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Everything posted by Rammite

  1. Rammite

    Kony 2012

    This is why I hated the Kony video.Not because of the video itself. It proves an incredibly biased and manipulative point, but still a good point.I hated it because "no one gave a fuck a week ago, and no one will give a fuck in a week from now".
  2. Crap. I'm really stingy about my hats and the only hat I want to go bye-bye is uncraftable.And I don't want to use the "Oh, I don't really like Spy anyway" excuse.
  3. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    That very last scene of her good ending.Manly tears.
  4. Rammite

    Super SPUF Fighter

    RAMMITE THIEF OF HEART HAT: A deep magenta God Hood which he is irrepressibly proud of. WEAPON SPECIBI: SCYTHEKIND SHANKKIND SIGNATURE COMBAT OPERANDI SOULMONGER Sap a target's soul. Any target that dies from this operandi will be converted into a lifeless husk, answering only to the Thief himself. HEARTSTUCK Induces a great bromace between any 2 targets, living or otherwise. REP RESURRECTION Infuses a target corpse with any soul, comsuing rep to bind the two together. TINFOIL TIME Summons the Stickfoil Squad Post, repwhoring directly into the Thief's repbanks. FINAL REP SMASH: COOL STORY BRO Creates a ward of equal parts pure Rep and Coolstorybro, soul-steal-zombiefying everything.
  5. Rammite

    Japanese shows!

    Thiis. This and Spirited Away made my life.I still strongly believe that Miyazaki is a genius.
  6. I tried my very hardest to think the first one was just a normal crash.But then my TF2 minimized, like an IM pop up appeared or something, only to find nothing. Confused, I went back to TF2, only to find myself victim of the alt-tab crash.It was like someone played ding-dong-ditch on my door, but when I answered, they didn't run, they lunged at my face with a knife.When I reconnected to try and change his name to Fluffiepoo like I said I would, SPUFserver simply vanished from my server list.
  7. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    *sees this* *is on hanako's route* im okay with this
  8. Rammite


    Oh my god, I didn't realize this was real until I saw a related video.I'm going to waste all my time playing this now.
  9. Rammite

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    The output thing defaults to 10, but maybe it's just that output that's limited. Which would be pretty stupid.
  10. Rammite

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    Trust me I've tried. 999999999 gravity is too manly for us, so the game tones it down to ten.
  11. Rammite

    Double Fine Adventure

    I had to. And I probably can't donate if by "can't", I mean "am too stingy to"
  12. Rammite

    Double Fine Adventure

    Link or something, please? This is my first time hearing about it.
  13. Rammite

    Japanese shows!

    I grew up with Toonami. Naruto, One Piece, Zach Bell...And before that, Yu Yu Hakusho. I had actually watched it so long ago I forgot its name until my anime-crazed friend suggested it to me and I googled it.Every damn time I come to subSPUF, I catch myself reliving my childhood. It's a good feeling.
  14. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    I went around thier forums and everyone says Rin's endings are the biggest of all of the other endings, good or bad or what have you.I think I'll save Rin for last.
  15. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    hoooleee CRAP how did I NOT notice that? Spent too much time ignoring him unless he was only wearing a leaf.
  16. Rammite

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

    Damn power creep. I've been pissed at global power creep, lately.Hoodlums have rocks? Soldiers make swords.Thieves have swords? Guards make armor and shields.Rogues have armor? Soldiers make rifles.Enemies have rifles? Allies make nukes.Terrorists have nukes? We make railguns.What happens when terrorists have railguns.
  17. Rammite

    Katawa Shoujo

    Sorry for the half-necro I guess but I'm a complete convert.My first visual novel (I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not) and I ended up with Emi's route. I was shooting for Hanako but apparently not sticking up for Lilly makes Emi push for exercise. Go figure.First time around without fancy save scumming, bad ending. Broke my heart right then and there (And it didn't help that the credits had no background music and it was pathetically depressing). I was less sad, though, and more angry that Hisao is a complete dumbass and probably does not even have the sleuthing skills to solve a crossword puzzle.Second time around with like a save at every option, second chance good ending. Yaay. Still broke my heart and I'm honestly wishing I could keep following thier story.
  18. Rammite

