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Posts posted by Rammite

  1. So allll of my Pax east pictures are gone. I was carrying a huge ass sword so Britt took care of the pictures.


    She used a friend's camera, and that friend promptly deleted all the pictures before Britt could upload them. What a cunt.



    The single best thing I wanted to show you guys was the existence of the Bucking Couch:



    this is literally the only 'quality' video I could find one it, which completely and utterly ignores the gaming part of the bucking couch.


    To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sonic, people would get on the Bucking Couch and play Sonic (2?). You had 3 minutes to get as many rings as possible, and top ten on the leaderboards would get prizes. top 1 got a trophy.

  2. I have been playing too much Dark Souls 3, at the detriment of my schoolwork and visiting you guys. worth it tho

    Tomorrow, I embark for PAX with the same sword I had last year, but repainted and less shitty.


    Finally, I have already dumped all of my money on the Dark Souls board game kickstarter.





  3. Nye was a mechanical engineer before he did the show. Worked for Boeing, helped make the 747, applied to NASA every few years. I'd consider that a scientist.


    Unless of course Palin is saying Nye is not a scientist of everything which is just a retarded statement. He himself pretends to be an expert in everything, but he is certainly an expert in something. Palin just wants to be relevant again.

  4. Her butt crease has a line of orange to draw attention to it and IMO that's literally the only thing to should have been removed


    It's the only bit that's actually sexualized and some would say distasteful but the rest is just that - sexophobia

  5. Also AdVenture Capitalist is cocaine but after like a month it slows down immensely and becomes a chore. I still check on it once a day because why not


    I'm also into Clash Royale despite Clash of Clans not interesting me. It's a good game but it's hard to withstand the IAPs. Every high tier player has admitted to spending upwards of $10,000.


    3 hours ago, Gary said:

    I have same problem with Hearthstone (blizzard, get your shit together and optimize). Currently on phone: 3 danmaku games, GBA emulator, Solitaire, Threes, and One Piece Treasure Cruise, because I never learn and always get attracted to grindy games, one way or another. All of games are free.

    I've never heard of danmaku on mobile, that sounds like good ol fashioned torture. Any you'd recommend?


  6. For all things Android or iOS or whatever esoteric platform you use


    I've recently been in a craze for proper quality Android games, and I've actually found a few if you're willing to spend some money.


    There are a few like Crashlands ($5, no IAP, Android + iOS) that is like if you took Don't Starve, took out the roguelike survival, and made it a proper RPG.

    Hearthstone (Free+IAP, Android + iOS) is obviously good, but it's like 50gigs and I can't fit it anywhere

    Vainglory's(Free+IAP, Android + iOS) a proper 3v3 MOBA if you're into that stuff

    Cardinal Quest 2 (Free+IAP, Android + iOS) is a very well done roguelike that never hits any of the caveats of most roguelikes (grinding, lack of options, getting stale)

    I even found an unofficial port of Battle for Wesnoth (100% free, Android) that's literally just the computer version but with touch functionality (though I use the mode that treats the touch screen like a trackpad, moving the mouse)
