, I have to count on my teammates to rip off that extra health or my ult will just be one big nuke, and the enemy will run as fast as he can.
  13. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    I didn't get any virus warnings when I downloaded it.
  14. Rammite

    Why won't we drop a hat on top of...

    Oy vey.Um.Comment on his profile and explain we're just trying to give him stuff for his work?EDIT: Or you could stalk him until he joins a server and join that server.
  15. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/560947083619932203/E36DFA038235F349198EFBF7CCDAFDC307D63309/lol wtf am i doing
  16. Rammite

    Dota General

    Sure, I'm ready. Start you off with useless-passive bots, or would you rather wade in nice and slow without any bots at all?And uh, in a team fight (basing off of any game), what would you rather do?
  17. Rammite

    EYE: Divine Cybermancy

    My patience piad off! It's only $2.50 now!Downloading now.
  18. Rammite

    Why won't we drop a hat on top of...

    /facepalmMaybe he thinks we're scammers of some sort.
  19. Rammite

    Steam Summer Sale 2012

  20. Rammite


    oopsI can never catch sarcasm on the internet. No tone and all. It's built into the game. Muliplayer > Set up Server. Done.Going to have to fiddle with ports and such, though.
  21. Rammite


    According to Steam, about 20 subSPUFers play Terraria.Maybe you should make some friends :v
  22. Rammite


    It's boring as fuck if you play alone, but even one friend (and maybe Mumble/Skype) and you'll be giddier than a drunkard in a bar.
  23. Rammite

    Steam Summer Sale 2012