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    I never said I was good at good posts :c I'd do that if I could, but the only command I know is reserved for server operators and affects the whole team.
  19. It's because I'm obivously such a good admin that srspeople look at my name and go "oh shit we got a badass here"Or they saw me talk in adminchat and figured they shouldn't dick around with an admin watching.
  20. Rammite


    Meh, can't win them all. To each his own.
  21. Whoops, sorry. I was AFK for some time after you asked for my steamid.
  22. Rammite


    I've read the entire thing.Twice. :tin:It's really confusing, though, so look up the wiki to fill in any plot holes you might have.
  23. I think the randoms fantasize NONSRS to mean ANARCHYANDCHAOS.We need a mod to retain some sort of order, or randoms will just listen to randoms and everyone goes srs about nonsrs.At least with a mod, people (should) respect them, and they can keep nonsrs/toosrs from getting out of hand.EDIT: I'm for the no votekick and more mods. Keep the server open and not-passworded unless it's hosting an event like TFFightclub.EDIT2: On a completely seperate note, how about subSPUFers get a tiny bit of recognition? Something very small like colored text or something like that. Very minor cosmetic stuff, but enough to tell randoms that we practically own the server.And then something more for Ian and Janobi because they literally own the server.
  24. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2588077I see Silent saying something silly and Huff wholeheartedly agreeing and I'm thinking "oh fuck it's ARG time".Or am I just being silly?
  25. Rammite

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    I did that too! Gooood times. Christ, between the pokemon thread and the bionicle reference, It's like I've been reliving my childhood ever since I stepped into subSPUF. I cried the whole river of tears when they cut Bionicle. Warning: Wall o' text ahead My old-old-old username was "Yoshi093". This was a poopy username and I thought so years ago. Then I found BOTS!!, a cool little hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, but with a bunch of neat twists thrown in. Unfortunately, it has been dead for quite some time and doesn't even exist anymore. You'd fight through a bunch of scripted events and monsters, wtih a boss at the end. The major twist was that every time you did damage, you'd build up a energy meter, which when filled, allowed you to transform into a stronger form for maybe 30 seconds. Timing this transformation was key to most games. My class was Ram, which specialized in transformations. I didn't want to name it "Yoshi093" because that is again a poopy name. I wanted my name to fit in with the tech-cyberpunk theme of the game, so I though up "Rammite", based off my class, and the "-ite" added on to sound like some sort of metal. Of course, being a 12 year old, I had to make it look cool and techy. I was "X_RaMMitE" and I thought I was being clever and fitting in with the tech theme but I was not. Then the BOTS!! era of my life ended (It was falling apart and hadn't been updated in months. Everyone thought Acclaim didn't care any more, and they were right. Shortly after I left, Acclaim simply dropped all of thier games.) Then Ragnarok Online. Except you had to pay for that. Aw hell naw. Then my cousins introduced me to some Ragnarok copy, which was the same exact game, but on a seperate server and hacked so you got EXP at some insane rate, and it was free and I was happy. I shortened "X_RaMMitE" To just "Rammite", and never went back. I then made another character - A warrior. Called him "Bladedancer" because that's cool as shit. Then the server exploded because no one donated and it simply could not survive. Then Roblox, but no name changes there. However, it was Roblox that introduced me into Team Fortress 2, and Steam. Until then, I had known loads about Portal and Counter Strike, but didn't know they were made by the same guys, or that they made Team Fortress 2. I signed up for Steam as "Rammite", but my in-game name would be "Bladedancer" and remained that for some time. Then someone asked if I copied my name off a video game. I said no, because I genuinely created the name on my own. However, a quick google shows that Blade Dancer was in fact the name of a JRPG. Disheartened, I mulled over my name and remembered "Rammite", which was my original awesome name. And thus I was born.