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Everything posted by Rammite

  1. Rammite

    What are you know for?

    SoMeTiMeS i EaT fUnNy TaStInG pIeS aNd MoThEr♥♥♥♥ ThEy MaKe Me SeE EvErYtHiNg So MoThEr♥♥♥♥InG ClEaRlY. It takes forever typing like that.
  2. Rammite

    Mass Effect

    Everyone knows you can't trust IGN. They're IGNorant to actual gaming.
  3. Rammite

    Mass Effect

    hnnnnngggDamn Origin. I can't say I trust it.I'll hold off on buying it until I get aroudn to finishing the first two games. By then, the price should drop or hell they might even release a GotY version.
  4. Rammite

    What are you know for?

    We still love you!It's just we love everyone else more!
  5. Rammite

    Suggestion: moar prefixes

    Making 30+ be "Hertz a lot".
  6. Rammite

    What are you know for?

    Being the one Irish Demopan that is disguised as a Medic.
  7. Rammite

    What are you know for?

    I (think) I'm known for being a helpful person, at least on the newbie's forum. Every so often, I'll get some reply saying I'm such a helpful person and I'm like One day, I opened up TF2 and bam, Speks. I hadn't introduced any one to TF2, so it wasn't anyone in real life, but someone somewhere thought I was a pretty cool guy and I doesn't afraid of anything. Maybe a month after, I noticed the counter bumped up to 2 New Users helped. Happy day! I'm also slightly known for repwhoring with that little cartoon of tinfoil people. I'd post it every single time someone mentioned tinfoil. Someone thought it was so good, they stole it from me and posted it a tinfoil thread. I called him out pretty damn quick.
  8. Rammite

    How does rep work here?

    damn it i need to srpead around rep.
  9. Rammite


  10. Rammite

    Should we...

    Ban him from everything except the Pony Stable. He'll either go insane or convert and it will be glorious.
  11. Well, I dunno, your title is "Irish". :tin:
  12. Are you asian? Because for whatever reason, all the asians I meet hate anime/manga and all the caucasian/hispanic people I meet are in love with anime/manga. It is the darndest thing. Also, I have a massive procrastination problem. I once spent 5 hours cleaning my house spotless just to avoid homework.
  13. Rammite

    Assassin's Creed III

    Slavery wasn't the only reason. The war started because of the economic situations Maf said, but when Lincoln freed the slaves, all the attention shifted to Pro-or-Against-Slavery and no one cared for anthing else.
  14. Rammite


    I've been playing since pre-alpha. Good times. It does work for Mac. IIt's 100% compatible, IIRC.It's around 25 dollars, but go ahead and pirate a copy first to see if you like it. ~25 bucks is a lot to shell out for a game you may not like.
  15. Rammite

    If This Is True...

    All my money.I'll probably stay on PC, but all my money.
  16. Rammite

    Cuanta Vida

    It's been brought up very few times during normal SPUF, but I figure I might as well talk about it in subSPUF. http://tf2.skyscrapersoup.com/ Cuanta Vida. It's an okay TF2 fan fiction comic. Got some acknowledgement around SPUF. Yes, there is shipping. Yes, this is SFW. It's not one of those fan fics. I figured I'd share it because it's been completed and dead for some time and I am a sad Rammite. It's a nice PDF as of now, or if you want to read it page-by-page, this is the first page. http://tf2.skyscrapersoup.com/2008/10/12/1-the-first-page/
  17. Rammite

    Hot Pocket Discussion.

    Never had them, but I know for sure they sell them friggin everywhere in Boston.
  18. Rammite

    The Adventures of Saxton Hale!

    THEN WHO WAS PHONE?and then some lowercase letters
  19. Rammite

    We Have A Very Serious Issue On Our Hands

    Stage another Huffnapping. The real Tyrone will be the one that saves Huff with hot pockets and bagel bites.
  20. Rammite

    Suggest A Forum

    This.I need motivation on converting my tin foil statue post to subSPUF.EDIT: Bag o Dirt post concerns a forced-meme tinfoil post.I'm okay with this.
  21. Rammite

    The Binding of Isaac

    I got it from the Humble Bundle. I love it, but I'm rarely one for replay.
  22. Rammite

    Mass Effect

    My brother got Mass Effect when it was for sale on Steam. I watched him play, loved it.Then he gots ME2. Same deal, I watched.Then Summer Sale, ME and ME2 for $10 total. Never touched ME2, only a tiny bit into ME.
  23. Rammite


    *Enters thread curiously*Well hay what's goin on in this thread why does the game look like a crappy drawing.*Watches OP*I need to download this right now.
  24. I think you know what problem I'm talking about. It starts with P and it is everywhere in SPUF. Yes, I'm talking about potatoes. A single potato. A very specific potato that hides under the guise of "stamda". You've all been thinking about it. We know. You wanted this particular potato mashed and subSPUF acted. For we are Men of War. Many thanks to Stamda for volunteering to be beaten to death, SPUFserver for being really good at beating to death, and Valve for making crappy melee hit detection. And yes, this really did need a second thread in subSPUF.