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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IgVS9yNFGg This was enough to make me not want to play it.
  2. And what we poor mortals can do to stop them now
  3. Moby

    Binary Models

    1 or 4
  4. Moby

    Smache Brothers

    Well then
  5. Moby

    Smache Brothers

    Then all it takes is to Nintendo/Team Ninja to release a Metroid (HAHAHAHA) where Ridley is as big as Samus.
  6. Moby

    Smache Brothers

    They could just shrink Ridley like Capcom did with Sentinel on MvC
  7. Moby

    TF2 general

    Today some guy traded me, wanting the Thief bow I had. Since I had found 2, I decided to trade it. He gave me a Strange Pistol. Then about 20 seconds later, he traded the bow for a strange Huo firesomething Minigun. Then he tried to scam me of my laugh taunt with the same Minigun.
  8. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I wont pick up Watch Dogs until they reduce the price, R$130 is too much (almost $70) Also, since we are talking about Ubisoft, I'll wait too see if they didnt messed up with the DRM again.
  9. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    But seriously, I feel like moe became shit. Before it just added some childsh cuteness, usually limited to one or two characters, now its 'ENTIRE CAST OF MOE LOLIS DOING STUFF :DDD'
  10. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    Playing Skullgirls with Big Band and his TUBATUBATUBATUBATUBA Blockbuster reminded me I really should start to watch JoJo. I got to read the manga until Jotaro showed up, but never saw anything after that.
  11. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I would stick to 1, though. 2 and 3 become the old linear CoD experience, there are the suit powers and all that, but all maps are just long corridors. Far Cry 3 gives almost the same freedom as Crysis 1, without the Nanosuit stuff though.
  12. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    Something about moe is been annoying the hell out of me lately.
  13. Moby

    Binary Models

    Too many wraps
  14. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Today's bundle is a return of the 8th proper bundle. Quite a lot of games, Dear Esther, Capsized, Awesomenauts, Thomas Was Alone and Little Inferno for $1, and plus Hotline Miami, Proteus, Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, English Country Tune, Intrusion 2 and Oil Rush for beating the average (Which is under $5).
  15. Moby

    Game Grumps

    Danny is the best one right now, he knows how to be funny and how to play at the same time. Ross just knows how to be retarded, his humor barely gets past your average 'lets player'. Arin used to be cool, at least during his Egoraptor time, now he is either playing barely seriously or rapping/beatboxing/talking like a gangster. Which I guess happens to every popular player, it begins for fun, then its all about the money. Just dont try to express your opinion or their fanboys will puke their guts at you.
  16. Moby

    Dota General

    I wish I could understand what makes Stanley Parable so 'cool'. Being a minimalist 'self-aware/witty' mod doesnt fits on that for me.
  17. Moby

    Game Grumps

    They gave up on playing Dark Souls and are letting the phantoms do all the job. It wouldnt annoy me if they werent getting paid for that and didnt had fanboys that say they are right for playing like that.
  18. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    That guy was asking for it.
  19. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Today's bundle is even worse. Unless you want that 33% off on Banner Saga, the F2P version DLCs are cheaper to get on Steam right now.
  20. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    I couldnt stand even the first episode of Girls und Panzer
  21. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    SR2 has its own charm. The character customization is FAR better than any other Saints Row, there is the Pimp Cane shotgun, THE PIMP SLAP, Septic Avenger, Crowd Control and Fuzz missions and Gat burying people alive. Every now and then I play it on the Xbox, riding up walls with bikes never gets old.